Thick calves - causes and help with calf swelling

Thick calves - causes and help with calf swelling / symptoms
Thick calves are often perceived as a relatively nonspecific complaint that does not always have to be accompanied by an externally visible swelling of the calves. Often, it only describes the feeling of swollen lower legs or a feeling of pressure in the calves. Depending on the cause of thickening different treatment options such. Bandages, blood thinning medications or exercise training in question. Accompanying to offer various naturopathic procedures such as hydrotherapy.


  • definition
  • symptoms
  • Causes of thick calves
  • Fat calves due to physical stress
  • Cause Löfgren syndrome
  • Organic causes of thickening of the calf
  • Calf swelling due to tissue damage - Ulcus cruris
  • diagnosis
  • Treatment for calf thickening
  • Naturopathy with thick calves


As "thick calves" in this article are understood both all diseased extensions of the normal extent of the calf or the calf muscle (musculus gastrocnemius), as well as the feeling of swollen calves. Extensions of the calf circumference due to increased fat deposits or massive overweight are not explicitly considered here.

Thick calves may appear as a result of physical overload, but may also be associated with various disorders. (Image: blanche /


Outwardly recognizable thick calves can appear as acute swelling in the back part of the lower leg as well as in the form of a chronic enlargement of its circumference. The same applies to the feeling of thick calves, which describes a perceived pressure increase and tension in this area. Accompanying many sufferers have pain in the calf or in the lower leg.

Depending on the causes of the thick calves, further symptoms may be added, such as tingling in the limbs or numbness in the legs, heel pain, ankle pain and foot pain.

The swelling is often not limited to the calves, but can also affect the feet or even the entire leg. Leg pain, fat legs and thick feet or swollen feet are therefore among the accompanying symptoms of thick calves. Frequently, the symptoms of the affected people increasingly occur under stress and in the evening.

Causes of thick calves

Trauma injuries, such as fractures of the ankle, fibula or tibia and ruptures (tears) of the Achilles tendon or other ligaments in the ankle area, usually cause severe hematomas, which are often visible in the calf area. It shows a massive swelling, which appears after a short time bluish-dark purple and then yellowish-dark greenish.

Frequently, venous problems such as Varicose veins are the cause of swollen calves. (Image: Solarisys /

Not infrequently, the symptoms of thick calves caused by vascular diseases such as varicose veins or venous insufficiency. Likewise, circulatory disorders, for example in the course of arteriosclerosis, come into consideration. A vascular occlusion (thrombosis) can lead to a sudden swelling in the leg area.

Another possible cause of calf swelling is called lymphedema. These accumulations of fluid in the cell space are due to an impairment of the lymphatic system or lymph drainage. This can be caused, for example, malformations or developmental disorders of the lymphatic vessels, pathological changes due to bacterial, mycogenic and viral infections or damage from operations, radiation and chemotherapeutic measures.

Fat calves due to physical stress

High stress, for example, in competitive sports, relatively often leads to the feeling of thick calves, which is increasingly associated with muscle soreness in the calf muscle. Accompanying may be acute leg cramps to watch. Outwardly visible the thick calves are not usually here.

Performance athletes often have the feeling that the calves have swollen due to the heavy strain on the muscles. (Image: Narong Jongsirikul /

In the course of an excessive strain on the muscles, however, a so-called functional compartment syndrome can develop, which also causes externally visible changes. The muscles are trained too hard and the muscle volume increases significantly, while the surrounding connective tissue layers (fascia) do not expand accordingly. The pressure on the tissue leads to a circulatory disorder that causes permanent damage to the muscles and nerves. If no therapeutic treatment, the tissue can die off. It threatens a complete loss of the calf muscles. Even massive bruises or bruises sometimes cause a compartment syndrome.

Cause Löfgren syndrome

Occasionally, as part of the so-called Löfgren syndrome also shows a swelling in the calf area. The reddish swellings (erythema nodosum) do not occur on the calves, but on the lower leg fronts (the same applies to the ulcers cruris). The disease is generally characterized by lymph node swelling, polyarthritis, especially in the area of ​​the ankle, and inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. It shows suddenly occurring nodular, swollen and overheated skin redness, which can reach a diameter of about ten centimeters. Accompanying many sufferers from nonspecific symptoms such as chronic fatigue and fever.

Organic causes of thickening of the calf

The cause is a disease of the organs into consideration. Thus, for example, an hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) or hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) sometimes leads to the formation of a so-called myxedema.

This usually manifests as a reddish, but not overheated, swelling of the extremities and face. The skin becomes dry and rough. The swelling is due to the deposition of so-called glycosaminoglycans in the cell space. If there is no therapeutic treatment, the person threatened with a life-threatening myxedema coma.

Calf swelling due to tissue damage - Ulcus cruris

In rare cases, there is a so-called ulcus cruris in the calf area. This is a damage to the tissue substance, which is usually associated with an open, not or hardly healed wound. The lower leg appears red and swollen around the wound. For example, ulcus cruris ("open leg") may develop as part of a chronic compartment syndrome.

By scanning the lower leg, the doctor often already receives important information on the cause of the complaints. (Picture: Picture-Factory /


Based on the information on the symptoms and their occurrence can usually draw already first conclusions about the possible causes of the thick calves. A physical examination with palpation and listening to the lower leg provides further information. A leg ulcer and a myxedema can usually be clearly determined in this way. Imaging procedures (ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and X-rays) are used, for example, for bone fractures and torn ligaments, but also for circulatory disorders and lymphoedema to ensure the diagnosis.

To clearly identify a compartment syndrome, a pressure probe can be inserted into the affected tissue. If a Löfgren syndrome is suspected, it may be necessary to take a tissue sample (biopsy) to confirm the diagnosis. In addition, blood tests provide important information on inflammatory processes in the organism and possibly existing diseases of the thyroid gland.

Treatment for calf thickening

The treatment is quite variable according to the different triggers. If the symptoms are due to excessive stress or a compartment syndrome, the calf muscle is protected and the legs are cooled and raised. In acute compartment syndrome, however, surgical fascia cleavage (fasciotomy) may be required to relieve pressure on the tissue.

If a myxedema develops as a result of thyroid disease, drug therapy usually takes place. In a myxedema coma intravenous administration of thyroid hormones, corticosteroids and glucose is foreseen. Accompanying attempts are made to stabilize the electrolyte balance.

Löfgren syndrome is also usually treated with medication. First, so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and later also corticosteroids (subgroup of corticosteroids) can be used. If no cure is found on the basis of the above-mentioned drugs, so-called cytostatics may be administered.

In many cases, a leg ulcer can not be controlled conventionally (wound cleansing, healing ointments, dressings), so that surgical removal of the damaged tissue - possibly with subsequent skin grafting - is relatively often required.

Circulatory disorders can be treated differently depending on the causes. In many cases, exercise training or cardiovascular training can already bring about a significant improvement in the blood flow to the legs. Complementary anticoagulant and blood-thinning medications should facilitate the blood flow and thus positively influence the blood flow of the extremities. Vascular changes, such as varicose veins, require surgical intervention at worst.

Impairment of lymphatic drainage is in most cases successfully treated with physiotherapy, lymphatic drainage, and wearing compression stockings. If conventional procedures fail, surgery may help restore lymphatic drainage.

Kneipp treatments such as treading support the venous health and thus counteract thick calves. (Image: Kzenon /

Naturopathy with thick calves

Accompanying the therapy different naturopathic methods are used werden.So example, the hydrotherapy can contribute to a significant improvement in circulation in the calves. Kneipp cures in the private bath can be be carried out in the form of the well-known water tread in the domestic bathtub or cold Wadengüssen.

Tread against thick calves

  1. Fill the bath up to half an inch under the knee with cold water
  2. Walk up and down in the "stork step" with your toe points pointing downwards
  3. Run until a cold sensation occurs (maximum one minute)
  4. Get out of the tub and wipe off the water with your hands (do not dry!)
  5. Put on stockings and shoes immediately and take care of them through foot exercises, walking or similar. for reheating

Important: Be sure to warm your feet at the beginning of the session and then re-heat them. Water treading is not suitable for menstrual cramps, chills, cystitis or urinary tract infections, kidney problems, severe arterial circulatory disorders and diseases of the genitals and the abdomen.

Homeopathic remedies, Schuessler salts and numerous preparations with medicinal plants have also been proven in thick calves in connection with circulatory disorders. Particularly noteworthy here is the horse chestnut, which, among other things, has a decongestant, circulation-promoting and anti-inflammatory effect. Horse chestnut medicines (e.g., gels or ointments) are associated with venous insufficiency and other vascular diseases, as well as with swelling, e.g. due to a sprain or bruise used.

In the form of a tea, the horse chestnut strengthens the veins and counteracts pain and swelling in the calves due to circulatory disorders.

Recipe for horse chestnut tea:

  1. Put a teaspoon of horse chestnut flowers in a cup
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over it
  3. After 10 minutes, you will be brewing the infusion
  4. If necessary, sweeten the tea with a little honey and drink two to three cups a day

Other proven home remedies for calf pain and swelling are clover and comfrey, which are contained in various venous ointments and are well suited for external use.

Comfrey is a proven medicinal plant in thick calves, because it promotes blood circulation and relieves swelling. (Image: unpict /

If water retention in the legs is the cause of thick calves, they can often help with simple movement exercises: stand upright and repeatedly rock evenly from the tip of the toe to the heel to stimulate the pumping action of the feet. Another effective exercise that can also be performed while sitting or lying down is the alternating stretching and pulling of the feet.

Proven home remedies for water in the legs and calf swelling are tea blends with juniper berries, nettles or birch leaves. Furthermore, often helps a regular high-elevation of the legs, if the calves, especially after a long standing or sitting thick.

The manual treatment approaches of Rolfing, osteopathy and chiropractic, in turn, offer in a functional impairment of the calf muscle, but can also have a positive effect on circulatory disorders and lymphedema. (fp, nr, last updated on 21.2.2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)