All articles - Page 1756

First Ebola suspected case in Ghana?

Ebola: First suspected case in Ghana not confirmed08/07/2014 Since March, a severe Ebola epidemic has been raging in several West...

First Ebola infected fly to Europe

Spanish government has a Ebola sufferer from West Africa brought back08/07/2014 The number of people who become infected with the...

First Ebola case detected in Scotland

Scotland: Ebola case confirmed in Glasgow30.12.2014 In the UK, an Ebola case has been confirmed again. A woman reportedly got...

First diagnosed Alzheimer's case cleared up

Scientists were finally able to elucidate the first case of Alzheimer's disease through a DNA analysis 12/22/2012 The degenerative disease...

First glance People decide on attractiveness in milliseconds

Study shows: In less than a second, the decision on attractiveness falls Although proverbial love is rare at first glance,...

First African Homeopathy Congress in Kenya

First Pan-African Homeopathy Congress in Kenya by Elisabeth von Wedel, MSc.Hom, Chairwoman of Homeopaths Without Borders e.V. (HOG) 29/08/2012 Around...

First verdicts on the Ekelfleisch scandal

First judgments at the disgusting scandal talked about rotten doner meatMain accused awaits a heart attack after a separate procedure...

First transplantation of a skullcap succeeded

Doctors managed skullcap transplantation for the first timeA medical team in the USA has achieved a medical sensation. The physicians...

First transplantation of a uterus

Pregnancy with transplanted uterus? 09/20/2012 Swedish doctors have successfully transplanted two wombs (uterus) to women so they can get pregnant....