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Vegan-friendly cafeteria awarded

Which university cafeteria is the vegan-friendly01/11/2014 The „St. Paul - Veggie Zone“ The Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg was voted the vegan-friendly cafeteria...

Vegan author loving dogs and eating pigs

Vegan author: Why we love dogs, but eat pigs Vegetarian and vegan diet has long been on everyone's lips. The...

VDK rejects capitation of health insurances

The social association VdK energetically rejects a capitation at the health insurances: "Rent-zero rounds and capitation are incompatible". (30.04.2010) The...

VDK head rate makes patients insecure

Head rate makes people insecure: VdK President Mascher: "Low earners and pensioners are the losers" The social association VdK Germany...

VdK coalition breaks in before the employer lobby

VdK: Coalition collapses before parts of the employer lobby: Waiver of legal entitlement in the family care period disadvantaged caring...

VdK calls for poverty reduction program

VdK calls for poverty reduction programSocial Union VdK sees its position confirmed by UN analysis 06/07/2011 "Poverty reduction must be...

VDD presents curriculum for education

06/13/2013 Now, for the first time, there is a nationwide standardized curriculum for the training of dieticians, which has taken...

Father's Day Many teens get drunk

Father's Day: Many teens drink into a coma27/05/2014 On Thursday, the time has come: men across the country will be...

Father despite dry orgasms

„PURE“-Manager: Father despite prostate surgery 28/10/2014 It's been five years since physicians were the former handball star and today's „PURE“-Manager...