Tachycardia - tachycardia causes, treatment and self-help

Tachycardia - tachycardia causes, treatment and self-help / symptoms

Fast heartbeat - accelerated heart rate

Tachycardia is one of the cardiac arrhythmias and is referred to in the medical jargon as tachycardia. This is too fast a beating of the heart, with more than 100 beats per minute. Symptoms such as dizziness, headache, sweating, shortness of breath, feelings of anxiety, even dizziness and fainting may accompany the course.

As the heart rate increases, insufficient oxygen-rich blood can be pumped into the body as the heart chambers no longer have enough time to fill and deflate. The heart contractions become weaker and the heart begins to beat uncontrollably.


  • Fast heartbeat - accelerated heart rate
  • Causes of tachycardia
  • Supraventricular tachycardia
  • Sinusknotentachykardie
  • Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
  • atrial flutter
  • atrial fibrillation
  • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Chamber flutter and fibrillation
  • Treatment options of tachycardia
  • Self-help with tachycardia
  • Home remedies for heart racing
  • Naturopathy with too fast heartbeat

Causes of tachycardia

The different forms of the heart are divided according to place of origin, mechanism of origin and duration.

In a tachycardia (red), the heart beats very fast in comparison to the normal heartbeat (green). If the heart rate slows down, this is called bradycardia. (yellow). (Image: alex_aldo / fotolia.com)

Supraventricular tachycardia

The development of so-called supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) takes place in the area of ​​the atria (ventricle = chamber, supra = over). Common symptoms include heart stuttering, chest pain, anxiety, drowsiness, shortness of breath, and dizziness and short-term fainting. Likewise, this form of cardiac arrhythmia can also run symptom-free. Supraventricular tachycardia is very rarely life threatening.


Here, the sinus node is the place of arousal, which is also the case with healthy people. However, in sinus node tachycardia, the frequency is 100 to 160 beats per minute. The heartbeat is usually regular. Causes of the heart rate are here psychological or physical loads, hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) and fever.

Also, for example, a stay at high altitude, poisoning, anemia, large blood loss or a heart attack may be the cause of sinus node tachycardia. The use of certain medications, such as medicines for bronchial asthma, may also lead to the above-mentioned cardiac arrhythmias.

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

In a paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (paroxysmal = attack-like), the person receives sudden seizures of palpitations with a frequency of 160 to 200 beats per minute, in conjunction with dizziness and possible short-term syncope (loss of consciousness). This is usually based on organic heart disease.

Tachycardia can occur quite suddenly and may be accompanied by dizziness or even a brief loss of consciousness. (Image: staras / fotolia.com)

atrial flutter

Atrial flutter means 250 to 350 atrial contractions per minute. Of these uncontrolled, fast-moving atrial contractions usually only every second or even third contraction is transmitted to the heart chambers. The frequency of the chamber is between 125 and 150 beats per minute.

It is also possible that all atrial contractions are transmitted to the heart chambers, which means an acute mortal danger to the affected patient. From this, so-called ventricular flutter or ventricular fibrillation can develop. Mostly, the cause of atrial flutter is an already damaged heart.

atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is the increase of atrial flutter and has a frequency of 350 to 600 contractions per minute. These contractions are absolutely uncontrolled and therefore exert equally uncontrolled excitement on the chambers. Again, the cause is a previously damaged heart, such as mitral valve stenosis (heart valve defect with a narrowed mitral valve opening)..

The uncontrolled beating of the heart can in the worst case lead to the formation of thrombi, which can lead to embolism. To prevent this, affected persons should be treated in good time by a cardiologist.

Ventricular tachycardia

In ventricular tachycardias, the center of arousal is in the ventricles. A frequency of one hundred beats per minute is usually massively exceeded. This type of cardiac arrhythmia is a life-threatening situation.

Chamber flutter and fibrillation

Both types are among the ventricular tachycardias that can lead to sudden cardiac death. The heartbeat rate of the chamber flutter is between 250 and 350 beats per minute, the frequency of ventricular fibrillation exceeds 350 beats per minute.

Chamber flutter and ventricular fibrillation are followed by a cardiovascular arrest. It needs to be reanimated. The defibrillator is used and the patient is then monitored intensively. The chances of survival with ventricular flutter and ventricular fibrillation are low.

The defibrillator is used in life-threatening ventricular fibrillation and chamber flutter to restore normal cardiac activity through strong surges. (Image: WavebreakMediaMicro / fotolia.com)

Treatment options of tachycardia

The therapy for palpitations depends on the degree of manifestation, the place of origin of the tachycardia and the age of the patient. Decisive is also the pumping power of the heart, that is, to what extent the body is sufficiently supplied with oxygen-enriched blood.

In the past, especially antiarrhythmics were used. However, these can trigger tachycardia themselves. In acute tachycardia with loss of consciousness defibrillation is performed. In doing so, electrodes are placed on the patient's chest, which are used to deliver surges in order to restore the heart to a healthy rhythm. Mostly after that intensive care monitoring is necessary.

In non-acute, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias various treatment methods are used. Mostly initially drugs are used to stabilize the heart rhythm to ensure adequate oxygenation for the body.

With the help of a so-called cardiac catheterization, the doctor can get an accurate picture of the performance of the heart. The catheter examination is also used therapeutically, whereby certain areas (ablation) are switched off by current, which are triggers for the tachycardia. This procedure is called catheter ablation.

For tachycardia emanating from the ventricle, patients often use a mini-defibrillator. He notices the dysfunctions of the heart and can give a pulse in case of greater deviation, in order to normalize the heart rhythm again. Not always is a therapy adequate. Often these are linked together.

Self-help with tachycardia

If the heart suddenly beats unusually fast, you should lie down immediately. Breathe calmly and slowly to calm down. It is advisable to perform a gentle neck massage while lying down, because in this way certain pressure receptors are irritated, which can lead to a normalization of the heartbeat. Look for a spot on the neck where you can feel your pulse and massage gently with your middle and index fingers.

Often the rapid drinking of a cold and carbonated drink (mineral water) helps to relieve the discomfort and to bring the heart back into the right rhythm.

It is generally important that patients suffering from tachycardia keep their coffee consumption low and abstain from nicotine and alcohol. Even drugs such as cocaine and the substance contained in hashish THC are often responsible for rapid heart rate. Therefore, sufferers should immediately refrain from consuming.

Tachycardia as a result of occupational stress should be taken seriously as a warning sign. (Image: Elnur / fotolia.com)

If the accelerated heartbeat occurs in conjunction with negative stress, the symptoms usually go by quickly as soon as the stress level has returned to normal. If you are under constant strain, be sure to look into the causes and think about ways to change the stressful situation.

If, for example, strong fears or panic attacks are the reason for constant heart racing, individually coordinated psychotherapy can help to get them under control.

If the symptoms can be attributed to occupational stress, deadline pressure or excessive demands, the cardiac arrhythmia should be regarded as an important alarm signal and must be taken seriously. Check where the problem lies and look for ways to change existing structures.

The heart calm with relaxation exercises

In general, in stress-related tachycardia relaxation methods are often very helpful in order to be able to deal better with the stress and to get more in the inner balance again. There are many proven stress reduction techniques such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga.

Those who master an active relaxation technique can often use it quickly and easily as a first aid measure in acute stress situations. Because once the exercises are properly learned, they usually do not need instructions anymore, but can be done alone.

Regular exercise in the fresh air is a proven way to relieve stress and support the cardiovascular system. To strengthen the heart, and to ensure a healthy stroke rhythm, endurance training is recommended. However, this should never be done without prior consultation with the attending physician.

Important: Tachycardia is a disease that basically requires a clarification from the medical side. Self-medication is strongly discouraged.

Valerian is a proven home remedy for internal restlessness and nervous heart problems. (Image: HandmadePictures / fotolia.com)

Home remedies for heart racing

If stress and anxiety are the cause of tachycardia, plants such as valerian, hops and passionflower have soothing properties and can therefore have a positive effect on the heart's stroke behavior.

An infusion of balm, caraway and valerian helps in acute stress situations to relieve the nervous heart problems.

Recipe for heart tea with valerian

  1. Mix 30 grams of lemon balm leaves, caraway seeds and valerian root
  2. Put 2 teaspoons of the mixture in a cup
  3. Pour the herbs over with 250 ml of boiling water
  4. Let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes
  5. Now you can strain the tea and drink in small sips

If the heart is "out of time" and needs some rest to beat again evenly, in stress and tension, a tea with herbs such as dwarf Holunder and Gartenraute can be a good support.

Soothing heart tea

  • 40 g dwarf holunder
  • 25 g of burrelle
  • 25 g of bloodroot
  • 25 g garden rhubarb
  • 25 g angelica root

The herbs are mixed well together. Bring water to a boil as needed (250 ml per 2 teaspoon herb mix). Pour the herbs over with the boiling water and let the infusion draw for 10 minutes before straining. Drink a cup of the tea daily.

Naturopathy with too fast heartbeat

With a tachycardia naturopathic therapies are more and more frequently used in addition to conventional medicine. For mild forms of palpitations, homeopathic remedies such as Aconitum, Strophantus and Crataegus are used in natural medicine.

In addition, diversion methods, such as cupping and Baunscheidtherapie, to offer. These are used in conjunction with basic foods and botanicals to stimulate the detoxification of the body to stabilize the heart rhythm. (sw, nr, last updated on 25.5.2018)