Pelvic pain causes and treatment

Causes of pelvic pain
Pelvic pain unilateral
Pelvic Tilt
Pelvic girdle syndrome
Pelvic pain in pregnancy
Home remedies and natural remedies for pelvic pain
The term "pelvic pain" usually summarizes all complaints that occur in the area of the pelvis, ie the body section between the abdomen (abdomen) and the legs (membrum inferius). The bony pelvis consists of the sacrum (sacrum), the coccyx (coccyx) and the two hip bones (Os coxae dextrum et sinistrum), the latter in turn composed of intestinal, seat and pubic bone. While the space between the two iliac shovels is referred to as the "large pelvis" (pelvis major), the space below it is the "pelvis minor", which becomes narrower towards the bottom and therefore the so-called "pelvis minor". Beck funnel "represents. On the one hand, the pelvis serves to connect the trunk skeleton to the legs and, thanks to its structure and strength, it provides the human body with stability and an upright posture. In addition, it protects the pelvic organs, e.g. Prostate, uterus and bladder and serves as a passage point of the child during childbirth. Correspondingly, there are clear differences between the sexes in the construction, as in women, for example, the pelvic shovels are laterally more expansive, as is the angle between the two pubic branches considerably larger than in men.

The pain in the pelvis can occur in very different intensity and also radiate to other areas of the body, which can lead to inguinal, leg and / or buttocks pain, for example. In many cases, discomfort in this area can not be clearly localized or assigned, so they are often referred to as abdominal, abdominal or hip pain. In fact, delineation is often difficult, but while pelvic pain is mostly due to the bony pelvic girdle, abdominal and abdominal pains often appear in association with the organs (stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas, uterus, etc.). Numerous causes come into question, such as Constipation, bowel obstruction, bladder or kidney pelvic inflammation, reflux, diarrhea or a so-called "irritable bowel syndrome".
Causes of pelvic pain
The causes of pain in the pelvic area are manifold, precisely because accurate localization is often difficult and, accordingly, it can also be, for example, radiating abdominal or back pain. In many cases, pelvic bone discomfort is caused by injuries such as bruises or fractures. Often (especially in the elderly) there is also osteoporosis (bone loss), which is a disease characterized by a decrease in bone density due to an excessively rapid degradation of the bone structure and structure.

In addition, the pain in the pelvis can also be triggered by the organs located there. Correspondingly, for example, a prostate, female genital diseases (vulvitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.) or cystitis may be the cause. It is also possible that the symptoms, for example, an appendix irritation or a tumor or a daughter tumor (metastases) stemming, as well as inflammatory bowel disease, food intolerances such. a gluten allergy, improper diet or infectious diseases. Last but not least, pelvic pain can also be psychosomatic. In this case, no organic cause can be found for the complaints, instead they are an expression of emotional stress such as stress, tension, overwork or anxiety.

Pelvic pain unilateral
A very common cause of unilateral hip and pelvic pain is poor posture, e.g. as a result of injury or "bad habit" as seen in many people's attitudes. A typical example here is the shift of weight when standing on one leg, causing the whole body in a tilted position. Often the trigger is to try to avoid pain (for example from a previous leg or foot injury) by protecting the affected side and only stressing the "intact" leg. As a result, this is often also more muscular and pronounced than the other, moreover, the malaise is usually maintained in other positions as well, e.g. even when sitting, the weight is shifted to a certain side. After all, this shift also becomes noticeable in the hip and pelvic area, since the weight is spread over only one leg, creating a permanent tension in the hip on this side, and the pelvis is warped and tilted upwards on one side.
If there is such an increased tension in the musculature, those affected often take the maladjustment "automatically" over and over again, which in many cases develops to such an extent that it is considered "normal". As a result, unilateral pelvic pain in women is often caused by their toddlers wearing their toddlers asymmetrically on the hip, which implies that they must be pushed up and out on the appropriate side. As a result, there are often unpleasant and painful tensions, which can not be solved by permanent load alone, but instead be compensated by the so-called pelvic obliquity.
Pelvic Tilt
One of the most common causes of pelvic and hip pain is the so-called "pelvic obliquity". The background to this is that the pelvis plays an important role for the entire body posture and is optimally in an almost horizontal position. Are e.g. the back muscles are strained or the legs are not the same length, the pelvis tilts from this normal position. However, this is not uncommon in principle, because only very few people have a really straight pool, but estimated every second in the western industrialized nations is affected by an obliquity. If this is only slightly present, the body can usually compensate for the imbalance itself, so that the affected person experiences little or no complaints or restrictions. If, on the other hand, I have a more pronounced pelvic obliquity, the spinal column must become more distorted to compensate for the risk of permanent lateral bending (scoliosis). As a result, there is often back pain and discomfort in the pelvic or hip area, in addition, the oblique pelvis may also affect other areas of the skeleton and thereby, for example. Cause shoulder or knee pain. Also possible are problems with the bit such as e.g. Nocturnal teeth grinding or a strong clenching of the teeth, which in turn can lead to a tense neck muscles and headaches from the neck starting.
A pelvic obliquity can have many causes, with a medical distinction between two categories: If a so-called "structural obliquity" is present, it is an anatomical condition, whereby the spine can not return to a straight position by itself. Triggers can be here, for example, accidents, surgery or a genetic predisposition such as congenital scoliosis, but in most cases, a leg length difference is responsible. A few millimeters of difference usually do not cause any problems at all, but the bigger it gets, the more the complaints usually get worse.
In addition, the obliquity can also be caused by muscular tension of the buttocks and the lower back muscles, as the pelvis in this case changes to an oblique position to "avoid" the pain. Also, a muscular imbalance may be the trigger causing, e.g. can result from unilateral stress in sports or injuries to the musculoskeletal system. As a result, the pelvis gets out of balance and tilts to one side, giving the impression of a leg length difference, although both legs are the same length ("functional pelvic obliquity").
Pelvic girdle syndrome
Another possible cause is the so-called "pelvic ring syndrome". These are pathological disorders in the areas of the sacrum, sacroiliac joints (short: ISG, also called "sacro-iliac joints") and hip legs, which together form the so-called pelvic ring. For this purpose, various causes are possible, for example, a blockade of the sacroiliac joint or irritation of the ligamentous apparatus are possible. Also, a so-called "lumbar spine syndrome" (short: "LWS") is conceivable, which refers to all those pain that occur in the lower back or lumbar area. This can be triggered for example by degenerative changes (disc damage, dysfunction of tethers, etc.), congenital spinal deformities, growth disorders or inflammatory diseases, in addition, fractures or injuries (trauma) can lead to a lumbar spine syndrome.
Corresponding to the variety of causes, the pelvic pain in a pelvic ring syndrome can also occur in very different places with different intensity and e.g. into the buttocks, groins or legs. If peripheral nerves are also affected, it can also lead to neurological deficits.

Pelvic pain in pregnancy
If the pelvic pain occurs during pregnancy, so-called "symphyseal loosening" can be the cause, which occurs in about one in 600 pregnant women. This is a loosening of the pubic symphysis (symphysis) occurring before or during delivery, indicating a disc-like, cartilaginous connection of the two pelvic halves at the front. In the course of pregnancy increases by the ever-growing child the pressure on the pelvic bone and thus on the symphysis, in addition, the connective tissue through the hormonal changes in this time looser and more elastic. Affected here are especially the ligaments of the pubic symphysis, which can expand during pregnancy to make the baby's path through the pelvis as easy as possible.
On the other hand, this hormone loosening as well as the stretching of the symphyseal bands as a result of the increased pressure can also lead to discomfort, which often occur in the pubic area and in the groin area. However, since the entire pelvic girdle is affected, the discomfort can also radiate to the back or the thigh insides. In addition, sufferers also often speak of hip pain. It is possible that there is a rubbing or crunching sensation in the area of the symphysis and, moreover, the symptoms become stronger in most cases during exercise. In addition, in some cases, the pain may begin before childbirth and increase continuously. However, other women do not experience a sudden onset of pain until or even after childbirth, e.g. if a very large child was given birth or the birth took place supine. The triggers for symphyseal loosening have not yet been fully elucidated, however, risk factors such as previous back problems, hip injuries and arthritic joint inflammation are considered to favor sympathetic loosening.
In case of nonspecific pelvic pain, a doctor should be consulted in any case, especially if the cause is not clearly recognizable and / or the symptoms are pronounced. The patient can often make a diagnosis using a comprehensive medical history and a thorough examination. In addition, supportive imaging techniques such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are sometimes used. If the pain is sudden and severe or persists for an extended period of time, a referral to a hospital should be made to address more serious or even life-threatening conditions such as: to exclude an intestinal obstruction or an appendectomy.
The treatment of the pain then takes place depending on the cause and can accordingly mean quite different periods, measures and procedures from case to case. If, for example, Although the treatment is generally also in accordance with the symptoms, the most important step initially consists in stabilizing the pelvic ring. This can often be achieved quite simply by a lap belt, which causes a relief and alleviation of the pain by squeezing the iliac bones. In addition, other possible treatment measures such as thermal therapies, long wave treatment or a special pelvic floor exercises, in rare cases, however, a surgical procedure to stabilize the symphysis is indicated.
If there is a slight pelvic obliquity, usually no special treatment is necessary, as this can usually be compensated by the body itself. However, if the curvature is more pronounced and / or discomfort develops due to the awkwardness, therapy is definitely recommended, with the specific measures depending on the cause, the age of the person affected and the extent of the malposition. If the trigger is in adults, e.g. a "real" leg length difference ("structural pelvic obliquity") heel inserts (up to a centimeter difference) or a heel or sole increase (up to three inches) can be used.
The so-called spinal column therapy according to Dorn and Breuss can be helpful for the correction of apparent leg length differences ("functional pelvic obliquity"). However, if it is a muscular dysbalance, special strength or physiotherapy exercises are helpful in restoring balance. If the cause of the posture is tension, stress relief exercises can be soothing and soothing, with yoga and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) particularly suitable.
Home remedies and natural remedies for pelvic pain
Alternatively or in addition to the conventional treatment methods, depending on the cause in some cases, natural healing methods can be used. For example, acupuncture, magnetic field therapy or physical cold or heat applications are possible, as have massages, Schüssler salts and corresponding remedies from the field of homeopathy. Which procedures are indicated and suitable here in individual cases, however, patients should always discuss in advance with a naturopath or naturopathic physician, as well as the exact dosage, duration of use or possible interactions.
Osteopathy can help with hip and pelvic pain and provide more mobility by using special gripping techniques, e.g. Muscle tension, blocked joints or a pelvic obliquity can be corrected. However, in the case of a crooked pelvis, sufferers can often do some of their own to relieve the symptoms. Because this often arises from a muscular tension or dysbalance, e.g. as a result of constant stress on one half of the body when carrying infants or during sports. Here, however, can usually be achieved with special strength exercises or physiotherapy improvement by restoring balance and thereby promote an upright symmetrical posture. Especially with tension relaxation techniques can be very helpful and beneficial, including yoga, autogenic training, massages or meditative forms of exercise such as qigong and tai-chi.
Even in the case of pregnancy-related symphyseal loosening, sufferers can do a few things themselves to relieve the pain. For example, regularly performed exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, buttocks and trunk muscles in order to relieve the pelvis. Here, for example, a workout is suitable for which the woman lies on her back and puts her legs at about right angles and hip width. Now, while breathing out, the pelvic floor and the lower abdominal muscles are strained, then the feet are pressed firmly into the ground until the pelvis rises slightly. In this position, the tension is now held for several breaths and finally released again. This exercise should be repeated six times, but always make sure that there is no hollow back.
In addition to pelvic floor exercises, gentle sports such as swimming, light (water) gymnastics or personalized physiotherapy can be helpful. Women should definitely avoid certain activities such as heavy lifting or carrying when doing so. Unfavorable are, for example, frequent climbing stairs or sitting cross-legged. Instead, a nursing pillow between your legs while sleeping can be a real treat. During the day, inter alia, regular breaks help, in which she puts the person on a large exercise ball and slowly lets the hips rotate, also can also provide the so-called "quadruped" for a pleasant relief of the pelvis.
To prevent pelvic pain, care should generally be taken to strengthen the back and maintain an upright posture. For this, above all, regular movement is indispensable, especially if e.g. working daily for hours in a sitting position. No one has to go to an expensive gym right now to train their muscles. Rather, in everyday life in many places for a little more movement can be ensured by, for example, instead of the car, the bike or the stairs instead of the elevator is used. In addition to the movement, a healthy and pain-free back requires sufficient rest and relaxation, because those who are constantly under negative stress, pressure and "high tension" quickly risk health effects. In addition to a pelvic obliquity caused by tension, headache and back pain, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis or a digestive disorder, as well as life-threatening illnesses such as a heart attack or stroke are possible. (No)