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Better health through hawthorn- How can the red berries be prepared?

Hawthorn: Red berries for syrup and jamWhen autumn starts, the fruits of the hawthorn glow red in the hedges. Few...

Better fitness through sports food?

Sports foods are often no better for fitness than a balanced diet 04/18/2014 Fitness bars, protein shakes and sports drinks...

Better chances for mother-child cures

Mothers and fathers should now apply for a mother-child cure 19/08/2011 The savings will of the health insurance has led...

Better care by a family doctor

Study Proves Health Benefits Through Family-Centered Care09/10/2014 Patients who have a permanent family doctor appear to receive better medical care....

Better chances of survival after cardiac arrest

Center of Excellence for cardiac arrest recovery 07/28/2014 Every year around 75,000 people in Germany are reanimated after a cardiac...

Better ultrasound and MRI instead of X-ray and CT

Pediatric radiologists are increasingly turning to ultrasound and MRI in young patients09/26/2013 Children are much more sensitive to radiation exposure...

Better stop smoking later than never

Heart attack risk decreases even with smoking cessation at 60 yearsOn average, smokers die of cardiovascular disease five and a...

Better without additives It shows good buttermilk!

Thick and full-bodied: pure buttermilk comes without additives Buttermilk is one of the most popular summer foods. The drink is...

Better fruit instead of sweets in the school bag

Parents fill their children's school bag with sweets instead of health 08/15/2014 Parents pay attention when filling the school bag...