Blood bubbles - causes, therapy and home remedies

Blood bubbles - causes, therapy and home remedies / symptoms

Creation and supply of blood bubbles

Blood bubbles are caused by excessive friction or mechanical pressure. For example, too tight shoes or unfamiliar work with a tool. Due to the friction superimposed skin layers are detached from each other and the resulting cavity is filled with tissue fluid ("normal" bubble) or with blood. Smaller blood can be well supplied with home remedies, with larger but a doctor should be consulted.


  • Creation and supply of blood bubbles
  • Prick blood bubbles? What to pay attention to
  • Blisters on the foot or on the finger
  • Home remedies for open wounds
  • If the wound heals badly
  • Caution - no fatty substances on an open wound
  • If the bladder is not open - home remedies
  • Blood bubbles in the mouth
  • When to the doctor?
  • So that no blood bubbles arise

Prick blood bubbles? What to pay attention to

Blisters in general, but also blood bubbles, encourage them to puncture them. If they are small, this can be done with the necessary care at home. Larger blood bubbles are in the hands of a doctor, because the risk of infection is too great.

Blood bubbles are caused by pressure and friction, for example, in unsuitable shoes. (Image: photos 593 /

The needle used to open the bladder must be sterile. After piercing, the blood should be able to drain completely. Thereafter, the resulting wound is cleaned. Calendula essence is used for this purpose - one to two teaspoons of it are mixed with one-quarter liter of boiled, cooled water and the wound is rinsed. Also a compress soaked with it can be applied for about 15 minutes. The calendula essence not only disinfects very well but also helps to heal.

After piercing the bladder, the wound must always be kept clean. Repeated washing or dabbing with the diluted calendula essence is recommended. Also useful is a dilute with boiled water Spitzwegerichtinktur.

If the bladder has opened, careful care should be taken to avoid complications. (Image: showcake /

The wound is best protected by a not too tight fitting bandage. For redness, swelling or even general feeling of malady, a doctor should be consulted. If the wound is no longer open, it can be supplied with a calendula ointment (marigold ointment).

Blisters on the foot or on the finger

Blood bubbles should absolutely heal properly. Therefore, pressure and friction must be prevented. Special blister plasters protect the area. The bubble can not break open and ignite. Otherwise, the blood bubbles are supplied with special ointments, gels or tinctures.

Special blister plasters prevent further stress on the damaged skin and promote healing. (Image: Dron /

Home remedies for open wounds

The wound of the open blood blister can be dabbed several times daily with a sterile compress soaked in chamomile tea. The chamomile tea to be used for this is prepared from a tablespoon of flowers and half a liter of boiling water. After a brewing time of about 10 minutes, the tea is strained and can be used for the wound healing compress when it has cooled down a bit. Camomile has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, granulating and hemostatic.

Chamomile-based compresses have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing effect on a blood blister. (Image: kovaleva_ka /

In the acute phase, an oak bark abdomen is helpful. For this, one tablespoon of dried oak bark is mixed with one-quarter liter of cold water, boiled for about 15 minutes and then strained. Oak bark is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Yarrow is also recommended for wound healing. A teaspoon of dried herb is boiled briefly in 250 ml of water, lightly expressed and wrapped in a sterile compress, placed on the affected area.

If the wound heals badly

If the wound heals badly, the following home remedies can help: in equal parts are mixed horsetail tincture, calendula flower tincture and sun hat fluid extract. In order to supply the wound resulting from the bladder, 30 drops of the mixture are mixed with half a glass of boiled water and the surface is then brushed in several times a day.

An equally effective recipe consists of chamomile flower tincture, marigold tincture and sheep's tincture, mixed in equal parts. The application corresponds to the o.g. mixture.

This tea recipe also supports the healing process: 20 g of camomile flowers, 20 g of marigold blossoms and 10 g of ribwort. One tablespoon of this is poured over with half a liter of boiling water. After about 10 minutes, the tea is ready and only has to cool down a bit before it is used for compresses.

Caution - no fatty substances on an open wound

Fatty substances such as ointments, quark or cream have lost nothing on open wounds. The wound edges may be supplied with anti-inflammatory ointments, but they do not have to be looked for on open wounds. This obstructs the "breathing" and this can lead to an infection.

If the bladder is not open - home remedies

If the wound is no longer open, or the blood bubble has not been opened, the following home remedies can help. All ointments and gels mentioned here should be applied several times a day. A thick ointment dressing overnight supports the healing process.

Especially with fresh blood bubbles, the cooling helps. This relieves the pain a bit. With ice, wrapped in a washcloth, or an ice pack, wrapped in a towel, the affected area is cooled.

If the bladder is still closed, treatment with the juice of aloe vera is recommended. (Image: GreenArt Photography /

Aloe moisturizes, cools and heals. The best way to help here is of course the plant. Sliced ​​an aloe leaf and supplied with the exiting, gel-like substance the blood bubbles - but who has an aloe plant at home? For example, a gel containing aloe usually has to be used.

What also proves itself is the application of Calendula ointment. Calendula is anti-inflammatory and stimulates the regeneration of healthy tissue. Also recommended are ointments that contain both calendula and echinacea (coneflower).

Manuka honey, which is cited again and again, is equally suitable for the treatment of blood blisters. This special honey supports wound healing.

If the bladder is still closed, it can be helped with an Arnica ointment. Arnica has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant. Arnica should never be brought to open wounds.

Healing earth, an old household remedy, is also the right choice for blood vessels. This is mixed with water to a pulp and then applied to the affected area. When the heath soil has dried, it is rinsed off. Similarly, a porridge made from turmeric powder, mixed with a little honey.

Zinc ointment is usually used to heal wounds. This also helps with blood bubbles.

Blood bubbles in the mouth

Blood bubbles in the mouth look like small pimples at first. They can arise on the tongue as well as on the gums. Causes of blood blisters in the mouth are minor injuries, such as chewing hard bread. But even allergic reactions to certain foods can cause these unpleasant, painful blisters. Other reasons for this are the lack of vitamin B12 or vitamin C. Excessive alcohol or tobacco consumption can also lead to blood bubbles in the mouth.

In the case of blood blisters in the mouth, the risk of secondary infection should be avoided. (Picture fpic /

As a rule, the small blood bubbles heal completely by themselves. They should not be expressed as it may result in secondary bacterial infection. The mouth should be frequently cleaned with appropriate mouthwashes and oral hygiene taken seriously. For example, rinsing with Ratanhia mouthwash helps here. Ratanhia has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. The Ratanhia root has already been used by the Incas for oral and dental care.

Also helpful is calendula essence. Diluted with water, the mouth is rinsed several times a day. Other home remedies are tea tree oil, with which the blood bubbles are dabbed. Also recommended is chamomile tea, with the rinsed and dabbed points. Pain-relieving and healing works not least the brushing with myrrh tincture.

When to the doctor?

Large blisters, but also smaller bladders, which can not be treated with the mentioned means and / or are very painful, should be taken care of by a doctor.

Blood bubbles in the mouth, which are quite small, usually pass by on their own. If there is pain and / or does not suggest your own treatment, you should go to the dentist. This prescribes antibiotic mouthwashes and corticosteroids.

So that no blood bubbles arise

To protect oneself from blood blisters on feet, wearing silk socks under the actual socks will help. New shoes are rinsed with hot water and then put on or rubbed with petroleum jelly before first wearing. The feet are best rubbed with baby powder - this protects against blisters. (Sw)