Study meditation helps to fall asleep

Researchers from Los Angeles wanted to know which non-drug method is suitable for improving sleep in the elderly. They chose "Mindfulness Meditation". This meditation technique is about shifting attention to respiration, body functions, and the current state without evaluating it.
49 adults over the age of 54 participated in the study. They all suffered from moderate problems when falling asleep or asleep and a certain amount of daytime tiredness.
Almost half of the participants were taught the mindfulness meditation. The remainder participated in another program to improve sleep hygiene, in which, e.g. were informed about stress generation and stress management. Both groups had to do homework at home.
After six weeks, the sleep quality of both groups was measured: In the subjects with meditation program, the sleep quality improved more than in the subjects of the other group, although they also benefited from the training on sleep.
In terms of daytime fatigue, the meditators profited significantly, while the control group performed worse than before the intervention. (Pm)
Picture: twinlili