Association issues pension with 69 clear cancellation

Association issues pension with 69 clear cancellation / Health News

VdK President Ulrike Mascher criticizes pension with 69 thought games of the Ministry of Finance


The social association VdK gives the deliberations of the Federal Ministry of Finance, the retirement age by another two years to 69 to increase, a clear rejection. VdK President Ulrike Mascher: "Older workers and retirees have not caused the financial and economic crisis, so now they should not be their victims." It made no sense to think about the "pension at 69" before the conditions for the "pension at 67" were created on the labor market, said Mascher.

According to the Federal Employment Agency, more than one third of all companies employ only employees younger than 50 years old. Only ten percent of new employees are older than 50. And just under half of all 55-year-olds are no longer working. Mascher: "Increasing the retirement age to 67 already means for many older people to extend their unemployment and thus deduct the amount of the pension, and retirement at the age of 69 would aggravate the problem and encourage the spread of old-age poverty."

The VdK President also made an appeal to the companies: "Even with the 'pension at 67', the conditions are not right: first of all, you have to ensure that employees under the age of 65 remain healthy in gainful employment, from which they can also live In order to maintain their employability, we need more training and health promotion in the companies, but this is currently only done by a fifth of companies ", emphasized Mascher. (Michael Pausder)