Chipped tooth - causes and therapy

- causes
- First aid when the whole tooth is broken
- Pain
- treatment options
- Dental accident on the front teeth
- If "only" a piece of the tooth is broken off
- When the nerve has been affected
- If sticking is no longer possible
- Veneer
- If treated too late
- When milk teeth break off
- First aid from naturopathy
A fall, a sports injury or a collision are among the most common causes of a broken tooth. However, other causes may be responsible for this, such as severely retracted gums, porous teeth, a dead tooth, tooth decay, or biting on a hard object when chewing.

First aid when the whole tooth is broken
When a tooth is completely broken off, quick help is needed. For the transport of the tooth it is best to use a specially developed tooth rescue box. This is a special transport medium that contains a nutrient solution in which the tooth is "supplied" for up to 48 hours in order to make a reimplantation possible. If such a box is not present, the broken tooth can be stored in saliva, saline, chilled, low-fat milk or in alcohol - but not in a dry state. However, these "replacement fluids" remain an emergency solution - a dentist should be consulted as soon as possible. On weekends or public holidays the emergency service is responsible.
It is important that, preparatory to transport, the root surface of the tooth is not touched and the tooth crown is not cleaned, even if it should be dirty. In addition, no attempt should be made to somehow reinstate the tooth itself.
Often, the breaking off of a tooth is due to a trauma. Gums, nerves, blood vessels or the jawbone may be injured. This can lead to considerable pain. Best then the affected area is cooled from the outside. A washcloth filled with ice cubes, an ice pack wrapped in a towel or a cloth dipped in cold water is put on for a short time and possibly renewed several times.

treatment options
Depending on how much of the tooth is broken off and how great the extent of the injury, the treatment is designed. Sometimes gluing is possible, in other cases, in turn, helps a filling or even a treatment of the tooth root done.
Dental accident on the front teeth
A heavy impact or fall can result in a dental accident in which one or more teeth break off in the front area. This trauma may be associated with a root fracture. This breaks the tooth root. The dentist must decide if the tooth can still be preserved. In many cases, however, it must be completely removed for such injuries.
If "only" a piece of the tooth is broken off
The chances of re-attaching the broken piece of the tooth are very good. If the tooth nerve is damaged - this is because of the fact that blood comes out of the tooth - must be acted on as fast as possible. If this is not the case, the broken piece can often be re-attached after a long time. For bonding, a special adhesive technique with adhesive designed for this purpose is used.
Also fillings can break off - here usually the complete filling is renewed.
When the nerve has been affected
If the nerve is damaged in a broken tooth, attaching the book will be a bit more difficult. This is usually associated with pain and quick help is needed. It may be necessary to remove the nerve and treat the root. This is followed by the construction of the broken tooth.
If sticking is no longer possible
If the sticking of a broken tooth is no longer possible, the missing piece can be "replicated" with a tooth filling. For larger defects, a partial crown or a complete crown may be the method of choice. Prerequisite for a dental crown is an intact nerve. You may need a root canal treatment before that.
Especially with a broken incisor so-called veneers come into question. These are similar to a ceramic bowl glued to the affected teeth. These are more aesthetic than a filling.

If treated too late
With a broken tooth, the inside of the tooth is exposed. And this is very sensitive. Bacteria could invade. This can lead to tooth decay. Leftovers do not make the whole thing any better - inflammation may develop, as well as the tooth and gums. All this means - if a tooth breaks off - necessarily as fast as possible to the dentist!
When milk teeth break off
A broken baby tooth in a child is not so rare. Dental accidents occur here again and again. Often the anterior teeth are affected. A completely broken off deciduous tooth is usually no longer used, however, a dental treatment is relatively timely to strive for. Here, the protection of permanent teeth from invading germs in the foreground. A dental accident usually causes additional pain. Furthermore, invisible damage in the dentition are possible.
First aid from naturopathy
Arnica is the first remedy of choice when it comes to first aid from naturopathy. Arnica, in the form of homeopathic globules, are given immediately after the event. The gift is best repeated once or twice. Arnica helps against the pain, blood stops and decongestant. If there is no arnica at hand, the Schüssler salt number 3 Ferrum phosphoricum also helps as an alternative.

Hypericum (St. John's wort) helps in case of a nerve injury - also as a homeopathic remedy. Hypericum is usually prescribed whenever nerves are involved. If the gums are affected, calendula (marigold) helps. Once as a homeopathic and in addition to rinsing as Calendulaessenz. For this, the essence is mixed with boiled water in the ratio of 1:10 and thus rinsed the mouth.
If a root canal treatment is needed, arnica and calendula, just after treatment, help with healing. The pharmacy holds special complex remedies containing, for example, plants such as arnica, staphysagria, calendula, echinacea and potassium chloratum. Such drop compositions can be taken in all oral treatments. These support the healing process and relieve the pain. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)