Winter health Myths, facts and helpful tips

Winter health Myths, facts and helpful tips / symptoms
Countless myths circulate about how we get through the winter healthy. Some of them are true, others are based on wrong conclusions from correct observations. Still others have a true core and a fantastic superstructure, some are wrong. We take a look at some common myths around the cold season.


  • Myth 1) The body loses heat over its head, so we need a cap
  • Myth 2) Frostbite occurs in extreme cold
  • Myth 3) Women are Frostköddel
  • Myth 4) Cold comes from cold
  • Myth 5) Wind increases the cold
  • Myth 6) Alcohol warms
  • Myth 7) Light dispels the winter depression
  • Myth 8) Winter babies often become ill
  • Myth 9) The suicide rate increases in winter as a result of winter blues
  • Myth 10) Vitamin C protects against cold
  • Myth 11) A hot bath helps against hypothermia
  • Myth 12) If you have a cold, you should go to the sauna
  • Myth 13) Chicken broth helps against cold
  • Myth 14) A dog does not need winter protection
  • Myth 15) Jogging in winter damages the body

Myth 1) The body loses heat over its head, so we need a cap

This idea has a true core. If we keep the rest of your body warm, through a winter jacket, gloves, thick socks, and long underwear, and refrain from wearing a hat, the body will actually release heat over the head. But if we are naked, the heat flows over the whole body. So putting on a hat is right as part of proper clothing.

A winter hat ensures that the heat is not released through the head. The headgear, however, only brings something, even if we are otherwise wrapped up nicely warm. (Image: detailblick-foto /

Myth 2) Frostbite occurs in extreme cold

This idea is wrong. At ten degrees below zero, skin and tissue may freeze. Particular care should be taken for those parts of the body that are on the outside and are supplied with little blood: nose tip, earlobes, fingers and toes.

Cold wind can cause frostbite even at higher temperatures. Hat, warm socks and gloves are therefore a must. You should pay particular attention to the protection of the earlobes and the nose, because we can activate the circulation in fingers and toes by movement.

Myth 3) Women are Frostköddel

This myth is right. Women are generally more freezing than men because on average they have more fat in their body and less muscle. First, muscles generate heat, second, men have a thicker epidermis. The thinner skin of women causes their vessels to contract more quickly and so less blood flows. They freeze faster.

Myth 4) Cold comes from cold

This wisdom probably comes from a time when nobody knew about viruses. The observation is correct: In the cold season raging infections and colds.

But that is only indirectly due to the cold. Triggers for colds are viruses. These spread quickly in the cold. The change of dry heated rooms and damp cold outside air dries out the mucous membranes; Viruses can easily penetrate. If we freeze now also, the immune defense sinks.

The fact that we have more often than usual colds in winter, is because the viruses spread faster in cold temperatures. (Image: Sandor Jackal /

In winter you should make sure that you humidify the apartment in the air, whether by water bowls on the heater or a fogger.

Myth 5) Wind increases the cold

That's right. Even if the temperature remains the same, the wind displaces the warm layer of air that surrounds our body due to body temperature: it turns off the "buffer zone". The stronger the wind, the colder we feel the cold.

Myth 6) Alcohol warms

Careful, do not try yourself. Many a person is frozen, after he drunk and with a warm feeling in his stomach on the way home and fell asleep on the doorstep.

We feel "warm" when we're tickled. In reality, the alcohol expands the outer blood vessels. The body gives off too much heat, even if the perceived cold subsides.

Myth 7) Light dispels the winter depression

That can be right. Many people think that darkness in winter depresses the mind. In fact, the "winter blues" corresponds to a lack of vitamin D. It characterizes listlessness, listlessness, tiredness and a depressed mood. Who gets too little vitamin D, who can concentrate badly, reacts irritated, and feels everyday actions as a burden.

Our main source of vitamin D is the sun's UV rays. About food such as high-fat fish, we can only partially absorb this vitamin. Therefore, when the days are short, walk at least one hour a day in the light.

In winter, walk as often as possible in the light, so that the body can produce enough vitamin D. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

Also a sunlamp helps. But light alone does not help against vitamin D deficiency; it must be UV light. If you suffer from a shortage, vitamin D supplements also help.

Myth 8) Winter babies often become ill

This sounds like kitchen astrology, after which the stars determine our destiny. But it was true, at least in the past. Children born in the winter, like their mothers in our latitudes, often suffered from vitamin D deficiency.

In babies, this leads to problems with bone growth, to general immunodeficiency and even serious secondary diseases. That's why today a vitamin D prophylaxis is standard for mothers and babies.

Myth 9) The suicide rate increases in winter as a result of winter blues

This can not be proven empirically. In Nordic countries like Finland with high suicide rates, most people take their lives in the fall. In Germany, there are hardly any fluctuations in the seasons, in Hungary, most people kill in the summer.

Myth 10) Vitamin C protects against cold

An influence of vitamin C on infection with cold viruses could not be proven. But vitamin C has a soothing effect on a broken cold.

Undercooling should not be overheated so as not to overload the circuit. (Image: YakobchukOlena /

Myth 11) A hot bath helps against hypothermia

That's wrong. A very hot bath weakens the circulation and makes the skin sensitive. Warm water helps, but it should not be warmer than 38 degrees. Instead of a full bath, you can rub through your frozen body with warm water.

Myth 12) If you have a cold, you should go to the sauna

The correct thing is: sauna prevents a cold, because it promotes blood circulation and strengthens the immune system. On the other hand, if you already have a cold, you will be harmed by the sauna. The temperatures are too high for the weakened body.

Myth 13) Chicken broth helps against cold

That's true. Chicken broth contains active ingredients against viruses and helps both to prevent a cold as well as against the outbreak of the common cold. The hot broth also warms up the body and promotes blood circulation.

Myth 14) A dog does not need winter protection

Winter sweaters for dogs are often considered humanizing, as a dog does not need such a thing by nature. Dog is not the same dog: A Labrador or Golden Retriever, who in summer seeks the coldest places to lie down, does not need a "jacket", as a husky.

Dogs with a short coat and small body, Chihuahuas, Jack Russell Terrier or Whippets can use such cold protection but very good.

Myth 15) Jogging in winter damages the body

The opposite is the case. Critically it is only from 15 degrees below 0, then the body has problems to warm the air sufficiently. In addition, however: Sport in the winter air stimulates the blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, thus indirectly prevents colds and distributes in sunlight even the "winter depression". (Dr. Utz Anhalt)