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Health authorities check today Abkochgebot

Intestinal bacteria in the drinking water: The authorities will inform tonight, whether the decoction of drinking water in Erfurt and...

Health authorities call for the flu vaccine

The Robert Koch Institute and German health authorities are calling for vaccination against the flu. For the first time a...

Health authority Warning of health hazards due to fox tapeworm

Small intestinal parasite detected in two foxes in Harburg and Bergedorf Beware of the fox tapeworm in Greater Hamburg! The...

Health authority closed Berliner restaurants

Hygiene deficiencies: Health authority and police closed Berlin restaurants. In one case, a preliminary investigation was initiated. 24/11/2010 A total...

Health expenditure reaches record high

287 billion euros in health expenditure in 2010 05/04/2012 Health expenditure reached its previous record high of 287 billion euros...

Health Atlas 2015 Twice as many sick leave due to mental illness

Number of sick days due to mental illness continues to increaseThe number of sick days due to mental illness continues...

Health Department Warning of infectious colibacteria in tap water

Authority warning: Drinking water in Central Hesse contaminated with coliform bacteriaIn parts of Central Hesse caution is required due to...

Health Department Danger from diarrhea pathogens

Salmonellosis: Office warns of diarrhea pathogens08/07/2014 In the district of Central Saxony, diarrheal diseases due to salmonella infections have increased...

Health News Many people know too little about diseases

A quarter of the population has clear knowledge gaps Many people in this country are insufficiently informed about diseases. This...