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Spring time is tick time How to protect yourself

How to protect yourself from ticks 15/05/2013 When the sun returns more frequently after the winter, the ticks also become...

Spring time is also pollen time Helpful hints against hay fever

Hay fever: pollen makes life difficult for allergy sufferers Although most people are happy about the beginning of spring, for...

Spring weather brings first sunburn danger

Spring is coming - and with it the sunburn danger 07/03/2015 Finally the temperatures are rising. The spring weather is...

Feelings of spring The myths about falling in love

Spring Feelings: Which Myths Are Right About Falling In Love?03/24/2015 Spring has arrived in Germany and with it also with...

New potatoes do not need to be peeled

The thin potato peel can be eaten without hesitationFinally, asparagus time again. The noble vegetables are as popular in this...

Spring cleaning detergents make you sick

Spring cleaning: a lot of chemistry and exaggerated hygiene can also make you sick 16.03.2012 In many households in Germany,...

Spring cleaning Infection risks due to Hanta viruses in the dust

Doctors warn about Hanta virus infections during spring cleaning Again and again, reports of an increased incidence of Hanta virus...

Spring tiredness Right dose light at the right time the best therapy

Light is the best therapy for spring tiredness According to experts, about a quarter of Germans suffer from spring fatigue....

Spring tiredness Naturopathy helps

Naturopathy helps with spring fatigue: Punctually at the beginning of the warmer days many people complain about the spring fatigue....