Inflamed corners of the mouth - causes, home remedies, therapy

Inflamed corners of the mouth - causes, home remedies, therapy / symptoms
Oral angle rhagades: causes, home remedies and therapy
Inflamed corners of the mouth are uncomfortable and hurt, but usually remain harmless. The corners of the mouth tear in, are red and inflame. When talking, yawning, laughing and eating a unpleasant feeling of tension occurs. Inflamed corners of the mouth can occur both on one side and on both sides. Other names for it are Faulecken, Mundwinkelrhagaden, Sparrow corners or Perlèche.


  • The different causes
  • home remedies
  • honey
  • Mixture: salt, honey, lemon juice
  • coconut oil
  • myrrh tincture
  • clove oil
  • zinc paste
  • Baby wound and healing ointment
  • chamomile
  • balm
  • Hamamelis
  • Calendula
  • homeopathy
  • Schüssler salts
  • If there is a disease behind it
  • General Tips

The different causes

Common causes of sore mouth are dry lips due to dry heating air. High humidity or constant licking of the lips and the corner of the mouth can also lead to it.

Inflamed corners of the mouth are a common complaint that can have a variety of causes, but can usually be successfully treated with home remedies. (Image: frank29052515 /

Other causes include spicy food, lack of specific vitamins and trace elements such as vitamin B2, vitamin C, zinc or iron. Also an imbalance of the hormones as for example during the pregnancy or during the menopause can lead to inflamed corners of the mouth.

Badly fitting braces or prostheses are also among the possible causes. Furthermore, the ingestion of antibiotics, diabetes mellitus, atopic dermatitis and diseases associated with increased salivation, such as Parkinson's disease and Down syndrome, are responsible for the occurrence of inflamed corners of the mouth.

A frequent or long-lasting symptoms should definitely be clarified by a doctor.

home remedies

Often home remedies are sufficient to treat inflamed corners of the mouth. It is important to start early, at the first sign. Since in Mundwinkelhhagaden not every remedy helps everyone affected, sometimes different home remedies must be tried.


Honey is one of the popular home remedies. He works anti-inflammatory and healing. So also with inflamed mouth. Several times a day some honey is brought to the spot. However, what is not easy when using with honey: This should remain on the sore spot and must not be licked.

Mixture: salt, honey, lemon juice

From salt, honey and lemon juice, a porridge is mixed and this several times a day and especially before going to sleep, applied to the or the corners of the mouth. Due to the salt content of the mixture burns something, but can definitely provide relief and healing.

coconut oil

Coconut oil helps from inside and outside. Coconut oil soothes and cares for irritated skin and also has a healing function. Thus, the torn spots are supplied several times a day with this pleasantly scented oil and at the same time cared for the lips. If you do not like this oil, you can use olive oil as an alternative. Incidentally, coconut oil internally, daily a teaspoon full, strengthens the immune system and this is often something in the cellar at the mouth of the mouth.

myrrh tincture

Myrrhine tincture is an ancient, but still valuable home remedy. A cotton swab moistened with a little bit of myrrhine tincture and dabbed with the inflamed areas - this might burn something at first, but it is a promising method of treatment, which is also helpful for aphtha in the mouth, for example.

clove oil

The smell of clove oil reminds of the Advent season. However, this essential oil can also be used externally. It is essential to pay attention to pure and high quality. In application, the principle applies: less is more.

zinc paste

A suitable zinc paste for inflamed corners of the mouth is available in every pharmacy. Zinc contributes to healing. Often these Mundwinkelrhagaden caused by zinc deficiency. Here, the zinc paste and the intake of a suitable zinc preparation are recommended.

The application of a zinc ointment has proven itself many times in the treatment of inflamed corners of the mouth. Even simple healing and healing ointment can help. (Image: fpic /

Baby wound and healing ointment

A wound and healing ointment for babies is suitable for the care and healing of the torn corners of the mouth. Although baby products are expected to be gentle and free of chemicals, this is unfortunately not self-evident. Before buying, research in Ökotest reports can help here.


Chamomile is one of the home remedies of our grandmothers and is still modern. A chamomile tea brewed with chamomile flowers is used for dabbing, the affected corner of the mouth. This is best several times a day.


If you do not like the chamomile, you reach for the lemon balm. Again, dab with the brewed tea. In the pharmacy also ointments are available, which contain lemon balm extract.


Witch hazel is a plant that should never be forgotten in wound healing. Creaming with a hamamelis cream or dabbing with diluted hamamelis tincture helps to cure inflamed corners of the mouth.


Also the Calendula, the Marigold must not be missing here in the enumeration. The marigold heals and acts as a disinfectant. Even with purulent wounds Calendula is an indispensable plant. As an ointment or as a tincture this is used here.

Calendula ointment generally works anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. It is therefore also an effective remedy for angular cheilitis. (Image: GreenArt Photography /


Homeopathy also has some remedies available to help with inflamed corners of the mouth. These include Bryonia alba (white turnip), calendula (marigold) and Antimonium crudum (black pudding).

Schüssler salts

Schüssler salts are used successfully and successfully in the treatment of inflamed corners of the mouth. Here are the # 3 Ferrum phosphoricum D12, # 8 sodium chloratum D6, # 1 calcium fluoratum D12, # 10 sodium sulfuricum D6 and the supplemental salt # 22 Calcium carbonicum D6. The salts can be used internally as well as externally as an ointment or dissolved in some water as a pulp.

If there is a disease behind it

Of course, if a disease is behind the inflamed corners of the mouth, treat it first. In addition, of course, the mentioned means can be used. If there is an iron deficiency, iron supplements are prescribed. Since these often cause indigestion, the course is recommended to a naturopath. Perhaps sufficient naturopathic preparations to remedy the iron deficiency.

An echinacea regimen can help alleviate the arthritomangalitis associated with autoimmune disease. (Picture Björn Wylezich /

General Tips

Those who have a tendency to inflamed corners of the mouth or who have them straight should refrain from spicy, salty and sour. The lips need moisture in the form of a care stick or other suitable lip care. Constant licking of the lips should be avoided. If the immune system is weakened, it will be boosted with vitamin C and zinc. In addition, the use of Echinacea (coneflower), but only if those affected do not suffer from autoimmune disease. Echinacea is taken for three days, then paused for two days and this rhythm is carried out for a maximum of three weeks. After a break of one to two weeks, the Echinacea treatment can be repeated.

What also stimulates the immune system is sea buckthorn. This must be consumed regularly so that it can be effective. The intake of colostrum also has a positive effect on the immune system. This is not stimulated by this, but modulated. Especially with existing autoimmune diseases this is a possible way. Basically, a healthy, vitamin-rich diet is important, which contains little animal. Sufficient hydration is also to be considered. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)