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Study migraine can be a harbinger of heart attacks and strokes

Increases migraine risk for life-threatening diseases? Migraine in itself is already a heavy burden for the affected people. Researchers have...

Study of moderate red wine consumption helps protect against prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer: Red wine has a mildly protective effect Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in German men and...

Study Human cold virus originally transmitted by camels

MERS and the HCoV-229E cold virus come from camelsSurely you've had a cold in your life before. But did you...

Study More children than expected suffer from a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Why should not pregnant women drink alcohol?? If mothers consume alcohol during pregnancy, it can lead to significant health problems...

Study physicians too often prescribe unnecessary antibiotics

Unnecessary use of antibiotics leads to increased resistance of bacteriaAround the world, the resistance of certain bacterial strains to antibiotics...

Study physicians use spinach leaves for the production of artificial heart tissue

Laboratory modified leaves of spinach work as heart tissueSpinach is a very nutritious vegetable that is said to have a...

Study Mediterranean diet helps to maintain bone density after menopause

Proper nutrition can save women in menopause fracturesIn the course of the so-called menopause, the bone density in women can...

Study meditation helps to fall asleep

A short mindfulness-based meditation program can help older people to sleep better at night and spend the day fitter through...

Study girls getting sexually mature sooner

Girls get sexually mature sooner: Before girls reach the age of ten, puberty already occurs. (15.06.2010) Alarming results of the...