Inflammation in the nose

Inflammation in the nose / symptoms
Inflammation in the nose can have a variety of causes. The area in the nose is very sensitive, which makes the inflammation quite painful. A nose infection is best examined by a doctor. However, home remedies and natural remedies can always provide good support.


  • The most diverse causes
  • symptoms
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • home remedies
  • Naturopathic treatment

The most diverse causes

The causes of inflammation in the nose is often called rhinitis - or simply cold. The causative agents for common cold are mostly so-called rhinoviruses, but also together with a flu, an inflammation in the nose can occur. The mucous membranes swell and then increased secretions. The latter can be quite fluid, clear, slimy or even purulent. Even bacteria can be the trigger for an inflamed nose.

Often an inflammation in the nose can be seen as a concomitant in colds, but it can have very different causes and assume different forms. (Image: deagreez /

Another possible cause is allergies, such as hay fever. The secretion is usually clear and those affected suffer from frequent sneezing attacks.

If the hair follicles of a little hair become inflamed in the nose, this is called boils. Staphylococci are often responsible for this. These bacteria cause a painful purulent inflammation. The nose is red and swollen.

If the immune system is weakened, for example due to high levels of stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances or chronic diseases, inflammation of the nose develops easily. Even a dry nasal mucous membrane, possibly due to the dry heating air in winter, is the breeding ground for such inflammations.


The symptoms of inflammation in the nose depend on the cause. So in a cold the secretion and the stuffy nose are in the foreground. In a nasal sinus, the pain and pus in the nose are the main symptom.

If the mucous membranes are heavily swollen during inflammation, this may hinder nasal breathing. Maybe smell and taste are disturbed.


The diagnosis is the basis for the right treatment. So a cold is of course treated differently than an allergy. Not only a boil may be made a smear to find the responsible germs and then to be able to specifically treat.

In the diagnosis, it is important to determine the cause of the inflammation. For example, an allergic test can be carried out if hay fever is suspected. Thereafter, the therapy should be geared to the identified causes. (Image: Gerhard Seybert /


In the case of colds no special therapy is necessary. Nasal drops may be prescribed. However, if the inflammation of the nose has spread further into the paranasal sinuses, mucus removers and possibly an antibiotic are needed.

In the presence of an allergy, which is accompanied by inflammation in the nose, the cause must be turned off. This means that, for example in hay fever, a so-called hyposensitization against the triggering grasses can be prescribed.
In the case of hyposensitization, the goal is for the body to learn to cope with the allergy-causing allergen over time rather than reacting to it. During the therapy, which takes place in the doctor's office under supervision, the persons concerned are given a dose of the allergen by injection at certain intervals. The dose is slowly increased. The patient must remain in the office after the injection for immediate help in case of overreaction. This hyposensitization can take several years.

Nasal dryness can heal completely by itself. If this is not the case, an antibiotic is often prescribed. The boil may need to be pierced by a doctor. Thereafter, a gauze bandage, soaked in antibacterial solution, is placed on the inflammation in the nose, which should aid healing.

home remedies

In case of an uncritical simple inflammation in the nose, home remedies are usually sufficient. If the inflammation is more pronounced and conventional medicine is needed, home remedies can be given in parallel to aid healing.

The content above a bowl of water with dissolved salt is often proven as a home remedy for inflammation in the Naser. (Image: closeupimages /

In case of an inflammation in the nose, caused by a cold, inhalation helps best with salt. Sea salt or Himalayan salt is stirred into a bowl of hot water. The salt should dissolve. Thereafter, the hot salt vapor is inhaled under a towel over the bowl for at least ten minutes. This frees the nasal passages and allows the mucous membranes to decongest.

In a stronger inflammation, in which the sinuses are already affected, help Senfmehlfußbäder. For this, one to two tablespoons of mustard flour are dissolved in a foot bath, which is filled with 37 ° warm water. The duration of the bath should not exceed fifteen minutes. In case of massive skin irritation, the bath should be stopped immediately. So that the rising vapors do not irritate the eyes, the tub is covered with a cloth. After the bath, the skin is cared for with a care ointment or an almond or olive oil.

If the cause is a pollen allergy, good, high-quality honey can help. Of these, a spoon is taken several times throughout the day. Honey has an anti-inflammatory effect and is also used for prevention.

Curcuma is used as a spice, especially in Indian cuisine, but has a healed effect on inflammation of the nose. (Image: emuck /

A good home remedy is turmeric. This is actually a spice, but also has its healing properties. A teaspoon full of the spice is dissolved in a little warm water, enriched with a little honey and daily a glass full - preferably swallowed - drunk. In this context, the "golden milk" is recommended. The "golden milk" comes from the Ayurveda. It boosts the liver activity, has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. Commercially available powder compositions are available. The compositions are different and include, for example, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, black pepper and saffron. The term "milk" is a bit misleading here. The preparation does not use real milk, but almonds or soymilk.

Apple cider vinegar is an old home remedy for allergies, but also very healthy for the whole organism. From a good apple cider vinegar in the morning a tablespoon is stirred in a glass of still water and drunk on an empty stomach. The fruit vinegar can be additionally enriched with some honey. The effect takes a little time and is therefore particularly well suited for prevention.

In a nose burn, this can be brought to maturity with hot pads. For this, some curd soap is dissolved in hot water, a small cloth soaked with it and then placed outside in the area of ​​the inflammation on the nose. Also helpful is healing earth. This is, touched to a pulp, applied outside on the nose. In no case may the boil be pierced itself. The risk of infection is too big.

Naturopathic treatment

A naturopathic treatment is ideally suited for an inflammation in the nose, also accompanying conventional medical therapy. In the acute state, the body or ear acupuncture helps. Schüssler salts are also frequently used here, and no. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum, No. 4 potassium chloratum against the inflammation and additionally no. 11 Silicea in a boil.

For a flu cold, # 8 sodium chloratum and for hay fever the # 24 supplement helps Arsenicum Iodatum.

Homeopathy uses the following remedies: Ferrum phosphoricum (antiinflammatory), Apis mellifica (in case of swelling), Allium cepa (in aqueous colds), Hepar sulfuris and Silicea (in case of pus formation).

Inflammation in the nose, above all, the immune system must be strengthened. Here Echinacea helps (do not take longer than two weeks continuously). Propolis, in the form of drops or as tablets acts in the acute state, but also strengthens the immune system and therefore acts just as preventive. Sea buckthorn contains a large amount of vitamin C, which activates the immune system. Also effective are regular vitamin C infusions. In this case, the body can be supplied with a large amount of vitamin C, which orally would not be possible, as this would excrete the body again.

By strengthening the immune system, for example with the help of propolis, the inflammation in the nose can be effectively counteracted and a recurrence often prevented. (Image: kosolovskyy /

Colostrum is made from the foremilk of cows that have just calved freshly. The amount left by the calf is used for production - so do not worry - nothing is taken away from the calf. Colostrum, in the form of capsules or drink solution, contains a variety of antibodies that strengthen the human immune system.

In self-blood therapy, a very small amount of autologous blood is taken, this possibly enriched with a naturopathic agent or with ozone and injected into the body again. This can be intramuscular (in the muscle) or intracutaneous (in the skin). Then the organism starts to work and the immune system wakes up a bit from hibernation. A self-blood therapy usually requires ten treatment appointments.

Last but not least, regular foot reflexology therapies strengthen the entire organism, although these should be carried out by experienced therapists. Many other basic measures such as a healthy diet, sufficient exercise and restful sleep can also strengthen the immune system and put an end to the inflammation in the nose. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)