Burning Feet - Burning causes, treatment and home remedies

Burning Feet - Burning causes, treatment and home remedies / symptoms
Burning feet are called in the jargon "Burning Feet". The affected feel pain, burning and tingling on the feet, similar to the "falling asleep" of a body part that slowly "comes to life" again. Color changes, such as redness, livid discoloration, and swelling may also occur.


  • causes
  • The real Burning Feet Syndrome
  • Causes Burning Feet Syndrome
  • research methods
  • Treatment with burning feet
  • Alternative therapies
  • Home remedies for burning feet
  • Preventive action


Circulatory disorders are one of the most common causes of burning feet. Too tight footwear and legs, which have been struck for a long time on top of each other, also form possible cause of the discomfort. Also, a quick change from cold to hot or vice versa can cause the burning sensation.

Frequently, circulatory disorders are the cause of burning feet. (Image: Kaesler Media / fotolia.com)

Excessive alcohol and / or nicotine consumption has a negative effect on the blood vessels and the peripheral nervous system. Therefore, burning of the feet is also possible in this context. Another cause is allergic reactions, possibly triggered by the material of the shoes and / or stockings.

The real Burning Feet Syndrome

Burning feet should be differentiated from the real Burning Feet syndrome in the doctor's office. The latter occurs especially at night and can be positively influenced by cold.

In most cases, additional symptoms develop, such as dandruff of the skin, an increased local sweat secretion, tension, muscle spasms, nerve irritation and insomnia. Here, the cause should definitely be clarified by a doctor, especially because the Burning Feet syndrome can also be caused by underlying serious diseases.

Causes Burning Feet Syndrome

The causes of the Burning Feet Syndrome are manifold. For example, a vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis), especially the lack of various B vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) or thiamine (vitamin B1), cause the syndrome. All three B vitamins are vital vitamins of particular importance to the nervous system. A lack of minerals, especially of magnesium, can also trigger the unpleasant burning of the feet.

The vitamin and / or mineral deficiency arises for example by a metabolic disorder, a bowel disease, malnutrition or malnutrition.

Often a vitamin B deficiency associated with alcoholism is observed. It has been found that in this complex of complaints in the affected tissue, the circulation is disturbed, whereupon this is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen. Mostly additionally nerve fibers are affected.

Known diseases in which footburn can occur are polyneuropathy in association with diabetes mellitus, Raynaud's disease, RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome) or Lyme disease. In gout, the symptoms focus on the big toe.

False footwear can quickly cause your feet to burn. (Image: cunaplus / fotolia.com)

research methods

Burning feet are often harmless and may be associated with incorrect footwear, short-term circulatory problems, prolonged bumping of the legs or allergic reactions to the material of shoes and / or stockings.

However, if the symptoms appear repeatedly, especially at night and out of thin air, urgent medical examinations are required. A possible burning feet syndrome should be excluded and the cause of the burning pain found out.

The following examination methods are used. The blood picture is used to rule out any hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiency. Further diagnostic possibilities are the checking of the reflexes, the neurography (examination of the nerve conduction velocity) and the electromyography (here the electrical activity of the muscles is examined).

Treatment with burning feet

The treatment of foot burn depends on the cause, or the underlying disease.

In the case of hypovitaminosis, for example, the missing vitamins have to be added. Most of this happens in the form of infusions, because the body can absorb the vitamins so better, especially if there is a bowel disease.

In the case of diabetes mellitus, it must be clarified whether the persons affected are properly adjusted and whether their diet is adapted to the disease.

If the patients suffer from Lyme disease, which can be associated with a variety of symptoms, treatment is often not easy. However, there are now Lyme disease centers that specialize in this difficult to influence disease.

In gout, the big toe is usually affected by the burning sensation. Here, after a blood test, which shows elevated uric acid levels in this metabolic disorder, to illuminate the diet of patients exactly. This should be low in purines, which are contained mainly in offal, but also in meat, some fish species, legumes and yeast. A low-fat and vitamin C-rich diet is important.

In gout, the burning pain usually occurs in the area of ​​the big toes. (Image: toeytoey / fotolia.com)

Alternative therapies

Burning feet respond quite well to acupuncture, both ear acupuncture and body acupuncture. The traditional Chinese medicine sees the complaints from the holistic view and treats not only symptom-related, but causal. Acupressure, in which certain acupuncture points are not needled, but pressed with a finger and lightly massaged, can also bring relief.

Hydrotherapy in the form of cold water sprays, such as knee or lower leg casting, stimulates blood circulation, which also improves oxygenation in the affected tissue and can relieve the burning sensation.

In the context of orthomolecular medicine (OM), any missing vitamins are substituted. However, it is important not to do this on your own, but to have the supplements assembled by an experienced therapist or doctor. It should be remembered that orthomolecular remedies can only really help when the gut is healthy. Eventually, a corresponding further therapeutic approach is necessary.

The classical homeopathy treats the complaints predominantly with Sulfur (sulfur) or Secale cornutum (ergot). The anthroposophic medicine and the Schüssler salt therapy also have suitable means ready, which can help with the burning pain.

The foot reflexology massage is a suitable form of therapy for burning feet, which can primarily help cause.

A reflexology massage can provide relief. (Image: regine schöttl / fotolia.com)

Home remedies for burning feet

When burning feet help mostly cool conditions. So towels can be immersed in cold water, which is mixed with some pure natural vinegar and then placed around lower leg and feet and renewed several times. Cool packs or ice cubes, wrapped in a cloth, are also helpful. It is important that the source of cold is never brought directly to the skin, but, for example, wrapped with a cloth.

Quark rolls are a good home remedy to tackle the burning sensation. The quark is thereby painted on the middle of a cloth, both other sides are beaten and brought to the lower legs and / or feet. The wrap stays there for as long as it feels comfortable.

Preventive action

If there are no illnesses, the following preventative measures can prevent the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. The footwear and stockings should not be too tight and breathable. The legs should be avoided as this may cause circulatory problems. Regular exercises that train the muscles of the lower legs and improve blood circulation are recommended. Herbal remedies from naturopathy can also support blood circulation. (sw, last updated on 12.01.2018)