Rash on the face

- How does rash develop??
- I have to go to the doctor?
- causes
- plant poison
- allergies
- Frequent rashes
- acne
- teething
- Diagnosis and treatment of facial rash
- prevention
How does rash develop??
Our skin is not a shell, but the largest organ of our body and plays a special role in warding off pathogens.
The skin shows what happens in our body and our psyche: in anger, the blood flows through the veins, and the blush rises in our cheeks; we start to grow pale with fear. The skin is more robust than most internal organs: it is exposed to the environment, and it repels harmful influences. At the same time, however, the "struggles" of the immune system in the body are reflected on the skin - for example as a rash.

Spots are typical, as are blisters with fluid, pustules, knots or wheals, stabs and garlands. The rash "effloresces", it blooms like flowers after a spring rain.
Doctors talk about exanthems. Most of these lesions do not form on the face, but on the hands and fingers, feet and toes, elbows and the insides of the forearms. Redness turns into blisters, resulting in crusts, wounds and skin tears.
A typical skin rash is severe itching, burning or overheating. Fever, nausea, sweating, swelling, and difficulty in breathing refer to basic illnesses.
Red spots and strong fever are typical of rubella, measles and chickenpox. Dry skin, however, associated with inflamed skin is a symptom of atopic dermatitis.
I have to go to the doctor?
Sometimes the trigger for a rash on the face is harmless: I do not tolerate a certain face cream, I sweat in the winter under a wool scarf, or an insect has stung me. Then it is usually sufficient to apply an ointment and the rash disappears on its own.
However, a doctor should be consulted if:
- the rash suddenly and badly blooms
- he hurts a lot and swells
- Symptoms such as dizziness, chills or shortness of breath occur
- the rash returns
- The skin changes mutate, so from redness pus or blisters
- a toddler is affected
- the reason is unknown
The first point of contact is the family doctor. For most rashes, his funds are sufficient, for specific skin diseases he refers those affected to a dermatologist, for internal basal diseases to other specialists.

Exanthema usually arise from infections, either in the body or directly on the skin. These include viruses and bacteria as well as the side effects of medications and allergies.
Less common are non-infectious skin inflammations, which we call eczema. These can be vascular inflammations, autoimmune diseases or systemic diseases.
If the rash affects only a limited part of the face, for example on the lips, the pathogen probably comes from the outside, typical are contact eczema and fungal infections.
Also, psychosomatic rashes are common: the skin then responds to mental health problems and negative stress.
plant poison
Toxins trigger the rash, let's call it toxic facial rash. The giant hogweed is one of the plants that you should not touch even with kid gloves, but not at all. If one touches the white-flowering beauty, the skin itches, it reddens and forms wheals; The suffering sometimes lasts for weeks. The wounds are wet like burns and the symptoms are similar to third degree burns. The perennial contains phototoxic substances that react to sunlight. The wounds heal severely, and scars and pigmentation are the result.
The poison of the Bärenklaus also gets into the air. Therefore, you should never stand on hot summer days right next to the giant hogweed, if you do not want to catch bronchitis. Also two related species, meadowbuckle and angelica have the same effect.
Allergies also cause skin rash on the face. Responsible today is especially an excess of skin care. The perioral dermatitis is manifested by blisters around the mouth. Anyone who damages his skin with too many creams and lotions robs them of the ability to produce endogenous fats. The skin dries up; as an antidote, many sufferers again use creams and thus increase the symptoms.

Frequent rashes
The herpes zoster viruses show up as a rash on the back, on the chest, on the ear and face, as well as cold sores in the mouth, or as blisters in the genital area.
Mollusc warts are inflammatory skin growths. The cause is a virus that lives mainly in the tropics. They grow mainly on the eyelids, on the face, on the neck, under the armpits and in the genital area.
Bacterial infections such as scarlet fever and syphilis are associated with rash.
Many medications irritate the skin. These include antibiotics such as penicillin, cortisone, anticonvulsants, gout and glinide.
The skin repels harmful substances, which leads to contact dermatitis. For example, anyone who constantly comes into contact with aggressive cleaning agents and wipes their hands on the face triggers such irritation. Even latex leads in the long run to itchy rash.
A "mouth rose" occurs when the facial skin is overwhelmed by excessive care. Then red spots and blisters form around the mouth, cheeks, chin and nose.
A sun allergy appears in the face as heat pimples, redness and blisters. Even the classic sunburn is a medical rant.
Skin rashes as a result of allergies appear as wheals that are itchy and filled with fluid, and as angioedema, which is swelling in the face, hands, feet and genital area. Such allergic rashes must be treated with absolute medical attention, because if they expand into the mouth and throat, they can lead to breathlessness and thus death.
Lichen diseases occur in batches, as inflamed plates (not bumps) from white-silver scales; The vernacular refers to it as a "fish skin". Imetigo is particularly painful, the purulent lichen - and it is also contagious.
Yeast candles (Candida) belong to the household of our body. However, when our immune system fails, they multiply excessively and cause inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes. Since they are also in the mouth, then a rash in and around the mouth is the result.
Parasites infect the whole body, including the face. Especially head lice spread in the hair, and the itchy patches extend to the face. Mites, fleas and ticks bite and suck in the skin, the infected areas also become an itchy rash.
A common mite infestation is the scabies. The mites trigger itching and an uneven rash. They drill under the skin and lay their eggs there.
Scabies is contagious, the mites migrate from skin to skin. Ointments effectively help against the pests.
The so-called gneiss is called medically seborrheic dermatitis: typical are greasy scales and red patches on the face. Affected are men and infants. First, the rash on face and head proliferates, then it spreads on the body. The cause is unknown.
Sweet syndrome manifests as nodules filled with fluid on the extremities, neck, neck, and face. Fever and pain in the joints are added. Affected are primarily women. The cause is unknown.
Infants sometimes suffer from Kawasaki syndrome: it starts with conjunctivitis, fever and inflammation around the mouth. Then the skin on the fingers shivers, and the lymph nodes swell. People who suffer from this disease show a strong sensitivity to light, so they prefer to move outside only in the dark. The rotting teeth fluoresce, the body hair grows even on the face. The teeth are larger in resolution of the gums than they really are. The bones become distorted during the course of the disease.
Porphyria is known as "vampire disease" because of these symptoms, as some physicians suggest that notions of vampires and werewolves are also due to encounters with people suffering from the disease. However, this hypothesis could not be sustained.
In porphyria, red spots, blisters, and ulcers form on the skin exposed to light.
Acne is the most common disorder that shows up as a rash and often causes mental health problems. "Normal" pimples, which are commonly found in adolescents, join in pus-filled pustules and nodules. Above all, the face looks like a "crumb cake", but the bumps also cover the back, chest and other body parts.
Mostly affected are young people, especially adolescents. This is one of the reasons why acne often causes psychological problems: just in the time when the hormones of those affected run at full speed and the sexual desire awakens in which they want to look attractive on sexual partners, they suffer from skin changes that are not commonly considered "sexy" be valid.

Babies in their first year of life often suffer from this disease. It manifests itself in a high fever, which drops rapidly. This is followed by a reddish rash on the head and torso. The fever is transmitted by touch and cough. The incubation period is one to two weeks.
Measles are transmitted by a virus, are highly contagious and are transmitted by droplets. They start with a cold, cough and high fever. In addition, the person affected is very sensitive to light. After a few days, red patches sprout on the skin that itch strongly. The rash begins on the face and behind the ears and then expands on the trunk and legs. The rash and fever disappear after four days.
Fifth disease
Ringella is a facial rash that spreads like butterflies over the cheeks. Children between 5 and 15 are the main victims. Ringelröteln arise through the Parvovirus. It multiplies in the bone marrow and is transmitted via saliva and nasal mucus. The incubation period is four days to three weeks. Ring rubella are characterized by itching, flushing, fever and joint pain. The rash is flat, but slightly elevated, it starts on both cheeks and then migrates to arms, torso, thighs and buttocks.
The disease does not need to be medically treated. Parents can alleviate the symptoms with home remedies. Above all, the child should drink a lot and have his rest. Calf and fever remedies help with high fever. The infection is more risky if the child suffers from anemia. Rubella can cause an aplastic crisis here. Patients may need to be treated in the hospital. The Ringelröteln can become dangerous for the unborn, if the mother has no antibodies and is infected.
This childhood disease is transmitted by a virus, for example, sneezing or coughing. It is very different. A few weeks after infection, fever breaks out, and strong itchy blisters spread from the face to the body. Permanent damage is scars that arise because the child is scratching the blisters. The itching is severe, but it can be alleviated if the parents dab the bubbles with chamomile tea or apply a zinc cream. Today babies are regularly vaccinated against chickenpox.
Mouth-hand-foot disease
The mouth-foot disease is characterized by red spots in the mouth, on the hand and on the soles of the feet. The pains hurt on the skin do not hurt, the blisters in the mouth all the more. Fever, stomach ache and nausea are added. The sick child should enjoy food above all cold and fluid; Cottage cheese, yoghurt and porridge are suitable. It should not eat or drink anything that contains acid, as it attacks the weakened oral mucosa, so no fruit juices, no acidic fruit or vinegar. Cool and liquid foods such as yoghurt and porridge are good for your child. You should refrain from using acidic foods as they irritate the affected oral mucosa.
Fever, abdominal pain and vomiting may accompany this disease. The virus infection is transmitted by droplets. The infection site is usually the kindergarten.
Diagnosis and treatment of facial rash
The doctor first asks those affected about the disease. When and where did the rash come from? Has he changed? Did he spread? Does he step out, and with certain triggers, for example the sun? He itches?
Do relatives, classmates or colleagues have a similar rash? Did the affected person have skin problems before? Is he dealing with chemicals or toxic plants in his job, for example as a municipal gardener? Which medication does the person suffer? Did he try a change of clothes? Did the problems occur after trying a new cream or shampoo? Has he recently cleaned the apartment with harsh substances? Is he vaccinated against measles, chickenpox and rubella? Is there a problem with skin parasites in his street, his environment? He comes straight from countries where such parasites are common?
Is there a basic disease? If the person has an additional fever, nausea or chills, cough or runny nose?
Then the doctor examines the rash. Does he make wheals, bubbles or areas? Is he flat or uneven? Does he wet? Is it limited or are different body parts affected? Are there any blisters on the mouth or redness on the cheeks? He uses a spatula to test how the skin reacts to pressure.
Blood tests reveal whether an autoimmune disease is present, or which bacteria and viruses are in the body. Laboratory tests of the affected skin can detect fungal infection.
With a reflected-light microscope, the doctor recognizes whether a skin tumor is forming.
The therapy combats the causes. Allergies and skin reactions to toxins disappear when the trigger disappears.
In infectious diseases, the rash disappears with the disease. Antibiotics help against bacterial infections. In the case of parasites, on the other hand, antiparasitic agents are used, in fungi antifungals.
More problematic are chronic skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis. They require long-term treatment, for example with cortisone and evening primrose oil. Even so, the symptoms can only be alleviated.
Antivirals help against herpes viruses because they reduce the multiplication of the pathogens. Medicines for viruses can be applied directly to the diseased areas.
Ointments, creams, tinctures, bath salts and dressings containing urea, sulfur or iodine should be applied regularly until the rash is defeated.
Atopic dermatitis, scleroderma and psoriasis can be treated well with light therapies in which those affected are exposed to UV light. In addition, here are cures on the sea or in the mountains.
Many forms of facial rash can be prevented by prevention. This includes first a careful skin care. The skin should not dry out, stay in the sun too long, but breathe fresh air. Air permeable clothing and shoes prevent fungal attack; If necessary, it is also sufficient to change his clothes more often and to put on other shoes.
In the cold, we can dress warmly and take care to remove the thick woolen scarves when we come into the warm room.
When gardening, we can wear protective gloves as well as when dealing with aggressive substances.
We can try new creams and perfumes sparingly to see how they work.
The skin benefits from a lot of fresh air, healthy nutrition and rest periods.
For example, we strengthen the skin with masks that contain milk and honey; Almond oil is also suitable. Face masks with olive oil, oat bran and quark also prevent rash. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)