Herpes in the mouth - trigger and treatment

Herpes in the mouth - trigger and treatment / symptoms
Colloquially, only the term "herpes" is usually used, with many viruses behind it. Herpes in the mouth is usually the herpes simplex virus, type I meant. The prevalence rate in Germany is very high, about 85 to 90 percent, but symptoms only show in about 20 to 40 percent of the population.


  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Infection with the herpes simplex virus I
  • Causes of herpes in the mouth
  • The virus becomes active
  • Symptoms of herpes in the mouth
  • Prevent herpes
  • Herpes can also affect other parts of the body
  • Beware of pregnancy
  • Special susceptibility to herpes
  • Herpes therapy and home remedies

Herpes simplex virus

Two related viruses exist. The herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and the herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 is referred to as an oral strain, which manifests itself mainly with blisters on the lip, but also on the oral mucosa. HSV-2, however, spreads mainly in the genital area. For herpes in the mouth so the HSV-1 is responsible.

Herpes around the mouth and lips is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. (Image: Cherries / fotolia.com)

Infection with the herpes simplex virus I

An infection with the herpes simplex virus I leads to the so-called herpes labialis, which mainly affects the lip region. But this can also spread inside the mouth, in the oral mucosa.

In most cases, the primary infection occurs before the age of five, and this is often completely symptom-free. The transfer occurs through close physical contact. For example, if the parents have an acute herpesvirus infection in the mouth or lip area, kiss the child or even lick the pacifier.

The incubation period for an infection with the herpes simplex virus I is between three and nine days, but may also take six weeks. Rarely, the first infection in children manifests itself in the form of a so-called oral rot (stomatitis aphtosa, stomatitis herpetica, herpetic gingivostomatitis). In addition to the painful inflammation of the oral mucosa, the little patients may still suffer from general malaise, fatigue and a high fever.

After the first contact with the pathogen it stays in the body for a lifetime. He then does not dwell in the mucosal cells in which he prefers to spread, but looks for other cells, in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve). There are many so-called ganglia (nerve cell nodes), in which the herpes viruses nest, but without multiplying here. This is called the latency phase (inactive phase).

Causes of herpes in the mouth

Herpes in the mouth is highly contagious. Either the virus is transmitted by droplet infection, for example, when sneezing and coughing or by direct contact while kissing. Even drinking together from the same glass can lead to contagion. If the body came in contact with the virus at a very young age, it can be brought back to life at any time.

If parents have an acute oral herpes infection, the virus can be transmitted quickly to the child. (Image: pololia / fotolia.com)

The virus becomes active

After periods of twilight sleep, the herpes viruses can become active again. This happens, for example, through intense sunshine, fever, stress, massive physical stress, hormonal changes or a weakened immune system.

Disgust, fright or fear can also trigger the development of herpes in the mouth. The viruses migrate from the neurons via the axons back into the "surrounding area" and trigger the symptoms there. These express themselves as blisters on the lip or on the oral mucosa. Since herpes often occurs in conjunction with febrile diseases, they are popularly called "cold sores".

Symptoms of herpes in the mouth

With herpes in the mouth, painful aphthae develop on the oral mucosa, which are filled with a fluid that is highly contagious. These foci can ulcerate (form ulcers) and especially affect the drinking and eating enormously. The painful inflammation lasts between three and seven days, depending on the severity. For the herpes blisters to heal as quickly as possible, should be done at the first sign of treatment.

Prevent herpes

To prevent cold sores, an intact immune system is the most important thing. This includes a healthy, vitamin-rich diet, sufficient exercise in the fresh air and enough sleep. The body may need additional vitamins in the form of a dietary supplement. Relaxation exercises help to ensure that stress does not get out of hand. If the partner is suffering from herpes, it should not be drunk from the same glass.

A detailed oral hygiene is important. These include brushing your teeth, at least twice a day, and rinsing your mouth after meals. From the Indian teaching, the Ayurveda, meanwhile, the Ölziehen and the Tungeschaben is known. When drawing oil, about a teaspoonful of good, cold-pressed sesame or sunflower oil in the mouth, chewed for several minutes. Then the whole thing has to be spat out. The oil absorbs bacteria and viruses. A scraping of the tongue, after brushing, completes the oral hygiene.

Herpes can also affect other parts of the body

The HSV-1 can also be felt on the nose, eyelid, cheeks and other parts of the body. This is done by carrying over the viruses, for example, rubbing the bubble content of the lip into the nasal region.

The cold sore can occur, for example, on the nose. (Image: boyloso / fotolia.com)

Beware of pregnancy

If a pregnant woman suffers from herpes at the time of birth, she should absolutely with the kissing of the infant hold back until the inflammation has subsided. Also, licking the pacifier is absolutely to be avoided.

Special susceptibility to herpes

A particular susceptibility to herpes infections and generally for all inflammations of the mucous membranes is given in diabetes. Diabetics not only have problems with their metabolism but also a weakened immune system. Often diabetics suffer from a particularly dry oral mucosa, which makes inflammation even easier.

Herpes therapy and home remedies

Responsible for the outbreak of herpes disease or the infection is often an unstable immune system. This should therefore be the biggest attention to part. Measures that strengthen the immune system are therefore of particular importance. A healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in animal matter is the basis for a healthy immune system.

Taking an echinacea preparation (coneflower) stimulates the body's defenses. In addition, the taiga root should be mentioned here. This is also known under the name Eleutherococcus or Siberian ginseng. The plant is said to have an antiviral effect. It also helps the body to be better at dealing with stress.

A proven home remedy for herpes forms the lemon balm, which is used both internally as well as externally, for dabbing the inflamed areas. An old remedy - rediscovered - is myrrh. As a tincture, applied to the cold sores in the mouth, this can serve well.

In case of massive infestation, conventional medicine prescribes an antiviral. Also, the most diverse mouthwashes are used. Gels, which most often contain a local anesthetic (e.g., lidocaine), take the pain for a while. Also, there are ointments, which form a kind of film, so that the inflamed area is somewhat protected, which can be quite useful especially when ingesting food.

Affected individuals should not share cutlery and glasses with other people as long as the herpes virus is actively in progress. This is especially important in dealing with infants or toddlers. (sw, updated on 8.11.2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)