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Toxic bitter substances Vegetables from the home garden can be toxic

When vegetables from your own garden become toxicWho grows vegetables, must pay attention to whether it contains poisonous bitter substances....

Poisonous berries 10 children in the hospital

Ten children after eating poisonous berries in the hospital 12/10/2013 Beware of poisonous berries: In Mönchengladbach some children of a...

Toxic Careful with daffodils and tulips

Do not touch tulips and daffodils without gloves 04/01/2015 Easter bells and tulips enjoy a relatively early flowering flower among...

Toxic or not? Rowan berries with tart-sourish enjoyment

Falsely classified as toxic: But rowanberries need to be heated well!If you walk through fields and meadows in the autumn,...

Toxic? Is the green tomato potion a cancer risk?

Toxin Solanin: How dangerous is the green stalk of tomatoes?Everyone has already wondered in the preparation of tomatoes, whether the...

Poison in grapes determines winemakers puzzle over origin

Examiners find insecticide in Saxon gold RieslingFood supervisors found the insecticide dimethoate in a must during a routine check in...

Poison in school dinner 22 students die

Insect venom apparently causes numerous deaths in the East Indies 07/18/2013 At least 22 students have died after eating canteens...

Gift in a paper cup at Coffee to go

Coffee cups for coffee to go may contain plasticizers and other hazardous chemicals 07/01/2014 For many professionals, coffee to go...

Gift of a rare snake base for a new very effective painkiller

Drug does not make you dependent and is more effective than opiumThe venom of a rare snake from Asia could...