All articles - Page 2190

Asthma - Climatic therapy in the gall can help

Allergen-free breathing air in the thermal tunnel reduces seizures 06/18/2014 A bad cough goes through the body, breathing is difficult...

Assisted Caesarean section Mother gets her child out of her stomach

In a hospital in Bad Oeyenhausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, a baby was born by a so-called "maternally assisted cesarean section". The...


Under the abbreviation "Asse" a salt mine in Lower Saxony is known, which was used for decades for the storage...

Asse toilet heavily radioactively contaminated

Experts find radioactive cesium in the toilet of the Asse employees 30/03/2013 At a check in the Asse final, experts...

Asse Increased number of leukemia disorders

The number of leukemia diseases is disproportionately high in the vicinity of the nuclear waste disposal facility Asse. According to...

Asse's inquiry will be continued

Inquiry committee for the nuclear waste disposal site Asse: Last witness examination started. Connection between nuclear waste storage and cancer...

ASA painkillers cause bowel diseases?

Regular use of analgesics may favor the intestinal disease Crohn's disease. (04.05.2010) The regular use of painkillers may possibly promote...

ASA risks Aspirin is a skin cancer risk, according to research

How does taking aspirin affect the risk of skin cancer?? For example, aspirin is used by many people to treat...


Aspirin is a medicine that was launched almost 100 years ago and is based on the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid...