Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Coffee protection factor can reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis
Study: Increased coffee consumption reduces cirrhosis riskFor a long time the myth of unhealthy coffee had lasted. Today, however, it...
Protection against ticks while staying in the countryside
Ticks as a disease vector: Take care when staying outdoors 05/30/2013 Ticks are feared as potential transmitters of infectious diseases,...
Protection against cancer These bacteria can cause tumors
Some bacteria and viruses can cause cancer Most people are aware that certain factors, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption,...
Protection against cancer Is over-eating of vegetable food?
Are fruits overvaluing vegetables for the prevention of cancer? Scientists at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York...
Protection against cancer Experts now recommend HPV vaccine for boys
Carcinogenic human papillomaviruses: STIKO recommends HPV vaccine for boys too Since March 2007, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends the...
Protect from germs Always boil raw milk before drinking
Natural product: boil raw milk before consumptionRaw milk is becoming increasingly popular with many consumers. The natural product is not...
Protection against infectious diseases Hand washing properly and long enough
Hygiene rules: Why washing hands is so importantActually, one learns already in the infancy, to wash one's hands regularly, nevertheless...
Protection against infections caused by tick bites
Protection against infections caused by tick bites04/19/2014 This year ticks are active earlier than usual because of the mild temperatures....
Protection against brain tumors by allergy antibodies
Allergy sufferers have a lower brain tumor risk 10/24/2011 Allergy sufferers are apparently at lower risk of brain tumors. This...
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