Ginkgo extract protects against dementia

Ginkgo extract protects against dementia / Health News

Ginkgo extract protects against dementia


The Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761® (Tebonin®) apparently slows down memory loss. This is shown by new analyzes of a French long-term study involving around 4,000 study participants.

In a public-funded study by the University of Bordeaux, ginkgo extract in dementia is a useful treatment option. The focus of the long-term study was the Ginkgo special extract EGb 761®. It has been evaluated for its effectiveness in preventing diminished memory, loss of verbal fluency, and diminishing visual memory.

Of the 3612 non-dementia participants who were 65 years or older at baseline, 3 were divided and compared: 589 participants took EGb761®, 149 participants received piracetam, a conventional antidiabetic agent, and 2874 participants reported that neither EGb761® nor piracetam had been used to have.

To preserve memory
In the study participants who had taken EGb 761®, the mental performance deteriorated significantly more slowly over 20 years than those who did not take any active substance for memory protection. In participants who had taken Piracetam because of memory problems, the performance even worsened significantly more.

Speak better and remember pictures
In terms of verbal fluency and visual memory, the result for EGb 761® was similarly positive. Although no difference was found between the EGb761® group and the group that did not take either of the two drugs. However, the deterioration in the piracetam group was significantly faster. (Amieva H, Meillon C, Helmer C, Barberger-Gateau P, Dartigues JF Ginkgo biloba extract and long-term cognitive decline, A 20-year follow-up population-based study.) PLOS one 2012; 8 (1): e52755 )

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Picture: trolltroll