All articles - Page 244

Improved therapy for stroke patients presented

Novel procedure: revolution of stroke therapy Every year more than a quarter of a million people in Germany suffer a...

Improved medical care for migrants

Better medical care for migrants announced04/03/2015 People with a migration background have a hard time not only in their careers...

Improved intensive care unit of the future

Intensive care unit of the future Charité launches pilot project for improved intensive care unit 26/10/2013 The Berlin University Hospital...

Improved cardiac output Exercise tablets have similar effects to sports

New drug could help especially people with right heart failureIn a so-called heart failure, the heart does not supply the...

Improved thinking ability due to depression?

The good side of depression: Researchers are the first to demonstrate improved thinking in patients with depression 06.05.2011 Depression increases...

Improved estimation of breast cancer risk could prevent many deaths

Physicians are working on a new, more efficient way to predict breast cancerBreast cancer is a dangerous disease that threatens...

Association issues pension with 69 clear cancellation

VdK President Ulrike Mascher criticizes pension with 69 thought games of the Ministry of Finance 12/09/2011 The social association VdK...

Association welcomes cannabis for pain patients

Association welcomes cannabis cultivation for medicinal purposes 07/27/2014 A few days ago, the Cologne administrative court for many pain patients...

Impoverished intestinal flora Western lifestyle causes disease

Intestinal flora impoverished: How western lifestyle makes us sick Experts have long warned that our Western lifestyle plays an important...