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GKV relocation of Hartz IV recipients?

It is possible that the Federal Ministry of Labor Hartz IV plans beneficiaries who are in private health insurance (PKV),...

GKV Massive increase in additional contributions expected at the funds

Significant increase in additional contributions expectedThe contributions in the statutory health insurance (SHI) will increase significantly in the coming years,...

GKV calls for closure of 12,000 medical practices

Health insurance companies plead for closure of 12,000 medical practices 08.07.2011 About 12,000 doctors' practices could be closed according to...

Ginkgo does not promote bleeding

New meta-analysis confirms high safety of ginkgo extracts Ginkgo biloba is one of the most intensively studied medicinal plants. Extracts...

Ginkgo extracts New in the S3 guideline Dementia

Up to 1.5 million people in Germany today are living with dementia, with about 244,000 people becoming ill each year....

Ginkgo extracts in dementia

Ginkgo extract continues to be the focus of dementia research 28/09/2012 Ginkgo biloba is one of the best studied medicinal...

Ginkgo extract protects against dementia

Ginkgo extract protects against dementia 02/13/2013 The Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761® (Tebonin®) apparently slows down memory loss. This...

Ginkgo biloba is unfit for tea cooking

Federal Institute warns: Ginkgo biloba is unsuitable for tea cooking. (26.04.2010) Many plants are an important part of our food....

Is still the two-liter water daily ration? So much water should adults drink

Physical mechanism: 2-liter rule not relevant when drinkingWater is vital to the human body. If we absorb too little of...