Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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3000 new foster homes through hospital reform
Nursing in North Rhine-Westphalia can benefit from hospital reform16/12/2014 Due to the planned hospital reform in federal and state governments,...
300 million euros more for doctors' fees
0.9 percent more fee for physicians from 2013 30.08.2012 The physicians demand higher pay and an announcement on the doctors...
300 campers infected with unknown virus
133 people had to be hospitalized on Saturday for a viral infection. According to authorities, around 300 people have been...
300,000 blackbirds died of Usutu virus
NABU: Tropical Usutu virus kills 300,000 blackbirds 10/09/2012 The German Nature Conservation Union (NABU) has calculated for the first time...
30 percent are in favor of legalizing cannabis
Majority of Germans see drug war critically - Hanfverband announces media campaign03/11/2014 According to a representative survey by infratest dimap...
$ 30 billion for complementary medicine
Americans spend around $ 30 billion annually on complementary medicine and therapies. This is shown in a recent analysis by...
30 years of AIDS Still no cure in sight?
30 years of AIDS: still no cure in sight? 06/06/2011 Thirty years ago the first public report was made about...
30,000 euros for early detection of breast cancer
€ 30,000 for early detection and cure of breast cancer: breast centers, support groups and other facilities can now apply...
3 different types of depression decrypted- In one, drugs are ineffective
Study: The three subtypes of depression The exact causes of depression are still unclear, although around 300 million people worldwide...
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