Hard belly

Hard belly / symptoms

Hard stomach: causes and treatment

A hard abdomen may have obvious functional causes, such as a strong abdominal muscle workout, or may occur in period menstruation. But there are many cases in which a hard belly without abdominal pain occurs and a cause is not recognizable at first glance. It should always be noted that in a serious emergency, the acute abdomen, a hard belly occurs.


Hard belly
Naturopathy therapy


Hard belly, hard abdominal wall, swollen abdomen, bloated abdomen, rock-hard belly, firm belly, brittle belly, thick belly, tummy tensions, tense stomach.

A hard stomach can be associated with flatulence, but can also be due to serious illnesses. (Image: RAM / fotolia.com)

Symptoms of a hard stomach

A hard stomach can be associated with other symptoms such as abdominal pain, abdominal pain, abdominal tumescence, bloating, diarrhea, or belching. Also feeling of fullness or convulsions may be present. These symptoms can be valuable indications of the cause of the symptoms, whether it is an acute emergency or a functional problem that is not life-threatening.

Basically, a hard belly should be examined by a doctor. Especially if other symptoms such as excessive sweating, paleness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting blood, fever, low blood pressure, nausea and vomiting or acute abdominal pain, immediate medical attention is required.

Many people who have excluded structural causes have daily and mechanical differences. Many sufferers complain of a hard stomach after eating or after prolonged sitting. Also, in women, after sexual intercourse or during pregnancy, a hard belly occurs.

Causes of hard stomach

If the above-mentioned acute symptoms occur, it may be an acute abdomen, from the still a circulatory failure or a shock could result and necessarily urgent emergency medical care needs. These may be problems of the digestive organs, such as intestinal obstruction, acute pancreatitis or breakthrough of the gall bladder or reproductive organs such as episodes of testicular torsion, ovarian cysts or ovarian inflammation. Other systems or localizations such as the vessels (for example, by an aortic aneurysm), the groin (inguinal hernia) or the heart (heart attack) should also be included in a thorough, as they too can trigger a hard belly.

In addition to these acute and structural causes, there are also functional events that can trigger a hard belly. In women, it can naturally come through a pregnancy to a hard stomach. If chronic fatigue, vomiting, nausea, or mood changes occur, pregnancy should first be investigated. After clarification of the above mentioned causes, the hard belly can be caused by abdominal muscle training, difficulty passing from winds or too much food and drink.

In the case of a periodic hard abdomen in the afternoon without a real internal diagnosis, a jam may also be the result if those affected have not been properly breathing their abdomens and moving the organs for a long time. This can be suspected when it disappears through visceral osteopathy or breathing exercises.

Naturopathy therapy for hard stomach

Concerned patients usually turn to naturopathy desperately when all organs and vessels in the region have been examined and described as intact - but the hard abdomen remains. A consultation with a naturopath or naturopathic doctor should ensure that the funds are used only specifically.

In the manual form of naturopathy, osteopathy, the movement and the tension of the organs are examined. There are different approaches within the Ostepathie: Some osteopaths go after the movement of the organs by breathing, others after the former embryological movements. It is not at all not just about movement disorders, but also about too little tension or overall unfavorable tension in the abdomen. The origins of the nerves on the spine are also examined, which is why the osteopathic initial examination also asks for back pain.

From a naturopathic point of view, it should be medically examined whether there is a digestive disorder, a colonization of the intestinal flora (intestinal dysbiosis), food intolerances or irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, stool examinations are made and in the case of a faulty settlement, which from the point of view of naturopathy can cause a leaky-gut syndrome, the natural intestinal flora is rebuilt. There are many resources available that contain the natural intestinal flora and can be used very specifically for symbiotic control.
There are also possibilities in the field of medicinal plant science: Traditional means are, for example, the so-called Sweden herbs and other bitter substances containing agents. Good are well-known home remedies for flatulence such as caraway and fennel or moist hot body wraps. In the Schüßler salts, there are the so-called "hot sieves".

If the hard belly is associated with food intake, so-called fletching can be a useful measure: the food is taken at fixed times and especially at rest. And it is ensured that it is sufficiently chewed. (Tf, jvs)

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Home remedies for flatulence