Body aches - Pains in the limbs causes and treatment

Body aches - Pains in the limbs causes and treatment / symptoms
Pains in the limbs are perceived by the sufferer as pain in the muscles, joints and bones in the extremities (arms and legs) and are often a concomitant of colds or other infections. They can occur simultaneously in all extremities or affect only one arm or one leg. The different expression of the limb pain also allows conclusions about the causes of the complaints.


  • definition
  • Infections as a cause of body aches
  • Other causes of extremity pain
  • Basic diseases as a trigger of the complaints
  • Pain in arms and legs due to polyneuropathy
  • Diagnosis for the treatment of body aches
  • Treatment of body aches by a specialist
  • Medicines, herbal ingredients and home remedies
  • Body aches in naturopathy


The combination of muscle, joint and bone pain in the extremities, referred to as limb pain, is a relatively common symptom of cold and flu-like infections in conjunction with headache and fever.

Body aches may be related to infections but may also be due to other causes. (Image: Syda Productions /

The patients experience the pain as pulling pain, which can vary greatly in intensity and duration. From mild muscle and joint pain, which disappears after a short time, to extreme pain, which last for days, weeks or months and severely affect the quality of life of the sufferers.

While most of the conditions are related to an infectious disease, they can also have many other causes. In the worst case, there is a risk of a chronic course in which those affected permanently suffer from the symptoms. If the symptoms do not resolve after a short time, this may be indicative of an underlying condition that should be treated in any case.

Infections as a cause of body aches

The various causes of body aches include colds and flu-like infections as well as other infectious diseases such as chickenpox, measles, rubella or malaria. In rare cases, the so-called "Leptospirosis" may be the reason in which the extremity pain often focuses on the splint and calf area.

In trichinosis (worm disease) and in the tick-borne tick-borne tick borne encephalitis (TBE), borreliosis and babesiosis, body pain is a common concomitant symptom. In addition, the discomfort in the extremities may occur as part of a kidney infection.

If there is an infection, the joint and muscle pain (myalgia) is usually an indication that it covers the whole body and the immune system has initiated appropriate defense reactions. Other possible causes include poisoning and the side effects of some medications. Disorders and diseases of the nervous system are also considered as a trigger of the complaints into consideration.

Other causes of extremity pain

If the pain does not recede over time, but develops a chronic character, this is to be regarded as an indication that a more serious underlying disease is present, which should urgently receive medical attention. Often in such cases, not all extremities are equally affected, but the problems are confined to one leg or one arm.

For example, chronic pain in the leg may be an indication of circulatory problems. (Image: jayzynism /

Background may be, for example, circulatory disorders or a pinched or inflamed nerve. The limb pain limited to the arm are so common that they are grouped under a separate term: brachialgia. This mostly over a longer period occurring symptoms are known as a concomitant of nerve disorders, neuritis and pinched nerves.

Brachialgia may also be due in some cases to pains radiating from the spine or elbow. Furthermore, it is possible that the arm pain may occur after x-irradiation of the armpit in breast cancer patients or a radical removal of the female breast.

Basic diseases as a trigger of the complaints

Especially in the elderly are often underlying diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism or gout cause of the discomfort. An arthrosis can basically occur in any joint of the body, but is particularly common on the knees and hands to observe. Gout, on the other hand, affects the legs and ankles very often. The collective term rheumatism stands for various rheumatic diseases that can cause pain in the bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons.

If it is leg pain, problems with the sciatic nerve (see sciatic nerve clamped), the anterior femoral nerve (femoral nerve) and the nerves of the spinal cord and the upper lumbar spine are known as possible triggers.

Muscle tension can also cause extremity pain, which is usually concentrated on one leg or arm. These occur mainly as a result of stress at work and wrong movements during sports activities.

Misbehavior and one-sided stress (for example by clicking on the mouse) can lead to long-term tension and body aches. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

Many women suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in the run-up to their menstrual period, which can cause not only lower abdominal pain, headaches, tender breasts and poor concentration, but also muscle, joint and bone pain in the extremities.

Pain in arms and legs due to polyneuropathy

The symptoms can be a possible symptom of the so-called "polyneuropathy". This is a peripheral nervous system disorder in which, depending on which nerves are affected, the affected persons, e.g. suffer from a persistent tingling and feeling of coldness in the legs or paralysis.

In most cases, diabetes mellitus or excessive alcohol consumption are the cause of the nervous disorder. Other possible triggers include severe damage to kidney function (uremia), poisoning, inflammation or infections such as Lyme disease. At first, polyneuropathy often results in a kind of tingling or burning sensation, before the typical painful pulling in the arms and legs begins.

Diagnosis for the treatment of body aches

In order to enable efficient medical treatment, therapeutic approaches tailored to the causes of the disease are needed. Therefore, for the time being, the causes of the complaints can be precisely identified in the context of a precise medical diagnosis. The intensity and duration of the pain in the arms or legs can provide a first indication of a possible underlying disease.

To properly treat the pain in your arms or legs requires a thorough medical examination and a safe diagnosis. (Picture: Picture-Factory /

Is a cold, flu or any of the other infectious diseases mentioned above the background, the medical diagnosis is usually relatively straightforward. Often this can already be based on the physical condition, the question of the course of the disease and other symptoms. In case of doubt, blood and urine samples are examined in the laboratory to detect the corresponding antibodies or pathogens and to allow a clear finding. The removal of a sample of cerebral water is also considered here for the diagnosis position.

If neither the course of the disease nor the symptoms or laboratory examinations point to an infectious disease, further steps follow, during which, inter alia, pain and pressure sensitivity, reflexes, muscle strength and sensitivity are tested. The appropriate neurological examinations must be carried out in case of doubt by a specialist (neurologist).

For the diagnosis, measurements of the nerve conduction velocity (NLG), the method of electromyography (measurement of electrical muscle activity), computed tomography and an X-ray of the affected limb can be used.

Treatment of body aches by a specialist

According to the manifold causes also the possible therapeutic measures are extremely different. In general, the therapy should be explicitly adjusted to the pain causes. Here is the rather harmless, caused by colds and flu infections limb pain often the option to significantly alleviate the symptoms of those affected with proven home remedies.

If more severe illnesses such as a polyneuropathy or other diseases of the nervous system are present, treatment by a specialist should be given in any case. For example, this would prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs in neuritis. Furthermore, in case of appropriate complaints, a so-called "plexus blockade" with local anesthesia of the affected nerve is considered. Painkillers (analgesics) are often used in conventional medicine for the short-term treatment of complaints. In rare cases, a surgical procedure is performed.

Medicines, herbal ingredients and home remedies

With the cold and flu-related extremity pain can be achieved with the conventional drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), ibuprofen or acetaminophen as well as with numerous naturopathic procedures and preparations a significant relief of symptoms. Traditional medicines promise positive effects due to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.

Certain medicinal plants - such as arnica - can help naturally because of their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. (Image: franzdell /

Similar healing effects are attributed to herbal antiphlogistics such as willow bark, chamomile flowers, Arnica flowers, goldenrod or frankincense. Furthermore, it is often possible to achieve a significant improvement in the state of health for colds and flu-related pain in the extremities, for example by using cold wraps for the calves. If the calf rolls have no effect, for example, a so-called descending full bath can be used as an effective home remedy for fever.

Patients who do not suffer from fever (or only moderately) may provide relief from a warm bath. The effect can be intensified if the bath water is additionally supplemented with blood circulation-promoting essences, for example of birch, nettle leaves or spruce needles.

Another proven home remedy for cold is inhalation. The inhalation of hot steam can be very beneficial for colds and tormenting coughs, since it moisturizes the irritated mucous membranes and releases stuck mucus from the nose and bronchial system.

Instructions for inhalation with salt water

  1. Fill a bowl with boiling water
  2. Add some cooking or sea salt (nine grams per liter of water)
  3. Bend your head over the water vapor
  4. Put a towel over your head so the steam can not escape
  5. Breathe in and out deeply while inhaling
  6. Repeat the application two to three times a day for five to ten minutes each

Not only the alternative medicine advises to take a lot of fluid for cold and flu-related body aches. The most suitable are water and teas with chamomile flowers, willow bark, lime blossom or ginger. It is important to give the body a lot of sleep and rest or relaxation. Physical exertion should be avoided as much as possible.

If the pain in the extremities is due to a cold or flu, rest and relaxation as well as sufficient drinking are particularly important. (Image: kathrinleu /

Body aches in naturopathy

In naturopathy homeopathic remedies are often used to help against cold-related pain in the extremities as well as the symptoms of gout, arthritis, rheumatism and diseases of the sciatic nerve. In the first case, for example, Bryonia alba, Gelsemium sempervirens and Rhus toxicodendron have proven successful.

Against gout and arthritis find active substances such as Acidum formicicum, Calcium fluoratum, Calcium hypophosphoricum or Ledum palustre application. For rheumatism, homeopathic remedies such as Abrotanum, Ammonium chloratum, Aranin, Berberis, Calcium sulphate, Dulcamara, Ginseng, Kalium iodatum or Rhododendron are available.

For example, if the sciatic nerve is trapped, homeopathy uses active ingredients such as Ammonium carbonicum, Arnica montana, Cinnabaris, Delphinium staphysagria, Glonoinum, Gnaphalium or Mandragora e radice. Other naturopathic procedures that can provide effective help with sciatic pain include Osteopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). (fp, nr, last updated on 4.1.2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)