General Sickness - Causes and Symptoms

General Sickness - Causes and Symptoms / symptoms
A general malady is nonspecific. Affected feel cut off. They are tired, legs and arms seem heavy as after hard physical work. Those affected have problems concentrating and they are dizzy. It is not a disease, but often symptoms of a disease, such as a viral cold or influenza infection. Stress as well as serious cancer can also be causative, which is why a closer look is important.


  • causes
  • Indeterminate malady a warning sign
  • Cause burnout
  • Cause infections
  • Mental causes
  • Diagnosis and course
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • prevention


A common disease symptom can have various physical and psychological causes. An incomplete list:

1) Chronic stress and depletion of the resources of the body

2) Exaggerated ambition, perfectionism and a "Do not settle for peace"

3) Offenses, failures and bullying

4) fear of loss

5) traumatic experiences (trauma)

6) Sleep disorders, disturbed biorhythm

7) cold

8) influenza infection

9) Vitamin deficiency, malnutrition and one-sided nutrition

10) Alcohol and drug abuse

11) An underactive thyroid

12) Various infectious diseases, from sinusitis to gastrointestinal infections

13) Heart failure

14) autoimmune diseases

15) depression

16) anxiety disorders

17) allergies

18) poisonings

19) medication, side effects and intolerance

20) Cancer Diseases

Indeterminate malady a warning sign

The symptoms do not have to mark any infection. Often it is a warning signal of the body, which suggests: I need a break.

If we chronically revise ourselves, find too little sleep over the long term, or artificially expand our biorhythm with coffee, cigarettes or even stronger remedies, our resources will eventually be exhausted.

Feeling ill without actually knowing the trigger. Image: Rido - fotolia

But we do not overwhelm our bodies with work, but also with excessive free time: Constant techno parties into the next day that can only be sustained with ecstasy or cocaine, nights of ego-shooters without fresh air and healthy eating are driving away too much on the body.

Tiredness, dizziness and heavy limbs then show "only" what is urgently needed: shower hot, take a relaxing bath, lie down to bed and sleep. Turn off your smartphone for a day, do not answer e-mails and leave the laptop closed.

Although our body is not a subject of its own volition, the term warning signal is not a pure metaphor. If we strain our organism beyond its borders in the long run, it probably leads to serious illnesses in the long term.

Those who do not listen to their body, on the long term not only dizziness or fatigue in purchasing, but promotes heart disease, circulatory problems and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

If permanent stress manifests itself as a general malady, then the symptoms disappear when we rest.

Cause burnout

Above all, the fatigue, so a short-term fatigue, physical and mental exhaustion and the general lack of energy can indeed "cure" by rest, but it is also the preliminary phase of a burnout.

The burnout is similar, except that here recovery periods can no longer compensate for the exhaustion. In addition there are concentration problems and a strong drop in performance. However, unlike depression, there is a lack of a generally bleak worldview and the feeling of not having perspective.

Cause infections

However, the most common cause of a general malady is an infection, usually a flu infection or a cold - viruses are responsible. The weakened immune system also provides access for pathogenic bacteria.

Even serious illnesses first express themselves in a general malaise. Here are more symptoms of what it is.

Mental causes

It is now proven that a general feeling of sickness is closely related to the mental state of those affected. Depressive moods and even more clinical depression increase or even trigger the symptoms. This also applies to anxiety disorders.

Feeling ill - it can also hide a depression.

A sufferer writes: "I feel as if I have an infection that just does not want to go! Do not find anyone who helps me either. Yesterday I was with a neurologist who is also a psychologist. He did not really have time, which he always gave me to understand. So I went out there and was totally frustrated and disappointed. Now I am sitting here feeling that I will never be well again. If this stupid feeling of illness would disappear again. "

She posted her text on a forum for people suffering from anxiety disorders, and several physicians blamed this disorder for their general malady.

Depression can be recognized by other symptoms: the feeling of being cut off, the problems of concentrating, the tiredness and the leaden limbs, guilt, disturbed sleep, an entirely negative view of the world, obsessive fears and hopelessness.

Depression causes cognitive, psychomotor and other dysfunctions such as fatigue, lack of concentration, loss of sexual desire, loss of almost all occupations, insomnia and a sense of dejection.

In particular, depressive men go to the doctor mostly because of their physical symptoms, and the cause can easily be confused: Sleep disorders and depletion of health, heavy smoking, alcohol and other threats are all triggers a general feeling of malaise.

However, depression is a consequence of the mental disorder.

Diagnosis and course

A general malady does not require a specific diagnosis because it is not a disease of one's own. Rather, the doctor asks about the circumstances: If the person permanently exposes himself to extreme stress, a cold or a viral infection is just going on?

Affected persons can also answer the following questions themselves:

1) What feelings do you have?

2) Are these feelings the first time? If not, when did they disappear again??

3) Feel overloaded?

4) Do sports?

5) How much and what sport do you do?

6) Suffer from pre-existing or hereditary diseases, past operations or consequences of accidents?

7) What is your diet??

8) What medicines do you take?

9) suffer from allergies?

10) What about luxury foods, drugs, cigarettes, caffeine and alcohol?

If it is a flu infection, it shows up very quickly and clearly. The symptoms worsen every hour, plus cough, runny nose and fever.

Whether it is a cold, the doctor and the affected just found out. Here the general malady is not the first symptom. An approaching cold shows up in the beginning with slight pain in the throat. Headache and body aches, general fatigue, runny nose, cough and dizziness join later.


A general feeling of illness can indicate a wide variety of diseases. Therefore, the danger is great to misinterpret the symptoms. Only other symptoms, or lack thereof, allow an accurate diagnosis.

It is important for people to closely monitor what is happening in their body, how long the general malady persists, whether it is permanent or in spurts, whether it is related to certain situations - and, above all, those affected should take it seriously.

Pushing away a general malaise is probably the biggest problem. Still (!) The symptoms do not appear to those affected dramatically. The work or party takes place, and instead of sparing oneself, continues as before, until the general feeling develops into a more serious illness.

Even if it is not a symptom of a life-threatening disease, the body says the truth: Now is time for protection, further strain only prolong the healing.


The general feeling of illness can not be specifically treated, but the causes can be treated. Generally, however, regardless of the specific cause: Do not burden your body. Take a rest.

Rest, relax and massage can solve a feeling of stress. Image: Yakobchuk Olena - fotolia

Your body now needs its resources to fight the ailments. This applies to all illnesses that express the general feeling.


As a concomitant of diseases, the feeling can not be directly prevented. Indirectly, you can certainly take precautions. The stronger the immune system is, the better it will prevent diseases in advance.

Especially the general feeling of sickness as a warning signal does not have to be if we do not spare our body only when it is already overloaded. So, if you are still healthy, you can provide your body with the necessary regeneration.

Move in the fresh air, ventilate your computer regularly while working on the computer, take a break at least every 45 minutes. Make sure you have a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Observe yourself: Do you feel drained and often become dizzy? If you sit in front of the screen all day, drinking coffee and smoking, that's no wonder. Just have a glass of water in between. At least the dizziness can be due to a trivial lack of fluid.

Sleep when you are tired. Do not drink any more stimulating drinks after 6 pm, such as coffee, black tea, mate or energy drinks. Make sure they get 6-8 hours of sleep.

Separate professional from privacy as much as possible. If you work in the home office, set up hours.

Organize your multitasking. What is considered to be a particular adaptation to a flexible work schedule inevitably leads to disease in the long run, because we can overload the body not only physically, but also cognitively, and then it shuts off. Do tasks one after the other and not at the same time.
Have a weekend in nature, a little trip or an evening with friends. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)