Rollkur for stomach and intestine

Rollkur for stomach and intestine /
The Rollkur is an ancient home remedy that has recently become very modern again. The prefix "roll" comes from the fact that the executives roll back and forth after a given time during the application or turn to the other side. The suffix "cure" means that this home remedy should be used regularly over a period of time. The Rollkur is performed with chamomile tea, linseed or liquorice root.

  • In particular against gastritis, but also against other gastrointestinal complaints, the Rollkur has proven to be a home remedy.
  • The Rollkur is always carried out after a certain procedure and can be used for up to four weeks.
  • Chamomile tea, linseed or licorice root are usually used for the treatment.


  • The real camomile
  • linseed
  • The licorice root
  • When a roll cure is displayed
  • Course of the cure
  • Rollkur with chamomile tea
  • Rollkur with flaxseed
  • Rollkur with licorice root
  • General Tips

The real camomile

In the past, chamomile tea was drunk practically as a regular drink, for example, for dinner, without being aware of the effect of this plant properly. Even in hospitals, the tea is offered today to the patient, without further to pay attention to what the chamomile can actually. It has a relaxing and deflating effect. On mucous membranes, it unfolds its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and irritating effect.

The Rollkur is especially for gastrointestinal complaints a proven home remedy. It always starts in the supine position. (Image: fizkes /

Internally, the chamomile is often used in gastritis (gastritis) and enteritis (intestinal inflammation). When taking, however, it should be noted that this may not be longer than six weeks continuously. The actually positive effect could change to the opposite.


Flaxseed is known as an application for constipation. Her swelling capacity stimulates intestinal peristalsis. The linseed mucilage also helps with acute gastric mucosal and intestinal inflammation. It lays on the mucous membranes like a protective shield, binds bacterial toxins and develops its anti-inflammatory effect there.

The licorice root

Everyone knows licorice - this is obtained from the juice of dried liquorice roots. The licorice root has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and protects the mucous membranes. Helpful is their use in gastric mucosal inflammation and ulceration in the stomach and small intestine. Since this plant has a mineralocorticoid effect, it must not be used by people suffering from potassium deficiency, hypertension or edema, especially over a long period of time. Furthermore, pregnant women, patients with liver disease or severe renal impairment should not take licorice root.

When a roll cure is displayed

Recurrent stomach pain, a burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, general malaise and possibly vomiting - this could conceal a gastritis. If symptoms occur, especially if they have been around for a long time, you should definitely visit a doctor. Different types of gastritis are differentiated - but this can only be determined by a detailed and detailed examination.

Even if the doctor usually prescribes medication - as a home remedy, the Rollkur is a good, helpful accessory to help the stomach. Especially when bed rest is indicated, this cure can be used optimally.

Often stomach problems arise due to nutritional errors. Too fast food, spicy foods, coffee, nicotine, alcohol - but also stress and hectic can hit the stomach. Here, the Rollkur soothing to the stomach and just does well.

Each position should be held for ten minutes and last is the Rollkur tried to stay even in prone position ten minutes. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Course of the cure

The Rollkur is best carried out every morning, for up to four weeks, always following the same procedure, regardless of whether you are taking the cure with chamomile tea, flaxseed or licorice root tea.

  • Lie relaxed and comfortable on your back - do not forget blanket - and stay there for ten minutes.
  • Then you "roll" to the right side - stay for another ten minutes.
  • Then roll to the left side and hold the position for another ten minutes.
  • Finally, try to lie on your stomach for another ten minutes.
  • The whole thing is followed by half an hour rest.

You will now think "I do not have that much time in the morning". However, these times are based on the claim that the complete mucous membrane of the stomach should be wetted, so that the cure really helps. It is also important to keep warm during the whole time. During your break, it is best to put on a warm, moist wrap on your stomach and a hot water bottle over it.

If you do not have time for this application in the morning, do it in the evening. The only important thing is that the last meal was already a few hours ago.

Rollkur with chamomile tea

For the chamomile tea, two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers are boiled with one liter of boiling water. After ten minutes, the tea is ready and filled in a thermos to keep warm. In order to support the effect of chamomile tea, a few drops of chamomile tincture (up to 20 drops) can be added to the jug. This does not have to be. Try out what suits you best. Drink two cups of the tea sober in the morning and then the cure can begin. The rest of the tea you drink at noon, in the afternoon and in the evening before going to sleep.

Rollkur with flaxseed

The mucilage in flaxseed can calm the irritated stomach. The flaxseed, however, must be prepared a little for the cure. To do this, place three tablespoons of whole flaxseed in a large glass, fill with warm water and leave in a warm place. The linseed settles on the ground over time and the water becomes cloudy and slimy. It takes about four to six hours. Then drain the water and the Rollkur can begin. In the morning, the liquid is drunk sip-wise on an empty stomach and as described above in "Course of the cure", carried out the Rollkur. The mucus of flaxseed can also be mixed with chamomile tea.

In addition to chamomile tea and linseed, the licorice root also offers a Rollkurkur. (Image: oxie99 /

Rollkur with licorice root

If you do not like chamomile or flaxseed, you can do the roll cure with licorice root, provided that the above contraindications are not present. For the licorice tea, a heaping teaspoon of licorice root is poured over with 150 ml of boiling water. After a brewing time of about eight to ten minutes, the tea is ready. Drink the cup in small sips and off you go with the Rollkur. (see "Course of the cure"). In addition, one to two cups of tea a day, after meals, is recommended. The licorice tea should not be drunk for more than four weeks.

General Tips

If you have opted for the Rollkur, you should pay attention to other things during this time as well

  • healthy, gentle food,
  • take enough time to eat and chew long enough,
  • Avoid alcohol,
  • refrain from spicy spices,
  • Avoid coffee or at least not drink on an empty stomach,
  • Do not lie down immediately after meals, but store your upper body for about twenty minutes.

Relaxation procedures such as yoga, meditation, autogenic training, breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation also help with stomach problems. (Sw)