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With wheat sensitivity, patients can help gluten-free

Although gluten is not the cause of wheat sensitivity, a gluten-free diet helpsPeople who suffer from symptoms such as abdominal...

In case of white spot disease avoid stress and sun

In case of white spot disease avoid stress and sun 25/01/2012 The professional association of German dermatologists advises patients suffering...

With foreskin constrictions caution is necessary

Foreskin narrowing (phimosis) Pediatricians warn: Caution should be exercised when foreskin constrictions. Doctors warn against forcible retraction of foreskin in...

In case of fullness, drink a cup of fresh ginger tea in advance

A cup of ginger tea before eating prevents feeling of fullness Although there are various drugs available against indigestion; According...

With a lot of testosterone, the man eats very hot

The higher the testosterone, the sharper the man eats14/12/2014 Men who have a high testosterone level seem to have a...

In the event of a breach of the smoking ban, Altenheim may terminate residents

District Court Münster: Fire hazard can endanger the lives of othersMünster (jur). If nursing home residents, despite the smoking ban...

For digestive problems What really helps with constipation

Digestive problems: what can help with constipation Everyone knows digestive problems. Causes can include stress, changing eating habits or switching...

In case of suspected medical errors Who can patients turn to?

Patients find support at various pointsIf a patient suspects that the doctor made a mistake in the treatment, he should...

If dyslexia is suspected, examine eyes

If dyslexia is suspected, have your eyes examined 28/09/2011 As the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) points out, not every alleged...