Poisonous berries 10 children in the hospital

Poisonous berries 10 children in the hospital / Health News

Ten children after eating poisonous berries in the hospital


Beware of poisonous berries: In Mönchengladbach some children of a Protestant day care center apparently have fruits of the "black nightshade" (also „nicandra“) and then complained of headaches and abdominal pain. As the „Rheinische Post“ As a result, all 42 children were examined as a precaution by an emergency doctor and ten children were finally taken to other children's hospitals for further examinations.

At least two children eat from „black nightshade "
In a church daycare in Mönchengladbach have according to the „Rheinische Post“ At least two children ate the inedible plant "black nightshade" and then showed symptoms of intoxication such as constipation and headache. In order not to take any risks, all 42 children between the ages of two and six years were examined as a precaution by an emergency physician for signs of intoxication, because „according to initial information, the poisonous belladonna could not be excluded. There was also a high probability that other children could be affected“, so the information of the professional fire department Mönchengladbach. Ten of the children were finally taken as a precaution for further investigations in two children's hospitals, five of which had to remain for observation overnight.

Educators feared belladonna
The plant from the genus of the nightshade had grown according to the RP through a fence on the nursery grounds and so made accessible to the children. The educators of the facility had initially feared that the plant could have been the very poisonous belladonna (Atropa belladonna), but this suspicion was quickly averted. Lucky in misfortune: Because in this case, according to the „Information center against poisoning“ of the University Hospital Bonn, three to four berries in children can lead to symptoms such as dilation of the pupil, dry mouth, skin redness and overheating, palpitations and hallucinations.

Poisoning in children second most common type of accident
Poisoning is very fast especially in children and is the second most common type of accident after falling. The most common cause of child poisoning accidents is the swallowing of household remedies such as household cleaners or personal care products - these poisonings usually involve relatively mild or no symptoms. It is much more dangerous when children get poisoned by contact with drugs, poisonous plants, corrosive substances or lamp oil.

In the case of poisoning accidents, always dial 112 immediately
Here it is particularly important that the case is assessed correctly and the appropriate first aid is provided promptly. Therefore, the emergency call should always be placed immediately below 112 and a Poison Information Center contacted. Another useful support for parents, educators and offers the app „Poisoning accidents in children“ the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. This is available in the respective app stores for free download. (No)

Picture: Rainer Sturm