All articles - Page 401

Study Regular cannabis use lowers bone density

Researchers warn of reduced bone density in heavy cannabis useIn many cases, possible negative effects of excessive cannabis consumption have...

Study Regular sauna visits reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Sauna study: saunaing reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease Only recently, researchers reported that around one in two deaths from...

Study Reduced risk of colorectal cancer recurrence with four cups of coffee a day

Coffee consumption can reduce the risk of recurrence of colorectal cancerFor a long time, coffee clung to a health-damaging reputation....

Study smokers with reduced addiction in smoking cigarette placebos

Placebo cigarettes reduce the craving for nicotineMany people in the world smoke cigarettes. Even if doctors repeatedly advise against it,...

Study smoking significantly lowers the average life expectancy

Study: Significant reduction in life expectancy due to tobacco consumptionAccording to scientists, smoking has a significant impact on the average...

Study smoking harms the ears

Study: Smoking hits the ears09/26/2014 British researchers have found in a study: The more smoked, the higher the likelihood that...

Study smoking in pregnancy changes genotype of the unborn baby

Smoking during pregnancy is even more dangerous than previously knownAccording to German researchers, smoking during pregnancy may be even more...

Study smoking causes long-lasting DNA damage

Smoking can cause disease-causing genetic effectsSmoking harms our health is widely known. But not only our health suffers, our DNA...

Trial Rank and Slim - but suddenly heart disease

Being thin alone does not protect against diabetes and cardiovascular disease Obesity can promote diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This fact...