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Alzheimer's Insufficient sleep enhances protein deposits in the brain

Can protect adequate sleep from Alzheimer's? Researchers now found that sleep deprivation massively accelerates the spread of toxic accumulations of...

Alzheimer's is often not recognized

Numerous misdiagnoses in Alzheimer's patients 20/05/2011 Many Alzheimer's diseases are not recognized as such or delayed. Since, in particular, patients...

Alzheimer's How does dementia develop?

Alzheimer's: how forgetting occurs in the brain06/11/2013 More than 100 years ago, the neurologist Alois Alzheimer first noted and documented...

Alzheimer's vitamin B can help prevent dementia

Vitamin B could stem Alzheimer's disease: New studies show that senile dementia could be reduced by taking vitamin B on...

Alzheimer's disease and dementia Protein deposits in the nerve cells are damaging

Researchers decipher harmful effects of protein aggregates on the nerve cellsProtein deposits are linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's...

Alzheimer's discernible years before the outbreak

Alzheimer's: reduction of brain substance years before the onset of disease 15.04.2011 Alzheimer's disease can be seen in years before...

Alzheimer's risk changes the sense of spatial orientation early on

Activation in the brain area changed for navigation at Alzheimer's riskGenetically increased risk of Alzheimer's disease already shows early altered...

Alzheimer's prognosis Every third person wants to know

About half of Germans fear Alzheimer's disease 06/02/2014 Alzheimer's today has the status of a widespread disease with around 1.2...

Alzheimer's herbal alternative to gingko

Short news: Alzheimer's: herbal alternative to gingko12/10/2014 Researchers have shown in the mouse model that the Ashitaba plant (Angelica keiskei)...