Heart stumbling causes and therapy

Heart stumbling causes and therapy / symptoms
The normal beating of the heart is actually not perceived. If it comes to heart stumbling, then the person feels an additional or missing heartbeat. Likewise, cardiac stumbling often refers to an acceleration, deceleration or irregularity of heartbeat.


Various forms of heart stumbling
Causes of supraventricular extrasystoles
Ventricular extrasystoles
Causes of ventricular extrasystoles
Heart stumbling diagnosis
Naturopathy with heart stumbling


Heart stumbling is one of the cardiac arrhythmias. Any heart rate that deviates from normal heart rhythm should be understood as such. Bradycardia (slowed heart rhythm) is less than 60 beats per minute, and tachycardia (increased heart rhythm) is more than 100 beats per minute.

Extrasystoles are heartbeats that occur outside the regular rhythm. Such additional blows can occur prematurely, late, individually but also frequently. They can, but do not have to be subjectively perceived by those affected as heart stumble. These occur both in the heart and in the heart.

Extrasystoles (heartbeats occurring outside of the rhythm) lead to so-called arrhythmia (cardiac arrhythmia). Depending on the origin, supraventricular (above the ventricles) or ventricular (ventricular) arrhythmias are recorded. Extrasystoles are among the most common cardiac arrhythmias. Regardless of which cardiac arrhythmia is involved, they are perceived as so-called heart stumbling.

Various forms of heart stumbling

Supraventricular extrasystoles do not originate in the ventricle. They arise above the chamber, in the left or right atrium. Most of these extra beats come from the sinus node. This is located in the cardiac conduction center, in the right atrium (the heart consists of two atria and two chambers). The sinus node is the so-called "pacemaker" of the heart. It provides 60 to 80 excitation pulses per minute.

If supraventricular extrasystoles develop, the sinus node gives additional impulses to the heart muscle. This then contracts to an additional heartbeat. This extra-rhythmic heartbeat may then be perceived as heart stuttering, but may also go completely unnoticed. From time to time, after such an extra heartbeat, there may be a pause called "compensatory pause." This, too, is sometimes perceived as unpleasant, but it can also go unnoticed.

Causes of supraventricular extrasystoles

Supraventricular extrasystoles, felt by those affected as heart stumbling, may also occur in healthy people. Above all, anxious, nervous people suffer from it. The body then reacts possibly additionally with panic, accelerated pulse (tachycardia), sweating and restlessness. Consumption of coffee, nicotine and alcohol can promote the occurrence of heart stuttering in anxious, nervous patients.

Cardiac disorders, such as coronary heart disease, in which it comes to an insufficient supply of the heart, cardiomyopathy (diseases of the heart muscle), inflammation of the heart muscle or valvular heart disease are also noticeable through heart stuttering.

Medication may also be the cause of supraventricular extrasystoles, or simply, heart stumbling. These include drugs such as antidepressants but also drugs that are supposed to have a positive effect on the rhythm of the heart, so-called antiarrhythmics. Hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland), as well as infections, can also cause extrasystoles.

Ventricular extrasystoles

Ventricular extrasystoles originate in the heart chambers. Outside normal heart activity, additional arousal of the ventricles occurs. These are perceived by those affected as heart stumbling.

Causes of ventricular extrasystoles

Ventricular extrasystoles can occur in both healthy and sick people. In healthy individuals this is often associated with fatigue, stress and massive emotional arousal. If a heart disease is the cause of the ventricular extrasystoles, it is usually a damage to the heart muscle cells. Reasons for this are for example Myokarditiden (heart muscle inflammations), illnesses of the coronary vessels, Kardiomyopathien (illnesses of the heart muscle) or consequences of a heart attack. Likewise, thyroid overfunction, hormonal imbalances and the side effect of certain medications such as digitalis (called cardiac glycosides) can lead to ventricular extrasystoles.

Overview of possible heart diseases. (Image: Henrie / fotolia.com)

Heart stumbling diagnosis

A detailed medical history is at the beginning of the diagnosis. The doctor asks for complaints, and how often they occur, in what context, and in what intensity. Also important here are the additional symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness and possible weaknesses. The doctor asks about existing diseases, such as thyroid disorders, heart disease and chronic infections. The social environment, work and everyday life also play an important role here. In a detailed, physical examination, the heart is auscultated (bugged) and paid attention to any pathological (pathological) noises.

The pulse beats on the arms, in the groin and on the feet are scanned and their quality rated. There is also a sonography of the heart (ultrasound), in which the heart valves and heart chambers are examined closely. An ECG (electrocardiogram) represents the electrical heart currents. This is also done in the form of a 24-hour ECG. A laboratory examination of the blood, in which, among other things, hormones and electrolytes are examined, completes the physical examination profile.

Naturopathy with heart stumbling

If heart stumbling occurs in healthy persons, this is not treated conventionally. However, there are suitable therapies in natural medicine to counteract heart stumbling. Thus, especially in anxious or nervous patients, herbs such as passion flower, valerian, St. John's wort, balm or hops are used. Therapy forms, such as foot reflex zone massage, Bach flower therapy and homeopathy are also used here.

However, if there is an organic disease of the heart, is in the cardiologist with appropriate drugs, such as the beta-blockers against the heart stumbling proceeded. The electrolyte supply of the body must be optimally adjusted. If there is a risk of ventricular fibrillation (heart rate greater than 320 beats / minute), implanting a defibrillator may also be considered. In any case, it is important for patients who suffer from heart stumbling, avoid such stimulants, such as alcohol, nicotine and coffee or consume only in moderation.

If the heart stumbling in connection with a certain drug before, so it is here to check whether another drug can be tested or completely dispensed with the use of medication. If there is a condition that does not directly affect the heart, such as hyperthyroidism, the underlying condition should be treated first.

Patients suffering from heart attacks, both healthy and sick, are advised to provide adequate sleep for a quiet, stress-free life. For example, various relaxation exercises, autogenic training, tai chi and consistent sleep hygiene are available to counter the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. (Sw)