Acidification of the body

In acidification of the body, the bases in the body are not enough to keep the acid-base balance in balance. The PH level in the blood does not drop belowthe threshold of 7.36, however, the body is flooded with acids and thus heavily loaded. The whole body, especially organs such as kidney, lung, intestine and skin work together to restore the normal acid-base balance. The skin reacts with an excretion of acid sweat, from the bones dissolve basic minerals, such as phosphates and calcium. This causes physical problems. The bone substance is broken down because the body now needs phosphates and calcium to buffer the acids, as the other buffer systems are overloaded. In the body, acid is stored in depots because they can no longer be neutralized and released to the outside. In this way painful muscle hardening develops.
Acidification of the body
Consequences of hyperacidity
acid generator
acid suppliers
Base-giving foods
Urine Test
What you can do against hyperacidity
Consequences of hyperacidity
First, there is a latent hyperacidity, which then ends after years in a chronic hyperacidity. The body is constantly working at peak speed until the reserves are exhausted. This then favors the emergence of many diseases, such as
Gastrointestinal ulcers
Rheumatic diseases
Kidney stones
heart disease
Chronic pain
The following complaints are also due to a hyperacidity of the body:
Chronic pain
General malaise
a headache
susceptibility to infection
Change of hair, skin and nails
Inner unrest
The main cause of hyperacidity is a bad diet, with more than a quarter of acidifying foods. Added to this are alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, fears and too little exercise.

acid generator
These are metabolized in the body "sour". These include sugar, sweets, white flour, polished rice, all husked cereal products, peas, dried green and brown lentils, sweet drinks, bean coffe, alcohol.
acid suppliers
These bring an excess of acidic minerals (e.g., sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine) into the body. The acid suppliers include, for example, meat, offal, fish, sausage, poultry, game, eggs, dairy products, meat broth.
Base-giving foods
Basic foods include fruits, wild herbs, aromatic herbs, leaf and root vegetables, potatoes, whey and hazelnuts.
Urine Test
To determine your own personal acid-base status, there are test strips that are available at the pharmacy. The test strips should be consulted at fixed times for several days. For example, the acid-base status is measured daily at 6:00 am before breakfast, at 9:00 am, at 12:00 pm before lunch, at 3:00 pm, and again at 6:00 pm before the evening meal. The test strips consist of indicator paper that reacts to urine.
A pH of 7.0 means neutral, greater than 7.0 is basic, less than 7.0 is acidic. In addition, notes on daily food intake may also be helpful in explaining possible fluctuations. Not all measured values must be in the basic range. However, the tendency should be more basic than sour. Otherwise something must be done against the hyperacidity.
What you can do against hyperacidity
dietary changes
The diet should be made up of three quarters of basic foods and one-quarter of acidic foods throughout the day. Also important is enough pure water to drink without carbon dioxide. Coffee and black tea do not count in this context to the amount of liquid.
Physical exercise, if possible daily and in the fresh air, reduces the risk of hyperacidity.
Elimination of acid support
Daily changing showers, regular exertion that makes you sweat, sauna and brush massages stimulate the skin to release acids to the outside.
For relaxation
Constant stress can lead to hyperacidity. Relaxation techniques, such. Yoga, meditation and autogenic training help to better manage the stress. Naturopathic therapies such as Bach flower therapy or homeopathy can also be helpful.
In addition, dietary supplements such as base powder or base tablets can be taken. However, this should not be a long-term therapy. These supplements are helpful in the short term, for example when eating outside the home or when traveling. A weekly base bath contributes to the excretion of acids through the skin, which can also serve to reduce the acidity of the organism. Also, the Schüssler salt therapy is a good support to fight against hyperacidity. (Susanne C. Waschke, alternative practitioner)