Swollen legs swelling of the legs

Swollen legs swelling of the legs / symptoms

Swollen thighs, lower legs and feet

Swollen legs are not only an aesthetic deficiency, but can go back to serious diseases and represent a significant burden in everyday life. Walking difficulties are a common side effect. In order to avoid more extensive health problems, sufferers should not hesitate to see a doctor, especially in case of a sudden swelling of the legs.

Naturopathy with swollen legs


Swollen legs are understood in this article to mean any acute changes in the normal leg shape that involve an enlarged circumference of the legs. If the legs are unusually thick due to a high body fat percentage, this is not to be equated with swollen legs, as there is no swelling in the traditional sense. The term "swollen legs" is therefore to be distinguished from the broader term "thick legs".

Many women are struggling with increased thigh and hip fat deposits, which is not necessarily related to obesity. (Image: vladimirfloyd / fotolia.com)


Swollen legs may appear as a symptom of various ailments, with the symptoms being markedly different according to the different causes. So local swelling, for example, on the knee, ankle or feet (see thick feet), but also swelling of the entire leg to watch. Long standing usually complicates the discomfort, but raising the legs counteracts the swelling. Exposure, such as walking or longer walks, are also associated with increasing swelling of the legs in most cases. Often there is pain and numbness in the legs. The legs become heavy and the patients are significantly restricted in their ability to move. The pain can be through the entire leg or as local pain - for example, ankle pain, heel pain, knee pain - occur.

Also, many sufferers feel the swollen legs, especially in the summer months as a significant mental stress. They are ashamed of their legs and feel extremely uncomfortable in shorts, skirts, bathing suits or swimming trunks. Accordingly, many sports and recreational activities that wear leg-free clothing are taboo for those affected. Under certain circumstances, this causes a certain amount of social isolation, which some patients perceive as extremely stressful.

If the swollen legs are due to an illness, further symptoms are to be expected, which occur in connection with the Beinschwellung. For example, kidney disease can lead to fluid retention in the legs. Accompanying the victims here often have to fight with kidney pain. If the swollen legs are based on diseases of the heart, accompanying symptoms include, for example, heart pain, chest pain or a puncture in the chest, palpitations and heart stuttering. The accompanying symptoms often provide decisive clues as to the cause of the swollen legs and should therefore be taken into account as part of the diagnosis. Under certain circumstances, the swelling of the legs as a chronic disease can be observed daily.


The possible causes of leg swelling range from broken bones, bruises, sprains and torn ligaments, through diseases of the cardiovascular system, the kidneys, liver or thyroid, to metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Apart from acute trauma injuries (fractures, bruises, etc.), impaired blood vessels - such as arteriosclerosis, venous insufficiency, phlebitis, varicose veins, or vascular occlusion (thrombosis) - often cause swelling of the legs. The balance of the body fluid gets out of balance and it increasingly accumulates fluid retention (edema) in the legs.

Arterial calcifications may be the cause of swollen legs. (Image: pixelcomet / fotolia.com)

If the system of the lymphatic vessels is impaired, this can also cause swollen legs. The lymph drainage is no longer guaranteed to the required extent and it form so-called lymphedema of the legs. The possible causes of lymphedema range from congenital impairments of the lymphatic system to acute damage to the lymphatic system through radiation, surgery or infection, to stroke or cancer. The lymphoedema is usually first seen as swelling of the toes, which can then proceed to the foot, ankle, lower leg or even the whole leg. In the course of lymphedema, the legs or the affected limbs often swell to a multiple of their original size. The skin tenses and begins to feel increasingly rough. Under certain circumstances, morbid growths of the connective tissue, so-called fibrosis, form.

The intake of drugs or their abuse can cause fluid retention in the legs. For example, the long-term use of certain anti-inflammatory drugs, high blood pressure and cortisone-containing preparations may be associated with swollen legs. Furthermore, laxatives, diuretic hormone preparations and hair restorers are considered as possible triggers for the accumulation of water in the legs. Allergic reactions, for example in the context of a food allergy, are also to be mentioned as potential causes of swollen legs. The same applies to long-term alcohol abuse.


In order to determine the causes of the swollen legs, a detailed physical history is followed by a first physical examination. The localization of the fluid accumulation often already allows conclusions about the trigger of the complaints. When listening, there may be evidence of venous disease or circulatory disorder. The assurance of the diagnosis, however, usually requires imaging techniques, such as ultrasound (sonography), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Complementary blood tests can provide further important information on possibly existing diseases of the internal organs or inflammatory processes in the body. In case of doubt, the removal of a tissue sample (biopsy) is required in order to be able to make a clear statement about the diseases.


The treatment is basically based on the causes of the complaints. However, simple measures, such as raising the legs and cooling, can already significantly alleviate the acute symptoms. Furthermore, massages for lymphatic drainage often have a positive effect. Ultimately, however, there is no way around a causal treatment, especially in organic diseases. If a thrombosis triggers the swollen legs, it is important to eliminate them. Accompanying the blood flow is to be facilitated by anticoagulant and blood-thinning drugs. Physiotherapy and exercise training can help to stabilize the cardiovascular system in the long term and thus avoid circulatory disorders of the legs.

If cancers are the cause of swollen legs, surgery, radiation and / or chemotherapy remains the only treatment option today. In case of heart disease, surgery may also be necessary. Alcohol abuse leads to the swollen legs, it is to renounce this immediately and possibly perform a withdrawal therapy. A therapeutically accompanied withdrawal is also recommended in the case of existing drug abuse. If allergic reactions lead to swollen legs, it is important to avoid the allergens as far as possible. To make this possible, the allergens may need to be identified first in an allergy test.

Naturopathy with swollen legs

Naturopathy knows various ways to treat fluid accumulation in the legs, but these often do not help against the triggers of the symptoms, but merely serve to alleviate the symptoms. If serious illnesses, such as diabetes or cancer, are the cause of leg swelling, can only be achieved with the naturopathic procedures and little on the classical therapy leads to today no way around.

In order to remedy acute swelling of the legs, naturopathy relies, among other things, on procedures of hydrotherapy (Kneipp castings), massages and movement exercises, which are intended to strengthen the blood circulation by activating the so-called muscle pump in the legs. Special breathing techniques can also facilitate blood flow from the legs. Also, manual treatment methods, such as osteopathy or Rolfing, promise in many cases, a relief of the symptoms. Acupuncture can also play a role in the naturopathic treatment of swollen legs. Homeopathic remedies and Schüssler salts are also used, the choice of which varies depending on the suspected causes of fluid accumulation in the legs. Furthermore, the herbal medicine, for example, with the ingredients of the horse chestnut or the stone clover, also offers ways to strengthen the vessels and lymphatic drainage. In addition, excretory procedures (for example, leech therapy) can help eliminate excess fluid accumulation in the legs. (Fp)