Study smoking harms the ears

Study: Smoking hits the ears
British researchers have found in a study: The more smoked, the higher the likelihood that the hearing will deteriorate. This also applies to passive smoking.
The scientists tested about 21,000 low-hearing participants and examined the subjects' smoking behavior and alcohol consumption. The results were compared with a control group.
Both smoking and alcohol consumption had a significant impact on hearing. Smokers had a 15% higher risk of hearing poorly compared to non-smokers. This showed a dose-dependency: the longer the subjects smoked, the higher the risk of hearing impairment. Also passive smoking harms the hearing. The longer they were exposed to smoke, the higher their risk.
Participants who consumed alcohol, no matter how much, were 40% less at risk of hearing loss than teetotalers. The alcohol was particularly protective when it was enjoyed with a meal. (Pm)