For digestive problems What really helps with constipation

For digestive problems What really helps with constipation / Health News

Digestive problems: what can help with constipation

Everyone knows digestive problems. Causes can include stress, changing eating habits or switching to travel. Often the problems disappeared as fast as they surfaced. But sometimes the constipation persists. Experts explain what can help with constipation.

Digestive problems are widespread

Every human being sometimes has digestive problems. For example, the change to travel or extensive feasts can quickly lead to constipation. Also, stress and certain diseases like diabetes can negatively affect digestion. Especially in advanced age, many people have digestive problems. Sometimes these lead to chronic constipation.

Digestive problems are not uncommon for many people. Experts explain what helps against constipation. (Image: Andrey Popov /

Normal digestion - chronic constipation

"The range of what is called normal digestion is great. It ranges from three defecations per day to three defecations per week, "writes the Gastro-Liga on their website.

"Rare bowel movements and hard stools that can only be emptied with effort are generally referred to as constipation," the experts added.

Chronic constipation is not discussed until patients have had difficulties over a period of six months over twelve weeks.

Then sufferers should consult a doctor to rule out serious conditions.

Natural home remedies

If the symptoms are not caused by a disease, simple home remedies for constipation can often help.

As a rule, it is recommended to move regularly, to always drink enough and to take a lot of time while eating, especially at breakfast.

It is also advisable to eat a high-fiber diet. Foods that contain a lot of fiber include wholegrain grain products such as wholemeal bread, cereal flakes, whole-wheat pasta and brown rice, as well as vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The fibrous connections are not only good for stimulating digestion, but also ideal satiety.

In addition, sour milk products such as yoghurt, buttermilk or concentrated milk have a positive influence on the intestinal health. And psyllium also help with chronic constipation.

Use of medicines

If all these measures do not help, medicines can also be used. For the treatment of constipation, according to the Gastro-Liga more recently "products with the ingredient macrogol used".

Or also remedies that stimulate the intestinal activity. These include preparations containing the ingredients sodium picosulfate, bisacodyl or extracts of senna fruit. "

According to the experts, "in the first instance means should be used which increase the volume of the stool and soften the bowel movement and only if this is not enough means which stimulate the intestinal activity". (Ad)