Shortness of breath - causes, treatment and effective home remedies

Dyspnoea - shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
A normal, unimpeded breathing is natural for us, so we do not waste any great thoughts in our everyday life. And it is precisely this fact that respiratory distress (dyspnoea) is perceived by the affected person as a very severe symptom. Something that actually happens automatically suddenly stops working. This inevitably leads to anxious to panic-like feelings. Affected people say that they literally "shut their throats" and they feel real dread, when suddenly they can not breathe freely. However, there are often signs that a severe respiratory problem is developing before the actual air shortage develops. The art here is only to interpret the signs of the times correctly.
- Dyspnoea - shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
- definition
- Mental and physiological factors as main causes
- Respiratory diseases and respiratory distress
- Shortness of breath in heart and vascular diseases
- Other causes of respiratory distress
- symptoms
- diagnosis
- therapy
- Medical therapy
- behavior therapy
- Operative therapy
- home remedies
- Naturopathic therapy
- Breathlessness disorders
Dyspnoea, as the shortness of breath in medical jargon is called, denotes the feeling of difficulty in breathing. According to the definition of the American Thoracic Society, this feeling can also be described as a "subjective experience of respiratory distress, consisting of qualitatively different sensations of varying intensity". This subjective experience is due to a persistent shortness of breath, which can not cover the oxygen demand of the body in the long term. As a result, the values of the blood gases oxygen (CO²) and carbon dioxide (O²) massively out of balance. The respiratory drive, which is responsible for the regulation of the two blood gases, responds accordingly with the alarm signal of respiratory distress.

Now, the exact mechanism leading to the perception of respiratory distress has hardly been studied medically so far. However, it is assumed that the brain area responsible for respiration, the respiratory center, plays a decisive role in this. This is not located, as one might suspect, localized near the lungs, but in the elongated medulla (medulla oblongata), which in turn is part of the brain stem (cerebral trunk). As a link between the brain and spinal cord, the brain stem performs many essential functions in the area of body functions. The extended marrow in particular is responsible not only for respiration, but also for swallowing, coughing, sneezing and choking or vomiting reflexes. In addition, even the cardiovascular function of the extended marrow goes out.
All these functions are controlled by the reticular formation located in the brainstem (Formatio reticularis). A network of nerve cells that serves as a brain-stem function circuit. But the cerebral cortex (cortex cerebri) also has a decisive influence on the functional units mentioned above. A study by the University of Hamburg seems to have found a decisive clue for the development of respiratory distress as a consequence of disturbed brain stem functions. The scientists in charge found that damage to a certain portion of the cerebral cortex, called the cortex insularis, reduces the sensation of respiratory distress. From this it can be concluded that the island cortex in healthy condition is associated with the development of dyspnea.
In addition, there are numerous factors that promote respiratory distress. The most important ones include:
- disease factors,
- psychological factors,
- physiological factors and
- environmental factors.
Mental and physiological factors as main causes
Breathlessness is especially common in mental stress. In the process, the stress trigger initially initiates various mechanisms, some of them evolutionary ones, that set the body on alert by retrieving the combat or flight mode that was once vital for humans. In this mode, the breathing changes fundamentally. It becomes faster, but also flatter, and the bronchi expand. This effect is wanted by the body to a certain extent, as it ensures the organism an increased supply of oxygen in stress-related exceptional situations.

Usually the stress breathing also normalises itself again as soon as the stress influence ends. So if you suffer from shortness of breath in the course of emotional states of emergency (eg euphoria, test anxiety) or extraordinary physical exertion (eg physical activity), you should not rush into hectic life, but strive to calm down and relax as the oppressive Respiratory sensation is regulated the fastest. However, individuals are exposed to permanent stress, such as through
- chronic revision,
- continued lack of sleep,
- unresolved mental problems,
- Panic and anxiety disorders or
- social conflicts,
the body remains in a chronic alert. In this way, it can happen that a rapid and flattened breathing manifests itself to an unconsciously trained, altered breathing pattern. Chronic stress patients therefore often breathe very superficially and cramped, without consciously perceiving it themselves. Because the body gets in persistent stress breathing rather creeping into a state of oxygen deficiency.
The situation is similar in patients with obesity, but here are more physiological reasons that cause respiratory distress. Excessive fatty tissue in the abdomen inevitably pushes up the diaphragm and lungs permanently in the case of severe obesity. This causes, usually in combination with lack of exercise, even with the slightest effort a weight-related shortness of breath or snap-breathing.
Relatively harmless are such physiological factors when they are due to pregnancy. Especially in the last months of pregnancy expectant mothers often complain of respiratory problems to respiratory distress. The unborn child is already almost fully grown during this time, which leads to the lack of space for organs in the mother's abdominal cavity. The fact that the abdominal organs push up in this way and thus temporarily depress the lungs is relatively common. At the latest after the birth of the child, however, breathing should return to normal.

Respiratory diseases and respiratory distress
Mental and physiological causes as causes of respiratory distress can often be overcome by private measures (such as weight loss or stress reduction). On the other hand, the causes of dyspnoea, which are pathological in nature, are different. Respiratory illnesses, in which not infrequently air distress occurs as a leading symptom in the advanced stage of the disease, can be extremely serious nature and should therefore be urgently medically clarified. Irrespective of the cause of the disease, disturbed respiration usually comes about through one or a combination of the following three mechanisms:
- the airways are misplaced,
- the lung can not adequately expand due to illness,
- the area for the necessary gas exchange is too small (lack of space).
The range of causative respiratory diseases is very complex. Most commonly, of course, are airway inflammation, such as one
- Inflammation of the bronchi (bronchitis),
- Laryngitis (laryngitis),
- Pneumonia,
- Pleurisy (pleurisy) or
- Pharyngitis (pharyngitis)
associated with breathing problems. Although it remains in most cases in a short-term aggravated respiration, extreme cases of illness can certainly provoke a serious shortness of breath here.
Even greater is the risk of dyspnea in chronic respiratory diseases. In particular, bronchial asthma is known here. It comes to regular attacks of respiratory distress, for the Allergizeize and intolerances are considered relevant triggers. Another chronic respiratory disease that is closely associated with respiratory distress is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is also known as a smoking disease, as it arises especially after many years of nicotine consumption and is an expression of cigarette smoke already severely compromised respiratory function.

Also very risky are damage to the respiratory muscles. Especially damage to the diaphragm, which acts as the main muscle for breathing, are very dangerous in this context. Some examples of appropriate diaphragmatic diseases are here:
- diaphragm inflammation,
- diaphragmatic hernia,
- Diaphragmatic high or
- Zwerchfellrupturen.
In addition to the respiratory diseases mentioned, there are also traumatic disease variants and respiratory tract injuries that subsequently lead to dyspnea. Especially connective tissue diseases and damage to the alveoli are characterized in this regard by respiratory distress as the leading symptom. This is the case, for example, with pulmonary emphysema. Again, a chronic respiratory disease that can occur in the final stages of numerous pre-existing diseases of the lungs and describes an irreversible hyperinflation of the alveoli. Further examples would be in this regard:
- Airway tumors (e.g., lung tumor),
- Granuloma formation in the connective tissue of the lung (sarcoidosis),
- increased connective tissue proliferation in the area of the alveoli (pulmonary fibrosis),
- Blood accumulation in the pleural space of the lung (hematothorax),
- Air accumulation in the pleural space of the lung (pneumothorax),
- clogged pulmonary blood vessels (pulmonary embolism).
Shortness of breath in heart and vascular diseases
Since the heart is a direct orgasmic to the lungs, illness-related dyspnea often crystallizes out as an alarming symptom even in cardiovascular diseases. If the heart is damaged, its pumping function also suffers, so that the body can only be supplied insufficiently with oxygen-rich blood. The organism tries to remedy this deficiency independently by increasing the respiratory rate. Concerned thereby breathe faster and less deeply, which is why in the long term, a feeling of shortness of air is spreading. This mechanism is completely normal during strenuous exercise such as exercise. However, if the shortness of breath already occurs at low levels of stress, lung diseases should be considered as well as vascular and cardiac disorders, for example:
- arteriosclerosis,
- high blood pressure,
- acute heart attack,
- heart failure,
- Heart valve defects,
- Myocardial and pericarditis,
- Coronary heart disease or
- pericardial effusion.

Important: Another risk with such disease progression is that the risk of lung disease may also increase as a result of heart disease. Because the limited pumping function sometimes leads to extreme blood back pressure. The accumulated blood then increasingly flows back into the pulmonary circulation, which in the worst case can lead to fluid accumulation in the lung tissue (pulmonary edema). This in turn means that the area for the gas exchange within the lungs is reduced and correspondingly only a small amount of oxygen can be absorbed into the blood.
Other causes of respiratory distress
Other causes of respiratory distress include anemia and hormonal disorders such as thyroid dysfunction. A dysfunction of the thyroid gland as a trigger is to be considered especially when it comes as a result of the disease to goiter formation in the larynx. In addition, the pain symptoms should not be underestimated as a cause. This is especially to think about if sufferers take a pain-related restraint, so for example, put a curved upper body posture or support themselves permanently with the arms. Especially pain in the area of the thorax, for example due to muscle tension or vertebral blockages, often leads to acute respiratory distress.
In addition to the feeling of shortness of breath may occur in the context of dyspnea even more comorbidities. These are often due to the lack of oxygen in the body as well as the feeling of suffocation of the patient. Similarly, some symptoms indicate the nature of the underlying disease, such as coughing or breath sounds. Overall, the accompanying symptoms in dyspnea include:
- fatigue,
- pulling, rattling or whistling breath sounds (stridor),
- Blue staining of the skin due to lack of oxygen (cyanosis),
- slimy to bloody sputum,
- fever,
- pallor,
- to cough,
- palpitations,
- inner unrest,
- performance degradation,
- sleep disorders,
- Sweats and cold welding as well
- Pain in the thorax.
Danger! In extreme cases of respiratory distress call an emergency physician immediately, it could come to a deadly respiratory arrest!
First of all, respiratory distress is determined by the patient himself. However, it is advisable to go to the doctor in order to rule out serious causes of illness. During the medical examination, a physical examination is usually necessary, in which the patient is examined for pale or blue-colored areas of the skin (especially on the face and hands) and an unusual sweat flow. In the next step, special procedures are used to determine the respiratory functionality. First and foremost here is listening to the lungs for breath sounds. If these are present, this in all likelihood indicates an existing lung or respiratory disease. In such cases, pulmonary function tests such as spirometry are among the standard procedures of the investigations. Patients breathe through a mouthpiece into a tube, which then forwards the breathe to a closed container. Special measuring devices then use the amount of air to evaluate the volume of the respiratory and lung volumes. In addition, breath tests can reveal special efforts during breathing and at the same time provide information about how severe the respiratory disorders are.
If it is suspected that lung disease may be responsible, more detailed lower-respiratory tract examinations are highly likely. For example, diagnostic imaging such as laryngoscopy (laryngoscopy) can be used to find abnormalities of the larynx with the help of a laryngoscope. Two other possible methods of examination are the lung reflection (bronchoscopy) or the thoracic reflection (thoracoscopy). In this case, an endoscope is advanced into the lungs or thorax to make possible tissue damage visible. Tissue withdrawals for laboratory evaluation of anomalies are also conceivable. In addition to these in-depth measures, special blood tests such as blood gas analysis help confirm a suspicion.
If heart disease is suspected, an ultrasound examination of the heart, the so-called echocardiogram (ECG), is usually performed. Other imaging techniques that may be used in the study are x-rays, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Therapy in case of shortness of air is cause-oriented. Sometimes, the shortness of breath can lead to a life-threatening condition and requires no later than medical treatment steps. In the acute situation, however, there are a few instructions that are to be suggested to those affected as well as their relatives:
- Call emergency call: Before they do anything else, the emergency doctor should be alerted in case of shortness of breath. Only paramedics are provided with the necessary medical equipment (e.g., intubation breathing tubes) and the necessary know-how to stabilize a patient struggling for air.
- Keep calm and consciously breathing: Until the arrival of the emergency doctor, keep calm and do not panic, as this further worsens breathing. It is also important that people with respiratory distress focus on their breathing in case of acute respiratory distress. Try to inhale and exhale deeply enough. Relatives or other third parties who are nearby at the time of respiratory distress are encouraged to have a calming effect on those affected, such as quiet speech and focus on the breathing process. As a witness, guide the person affected to breathe properly. In case of hyperventilation patients should be allowed to breathe in a bag for a short time.
- Remove annoying clothes: Tight clothing should be removed if breathless, or at least opened to facilitate breathing. This is especially true for jackets, turtlenecks, tight tops, corsets and brassieres. Likewise, sufferers are free from restrictive accessories such as necklaces, scarves or ties.
- Take a suitable sitting position: An upright sitting position is also important to facilitate breathing. If possible, the patient should rest his arms on a table, as this makes it easier to use the respiratory support muscles.
- Improve oxygen supply: Also, provide enough fresh air to improve oxygen delivery, for example by opening a window or refueling air.
Medical therapy
The drug therapy for dyspnoea is based on the underlying cause. Respiratory tract infections are treated by default with antibiotics, sometimes with corticosteroids. Doctors also prescribe bronchodilator drugs (such as salbutamol, formoterol, theophylline) to expand the gas exchange surface in the bronchi.
In addition, bronchial asthma requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of asthma sprays. The drug treatment must usually be life-long, which is why asthmatics should be prepared to always have their spray ready for the first diagnosis. It is also important in breathlessness by mucus mobilization of the Lungensekrets by inhalation therapy to promote the ejection and thus to clear the lungs. If necessary, mucolytic preparations can also help here.

For cardiac causes of illness, cardiotonic or antihypertensive drugs may help relieve respiratory distress. Digitalis preparations for strengthening cardiac output, beta-blockers for standardizing heart rate and ACE inhibitors for lowering blood pressure are particularly successful.
behavior therapy
Mental causes should be treated primarily through behavioral and conversational therapies. A change in lifestyle and dietary habits can also be part of a corresponding behavioral therapy, if unhealthy everyday habits such as improper diet, nicotine consumption or stress as the trigger of respiratory distress were determined. In addition, it is sometimes necessary for patients to regain normal breathing. This is especially important for long-term restraint or chronic respiratory diseases.
Operative therapy
Surgical methods are mainly used for serious causes of illness. Depending on the cause, life-saving may even be necessary to open the patient's chest or neck, for example in the case of an allergy event (in the case of wasp stings, for example, the tracheotomy is used) or severe lung diseases such as tumors. Here an operation is usually preceded by a chemotherapeutic treatment in order to initially reduce the size of the tumor before the procedure.
Another possible surgical or invasive measure for the treatment of dyspnoea is the removal of the tonsils with recurrent inflammation of the same. A tracheostomy is also used not only for the protection of respiration in allergy-induced swelling, but also generally for artificial respiration during surgery or severe respiratory diseases. In this context, the use of valves or stents to keep open the airways may be necessary. Applying drainage to drain air, blood, or pleural fluid is critical for pleural effusions, pneumothorax, or hematothorax.
home remedies
Stress and weight-related respiratory distress can be minimized by a few relatively easy-to-use measures in terms of severity and frequency. Of course, it must be noted at this point that the measures themselves are generally anything but easy to apply. Nevertheless, they should be listed here:
- Weight Loss: If obesity is the cause of respiratory problems, reducing body weight to improve breathing is of course top priority. If necessary, help from the outside, such as nutritionists, sports coaches or specialists, should be used.
- Changing dietary habits: Closely associated with obesity, but also with many diseases that can lead to shortness of breath (such as heart disease), is a poor diet. Balanced diet therefore contributes in many cases to the improvement of respiratory distress. Above all, antioxidant foods such as soft fruits, tropical fruits, tomatoes, broccoli and nuts strengthen the heart and lungs and can thus improve breathing again. The situation is similar with omega fatty acids. They are found mainly in seafood and fish. In addition, too low a phosphorus or magnesium level can be bad for breathing. Corresponding foods that contain a great deal of these two minerals are, in addition to fish, seafood, dairy products and nuts, especially legumes such as beans or peas, wholemeal cereals, carrots and spinach.
- Reduce stress: Everyday stress should be avoided as far as possible in case of shortness of breath, especially as a result of heart disease. For this reason, you should always plan for sufficient rest periods in your everyday life and place special emphasis on targeted relaxation measures such as yoga, Reiki or meditation. A healthy sleep rhythm can also help reduce the risk of heart and breathing problems.
- Stop smoking and stimulant consumption: It goes without saying that patients who suffer from respiratory distress should stop smoking in any case. In addition, in terms of breathing difficulties, however, other enjoyment and intoxicants are not exactly conducive. In addition to cigarettes, therefore, the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and drugs is critical to evaluate.

Naturopathic therapy
Naturopathy can defy the air, especially if the causes are found in an inflammation of the respiratory tract. In addition to the use of teas, sweets, pharynx and steam baths with herbs that are resistant to the respiratory tract, such as thyme, eucalyptus and sage, honey is considered to be an all-round talent. It not only relieves upper respiratory tract symptoms, it also attacks the mucus in the lower respiratory tract. Even in the treatment of asthma, honey achieves good results in this regard. A special tip is Manuka honey. It is made from the manatee of the same name, which is found mainly in Australia and New Zealand and Manuka honey is known in his homeland as both a secret weapon against skin problems and respiratory problems. Above all, the expectorant properties of Manuka have already been scientifically proven.
Breathlessness disorders
In many diseases, respiratory distress is a typical symptom, including: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, COPD, laryngitis, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary edema, pharyngitis, pleurisy, pneumothorax, sarcoidosis, respiratory, diaphragmatic, obesity, arteriosclerosis, anemia , High blood pressure, heart failure, heart valve defects, pericarditis, myocarditis, coronary heart disease, pericardial effusion and hyperthyroidism. (Ma)