Hair Loss - causes, therapy and effective home remedies

Hair Loss - causes, therapy and effective home remedies / symptoms

Hair loss and alopecia

Losing up to 100 hairs per day is considered a normal process, with the scalp and hair follicle renewing from the inside and the hair regrowing evenly. However, increased or persistent hair loss (effluvium, defluvium) can lead to baldness (alopecia). Cause come u.a. hormonal changes, medications, metabolic disorders and nutritional deficiencies in question. The observed pattern of involvement can sometimes give clues to the cause. Not to be underestimated are the negative social and psychological effects that alopecia and baldness can cause (reactive depression).


  • Hair loss and alopecia
  • Causes of diffuse hair loss
  • Genetically determined: hair loss in men
  • Bald spots in the forehead and vertex area
  • Circular hair loss
  • Treatment options for failing hair
  • Natural home remedies for hair loss
  • The right diet for hair loss

Causes of diffuse hair loss

Diffuse hair loss (without a specific pattern of involvement) can have numerous causes and accompany e.g. Thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, liver disease and chronic infections. Even during and after pregnancy, a temporary loss of hair is often observed. Drug treatments that cause alopecia include cancer chemotherapy, blood lipid lowering drugs, or birth control contraceptives ("pill"). Aggressive shampoos and hair dyes, styling agents and hot hair dryers disrupt the natural regeneration cycle of the scalp and hair.

Diffuse failure has many causes ranging from illnesses to stress to the side effects of certain medications. (Image: cunaplus /

Other possible triggers for hair loss are:

  • Heavy metal poisoning (mainly mercury, arsenic, thallium)
  • allergies
  • a lack of minerals and vitamins due to a one-sided diet or a reduced absorption capacity of nutrients (malasimilation syndrome)
  • excessive consumption of alcohol or other drugs
  • a poor circulation of the scalp
  • physical or emotional stress

Genetically determined: hair loss in men

Probably the most common hair loss in men, which begins in the temporal area as "receding hairline" and - often in their twenties - can lead to complete balding over the apex, is called "androgenetic alopecia". Less often, this form occurs in women, with the hair typically thinning along the vertex. In both cases, it is a form of hair loss, which is caused by a tendency-induced hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to the male sex hormones (androgens).

Specifically, it is about the metabolite "dihydrotestosterone" (DHT), which is formed from the body's own male sex hormone testosterone. The increased effect of DHT leads to a reduction of the hair follicles, whereby the growth phase of the hair is shortened and these precipitate faster. Each regrowing hair is then thinner and smaller (miniaturization), until the hair root finally dies. From when the hair follicles are sensitive to the DHT can vary greatly depending on the region. Therefore, even with 18 receding hairline can arise, while the top coat on the top of his head only over 30 fails.

The androgenetic alopecia (alopecia androgenetica, short: AGA) thus represents a genetically predetermined loss of hair. Which genes the AGA is inherited, is currently unknown. But it is clear that these are several, which can not predict how the hair loss will go in the course of life. Accordingly, this can occur sooner or later and be both stronger and weaker than, for example, the father also affected.

Bald spots in the forehead and vertex area

Bald spots in the forehead and vertex area arise v.a. in women by continuous pulling with excessive brushing and "ponytail" hairstyles. Such mechanically induced baldness is therefore called "Zugalopezie" or "mechanical alopecia". This can e.g. also by tight headgear such as headbands, hats or hard hats, as well as by prolonged lying, in which the head is always kept in the same position (for example, in infants or people in need of care).

Rather, in children, the compulsive hair grabbing and tearing (trichotillomania) with blurred limited hairless areas on the head. Here you will find bare spots hair stumps of different lengths.

Typical for the Alopecia Areata are circular or oval bald areas on the head and holes in the eyebrows and beard. (Image: Alex Papp /

Circular hair loss

A special form is the circular hair loss (alopecia areata), which shows in almost circular areas with stubby hair remaining. This phenomenon is often found in adolescence and occurs frequently in the family. There are often correlations with thyroid disease, but alopecia areata is also considered as an expression of minor depression.

Treatment options for failing hair

There are no effective measures for the prevention of androgenetic alopecia. Because this is not due to stress, nutritional disorders, infections or poisoning, but hereditary. A change in lifestyle and diet can not affect the course accordingly. The choice of care products, frequency of hair cutting as well as taking e.g. Vitamin supplements, silica or yeast tablets are therefore insignificant.

If the hair loss is recognized early, it can be treated quite well in many cases. New medications (such as Minoxidil) can help stop the loss of hair. If this is unsuccessful and / or the pressure of suffering is very high, a wig or a toupee or a hair transplant may also be considered.

Women should be very careful when it comes to hair care. Because constant combing or too tightly bound braids can lead to hair loss. (Image: ulianna19970 /

By contrast, mechanical alopecia is usually treatable and curable by very simple measures. Women should pay particular attention to loose-fitting hairstyles eighth and as far as possible on heat treatments with hair dryer and flat iron.

In the treatment of trichotillomania both drugs (such as antidepressants) and psychotherapeutic measures are used. Behavioral therapy has proven to be very effective, in which the patients learn to resist the inner "plucking impulse" with the help of substitute actions. Particularly important for children is the support and acceptance by the parents or caregivers.

Natural home remedies for hair loss

Various home remedies for dry hair help to get the problem under control. Cures with hair oil provide e.g. fast for moisture, also dry, brittle hair should always be washed with a shampoo without silicones and aggressive surfactants.

A cure with beer helps to strengthen the hair and can thereby prevent hair loss. Stir 80 milliliters of beer, one tablespoon of olive oil and one egg yolk and apply the pack evenly to the washed, slightly damp hair. Now gently massage the mixture into the tips and let the treatment take effect for about 30 minutes. It is then washed thoroughly with lukewarm water.

A proven home remedy for hair loss is a rinse with lukewarm coffee, because the persistent caffeine stimulates the circulation of the scalp and supports the growth of the hair. The coffee is poured over the head after washing the hair and rinsed thoroughly after a short exposure time.

An oil treatment provides the hair with moisture. (Image: New Africa /

The right diet for hair loss

In order to keep the hair healthy and not (continue) fail, it is important to generally respect a healthy, balanced diet. These should contain plenty of fruits and vegetables daily, whole grains and dairy products, legumes and fish and meat in moderation, so that the hair gets all the nutrients they need.

In order to provide the body with sufficient iron, lean meat, cereals and legumes such as lentils, chickpeas or white beans are particularly suitable. Likewise, dried fruits, sesame and pumpkin seeds as well as green vegetables, such as kale or broccoli, help counteract iron deficiency. Since vitamin C supports iron absorption, fresh berries, citrus fruits, rose hips and peppers should also be regularly added to the diet.

In addition, beautiful, strong hair needs enough vitamin A, B vitamins and zinc. Much vitamin A is included in meat, offal, fish (eel), dairy products, eggs and intense yellow, orange or green vegetables and fruits such as carrots, honeydew melon, spinach or kale.

The B-group vitamins such as vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine) and B7 (biotin) are found in fish, poultry, soybeans, eggs, dairy products, mushrooms, legumes, green vegetables, peas and Lentils, nuts or bananas included. Zinc is abundant in oysters, legumes, eggs, cheese and sunflower seeds, for example. (jvs, nr, last updated on 11.5.2018)