Elevated (poor) liver values

Elevated (poor) liver values / symptoms

Bad liver values

On the basis of the so-called liver values ​​possible overloads, diseases or damage of the liver can be read. Elevated liver values ​​are most commonly found in routine blood tests. In the study, the concentration of the metabolite bilirubin and the liver enzymes glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT or ALT), glutamate oxalate transaminase (GOT or AST) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) are determined in the laboratory. The liver-specific enzymes are normally found only in the liver.

Dead liver cells

Increased levels in the blood suggest that liver cells have recently died. For comparison, standard values, which stand for a balanced metabolic state. Exceedances are referred to as elevated liver values. In many forms of liver damage such as liver inflammation, liver cancer, alcohol abuse or poisoning, the blood levels of liver enzymes are characteristically elevated.

Causes of elevated liver values

Probably the most well-known cause of elevated liver enzymes is excessive alcohol consumption. But in fact, numerous factors come into play as triggers of normal value overruns. In addition to alcohol, drugs and medications, infections with parasites, bacteria or viruses should be mentioned as well as a particularly fatty diet or narrowing of the biliary tract. If elevated liver values ​​are detected during the blood test, this is in urgent need of further medical supervision, as in the worst case cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer may be the cause of the normal value overrun.

Infections as a cause of liver inflammation

Various infections with viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites can cause damage to the liver and associated increased liver values. Viral infections that may lead to inflammation of the liver, for example, mumps, rubella (rubella virus) and yellow fever. Various herpes viruses (for example, the varicella-zoster virus, responsible for chickenpox, shingles) and all hepatitis viruses (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, hepatitis E) are also considered as possible triggers of hepatitis and elevated To name liver enzymes. While liver inflammation is an acute concomitant symptom in most viral infectious diseases, infections with hepatitis viruses often become chronic.

The cause of a fatty liver is not infrequently an increased alcohol consumption. (Image: designua / fotolia.com)

Bacterial liver infections, which can cause elevated liver enzymes, are caused among others by tuberculosis pathogens (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), syphilis pathogens (Treponema pallidum) (syphilis), certain enterobacteria (Salmonella, Shigella) and Borrelia (the cause of Lyme disease). As a rule, it is already a long time before the elevated liver values ​​typical signs of bacterial diseases occur. For example, Salmonella infection is often accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Tuberculosis is usually associated with more nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, fever and cough. Syphilis is characterized mainly by the formation of ulcers in the genitals and flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches. In the later course of the disease, a moderately itchy itchy rash can often be observed. If elevated liver values ​​are detected, an exact description of the concomitant symptoms helps the therapist to determine the causative disease.

Fungal infections also occasionally cause inflammation of the liver, which then manifests itself in elevated liver values. Here are mainly pathological propagation of yeast fungi (Candida) to mention. Parasites that can cause liver inflammation are, for example, so-called liver flukes and other types of suckerworms, plasmodia (unicellular parasites, malaria pathogens), amoebae, roundworms, tapeworms and leishmania (intracellular parasites). The parasitic infestation of the liver can have life-threatening consequences, so the suspicion should urgently be checked or excluded by a doctor.

Increased liver values ​​due to unhealthy diet

Greasy food puts a strain on the liver and can eventually lead to so-called fatty liver disease. This is often reflected in elevated liver values, especially in the area of ​​transaminases (GPT, GOT) and gamma glutamyl transferase. However, fatty liver disease is difficult to diagnose on the basis of elevated liver values. This usually requires an ultrasound examination (sonography) or a magnetic resonance tomography. Normally, a fatty change caused by fatty diet is reversible or can be remedied by changing the diet. It is not classified as a serious disease, but can go into an inflammatory stage, called steatohepatitis (also known as fatty liver hepatitis), which may include increased organ pressure sensitivity, loss of appetite, nausea, significant weight loss (underweight) and fever can express. In the worst case, hepatic cirrhosis develops from steatohepatitis, as it threatens the end-stage of most chronic liver diseases. Cirrhosis of the liver can have life-threatening consequences for the patient.

Toxic damage to the liver

The liver is significantly involved in the glucose, fat and protein metabolism and also makes a significant contribution to the reduction of toxins. In the case of the latter, a distinction must be made between the toxins ingested and those produced by the organism itself (waste products of the metabolism). The most well-known externally administered toxins, which can cause liver damage and correspondingly elevated liver values, is alcohol. In long-term high alcohol consumption, the organ is overwhelmed in its degradation function and it develops a so-called alcoholic fatty liver hepatitis.

As with normal fatty liver hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and possibly liver cancer can develop. A similar development threatens by the long-term use of certain drugs and drugs. Poisoning by eating poisonous mushrooms can also lead to increased liver enzymes. The fungus poisoning is usually over after ten days at the latest, but can also lead to the death of the patient in the worst case. Overuse of the liver and correspondingly elevated liver values ​​are also to be expected in other cases of acute intoxication. These can be caused by toxins such as phosphorus, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, arsenic and many other environmental toxins.

Diseases of the bile ducts as a trigger

If the outflow of bile is impaired by narrowing of the bile ducts or other diseases of the gallbladder, this can also lead to an inflammation of the liver and elevated liver values. Possible causes here are, for example, gallstones or bile duct inflammation. As accompanying symptoms in diseases of the bile ducts usually pain in the area of ​​the right upper abdomen, fever, chills and jaundice occur. The elevated liver values ​​mainly affect the bilirubin concentration. Severe bile duct inflammation can cause disorders of the central nervous system and kidney function, as well as shock in the worst case. Therefore, urgent medical examinations should be carried out.

Lower elevated liver values

The possible therapeutic approaches for elevated liver values ​​are very different according to the numerous different causal diseases If the cause is in the diet, a change in diet and a gentle weight loss is recommended. However, viral hepatitis infections may be treated with antiviral drugs. In bacterial liver inflammation, the administration of antibiotics is usually promising. In general, however, it is important to avoid further stress on the organ as much as possible. This means: No alcohol, no drugs and preferably no toxic substances or drugs. However, with medicines this can be problematic if they have to be taken because of serious other illnesses. Easy weaning is often not possible. Here the treating physician should look for alternatives in the sense of the patients. As specialists, hepatologists or gastroenterologists can be called in as needed.

If the elevated liver values ​​are due to diseases of the bile ducts, surgery is often required. This applies, for example, more often for inflammation of the bile ducts, which require a backflow of bile. Gallstones can also be eliminated as a cause of increased liver function during surgery. In cholesterol gallstones, however, a drug lysis (dissolution) is usually possible.

If the liver inflammation is caused by suckling worms or other types of worms, different drugs are available, which may, however, cause further stress on the liver. This should be taken into consideration when choosing medicines. Other parasites, which can cause liver inflammation and associated increased liver enzymes, can also be treated with medication in most cases. This also applies to the Leishmania, where a complete cure of the disease is relatively often unsuccessful. The therapy aims - as with most other parasitic infections - primarily on an elimination of the parasites. In addition, measures that generally strengthen the immune system are often part of the treatment. However, there is no way around a drug therapy in the rain. In most cases, active substances are used which intervene in the metabolism of the parasites and cause their death. Medicinal strengthening of cellular defenses with recombinant interferon may also be considered.

Naturopathy at at elevated liver values

Accompanying the mentioned treatment approaches, naturopathic procedures can be used in support of the respective underlying diseases in order to rid the body of toxins and to relieve the organ. Possibilities to detoxify the liver offers, among other things, herbal medicine. Here are the positive effects of dandelion, artichokes and milk thistle. However, the use of artichokes for liver detoxification in constrictions of the bile ducts is contraindicated because the bile activity is stimulated and the increased backflow of bile to painful colic or, in the worst case may cause a breakthrough of the gallbladder.

Other ways to detoxify the liver are special fasting, detoxification and so-called fasting. Glauber's juice is also used in naturopathy for liver detoxification, but can bring violent vomiting and massive diarrhea. More careful possibilities of liver detoxification are offered on the basis of homeopathy and the use of Schüssler salts. Since the naturopathic treatment method may also be contraindicated, especially in the case of elevated liver values ​​anyway, the choice should be left to urgently-experienced therapists. (Fp)

Picture 1: Gerd Altmann