fatigue pain

fatigue pain / symptoms
Fatigue pain usually occurs in conjunction with wear, overuse and overuse of a joint. These are pain that can only happen occasionally or constantly. Fatigue pain often severely limits quality of life and performance. Eventually, the profession can no longer or no longer be exercised properly.


  • pain character
  • causes
  • arthrosis
  • Example: knee osteoarthritis (gonarthrosis)
  • Example: hip joint arthrosis (coxarthrosis)
  • General Tips
  • treatment methods
  • Naturopathic therapies
  • Herbalists
  • envelopes
  • Important in the end

pain character

Fatigue pain can radiate and are described by those affected as dull or oppressive. The origin of the pain is in the affected joint. From there, the pain radiates into the thigh or lower leg, for example, in knee osteoarthritis. Fatigue pain is often felt as if the muscles had become "tired".

Fatigue pain is most often associated with osteoarthritis, but is often associated with muscle. (Image: Kara / fotolia.com)


Causes of the pain are both the various arthrosis forms as well as congenital or acquired joint deformity, which are often the basis for the development of osteoarthritis.


"Arthron" comes from the Greek and means joint and the suffix "ose" stands for a non-inflammatory state change. Osteoarthritis refers to joint wear or joint wear.

The joints are covered with cartilage. This serves as a shock absorber and ensures a smooth joint function. The cartilage layer gradually degrades as part of osteoarthritis. This happens through constant over- or Fehlbelastung, by misalignment or in the course of life with increasing age. As the cartilage becomes thinner and thinner, the joint space becomes narrower, causing the bones to rub against each other, causing severe pain. Surrounding tissue, such as tendons and ligaments, will also be damaged over time.

Discomfort associated with osteoarthritis is diminishing mobility of the affected joint, a so-called onset pain that passes after a few minutes (when the joint has "broken in") and a cracking or crunching sensation. In addition, there are still pain that occur after prolonged exposure, the so-called fatigue pain. Mostly, the pain is aggravated by cold and moisture.

Example: knee osteoarthritis (gonarthrosis)

Knee osteoarthritis includes stiffness in the morning, which means that the first steps after getting up are very difficult. The movement is a crunch or crackle to hear. After prolonged exposure, for example, standing for a long time, fatigue pains appear in the form. If the diseased joint is overloaded, sufferers report so-called stress pain, as after a long walk or after jogging.

Fatigue pain is often the first sign of hip osteoarthritis. (Photo: Henrie / fotolia.com)

Example: hip joint arthrosis (coxarthrosis)

The hip is often affected by arthrotic changes. Often the hip joint arthrosis begins with fatigue pain. Those affected report a feeling of heaviness in the legs that occurs after a strain or pain that radiates into the groin. Often, at the same time pain in the knee occur, which then distracts from the actual cause. The patients assume a restraint, that is, they begin to limp.

General Tips

To reduce stress and fatigue, sports that are gentle on the joints are recommended. These include swimming, water aerobics or walking. In order for the diseased joint to be better able to cope with a wide variety of everyday stresses, the surrounding muscles should be strengthened. A constant schonen counterproductive, as well as an overload.
If there is arthritis associated with fatigue and other discomforts, a diet that is low in animal products is recommended. It is essential to reduce excess weight; alcohol and nicotine should be reduced or better avoided altogether.

Manual therapy and massage can often provide relief from fatigue pain. (Image: WavebreakMediaMicro / fotolia.com)

treatment methods

The treatment methods are designed to alleviate and reduce stress and fatigue pain, and to restore flexibility to the joint.
Physiotherapy, massages and manual therapy help to strengthen the muscles, to loosen up tight muscles and to make aware of wrong loads in order to avoid them. At the beginning of therapy, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are often prescribed.
The diseased joints must be protected against misuse and overload. For example, a stick is used to relieve some of the strain on the hip during walking.
If all conservative methods have no effect and the pain can not be alleviated, surgery may be necessary.

Naturopathic therapies

Naturopathic therapies are widely used in osteoarthritis and associated fatigue pain. The acupuncture is used here with success. Pain relief is also the Baunscheidtieren (this is one of the diversion procedures), which is used in many naturopathic practices. From homeopathy, funds such as Rhus toxicodendron (poisonous oak), arnica (Bergwohlverleih), Bryonia (fumble beet) and Argentum metallicum (metallic silver) are used. In the case of Schüssler salts, No. 7 Magnesium Phosphoricum is the treatment of choice for fatigue pain. The number 7 is used here as so-called "hot sieves". For this, 10 tablets of magnesium phosphoricum are poured with about 250 ml of boiling water, stirred with plastic spoon and then swallowed. Such a "hot seven" can be administered two to three times a day in pain.

Birch leaves tea has a promising effect on rheumatic complaints and also on fatigue pain. (Image: Franziska Krause / fotolia.com)


Phytotherapy can also serve well in arthrosis and the associated stress and fatigue pain. Fraxinus excelsior (ash) has a soothing effect, Aesculus (horse chestnut) not only acts on the venous system, but also in rheumatic complaints and Betula folium (birch leaves) is diuretic and relieves rheumatic pain.
Also, the nettle must not be forgotten. It is known for use in diseases of the urinary system. However, taken regularly, it also alleviates a little the fatigue pain from its expectorant component. A plant that is frequently used in the treatment of rheumatic complaints in naturopathic practice is also the devil's claw.
The plants mentioned are not for self-medication. Here is the right amount and right application form important. A doctor or naturopath can help.


Quark wrappers or cabbage wraps can alleviate the fatigue pain. For a quark envelope, place some quark, which has been stored for a while at room temperature, longitudinally in the middle of a cotton cloth. The two free ends are knocked over and the envelope comes on the affected joint so that the thin layer of cloth on the joint comes to rest. The wrap can stay there as long as it is well tolerated.

Another option is the cabbage roll. This wrap is an ancient home remedy that pulls toxins and waste products out of the body, which is especially beneficial for inflammatory diseases. But even with fatigue pain, the cabbage wrap is worth a try. The stalk in the middle of the cabbage leaves is cut out and the leaves are then rolled with a rolling pin. When some juice comes out, the cabbage leaf is ready to be used as a wrap. The leaves are placed on the painful area and fixed with a cloth.

Important in the end

To relieve fatigue pain, early diagnosis is important. The sooner an overuse or erosion is detected, the easier the treatment and the greater the chances of pain relief. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)