Taping or taping - effectiveness and application

Taping or taping - effectiveness and application / Naturopathy

Tapen - an overview

Taping - a relatively new, therapeutic method that is on everyone's lips. For many years, this technology has already been established in Asia, Japan and the USA. It is used by physiotherapists, doctors and non-medical practitioners and is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, including Germany. Here's how the promising taping works and what healing effects are attributed to it.

  • Definition: Taping is a treatment method that applies special, elastic adhesive tape to the skin using a variety of techniques.
  • Action: The tapes are attributed a variety of effects. These include e.g. the reduction of pain and swelling, stabilization of the joints, improvement of muscle function and release of tension.
  • Application areas: Taping can be used for muscle strain, knee problems, back pain, tension, joint problems or for the prevention of sports injuries.
  • Contraindications: In some cases, such as In case of skin diseases, allergies, bone fractures or simultaneous use of blood thinners, the adhesive strips may not be used or only after consultation with the appropriate doctor.
  • Important: The correct application of the tapes requires a sound education and should therefore be done only by professionals.


  • Tapen - an overview
  • What is taping?
  • Development of the Kinesio tape
  • Effectiveness of taping
  • Applications for Kinesio tape
  • Gluing is not a panacea
  • Appearance, texture and application of Kinesio tape
  • Importance of colors in taping
  • Contraindications
  • Allergic reaction
  • Precautions to be taken
  • Where is glued
  • The right attachment of the tapes
  • Training necessary
  • Difference Aku-Taping - kinesiological taping
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

What is taping?

The term "taping" (English tape 'tape') describes a therapeutic method in which using various techniques special patch tape to be applied to the skin. The tape bandage, often referred to as "tape" for short, is used by physiotherapists, orthopedists and sports doctors for the treatment of acute conditions as well as for prevention.

Taping can stabilize and so relieve back and rib pain. (Image: ehrenberg-bilder / fotolia)

The adhesive tapes adhering to the skin are stretchable, so that the freedom of movement is not restricted by the application or sticking. Because the movement is crucial if the tape bandage should bring a healing effect and relief.

Development of the Kinesio tape

The founder of Kinesio Taping is the Japanese doctor and chiropractor Kenzo Kase, who developed this method more than 30 years ago. Tapen was already known, but with a rigid band, which was mainly used for immobilization.

The novelty of the kinesiological taping was that here no solid band, but a cotton band with an acrylic adhesive layer is used, which is breathable and stretchy. The skin adheres to it and with each movement, their layers are raised and receptors stimulated, creating a constant stimulus for affected muscles, ligaments or joints.

Taping was originally used only for orthopedic problems. Meanwhile, however, this also finds its way into other areas, such as pain therapy and gynecology. The basis of the various methods is Kinesio Taping, which dates back to Kenzo Kase. The name is derived from the Greek, "kinesis", which means movement. The adhesive tape is usually applied to pre-stretched muscles or joints. The freedom of movement is not restricted.

Effectiveness of taping

Tapen is a gentle method to force healing. By applying the tape, the skin is gently massaged with every movement, which stimulates the lymph and blood flow. The underlying structures are brought into a mild state of irritation, which stimulates both the metabolism and the self-healing powers.

Although there is currently no scientific evidence for the effect of Kinesio tapes, but many users report positive changes by attaching the colorful stripes on the skin. Accordingly, it may be worthwhile trying out the promising technology.

According to the field reports, the positive effects of taping include one

  • Improvement of muscle function,
  • pain reduction,
  • Relief of inflammation,
  • Stimulation and strengthening of the lymphatic flow,
  • Promoting blood circulation,
  • Stabilization of the joints,
  • Improvement of joint mobility,
  • Support of the healing process after injuries
  • and the reduction of tension.
Kinesio tape can be used to prevent and stabilize athletic activity as well as acute pain. (Image: ronstik / fotolia.com)

Applications for Kinesio tape

Taping is now used in a variety of ailments and conditions according to the diverse modes of action.

Areas of application for the Kinesio tape are, for example:

  • Treatment of Musculoskeletal problems such as. in the area of ​​the spine, joints and muscles
  • Preventive use in the professional sports, to protect and support massively stressed areas of the body (for example, taping of the elbow joint in tennis or squash)
  • prevention of low back pain
  • Prevention of Problems in the area of ​​the knees or the Achilles tendon
  • muscle strain
  • aching
  • For support after operations
  • Orthopedic complaints such as joint pain and effusions
  • Shoulder stabbing or shoulder pain
  • knee pain
  • hip pain
  • wrist pain
  • Pain on the spine
  • elbow pain
  • Gynecological complaints such as menstrual pain or ovulation pain
  • Internal problems like abdominal pain or diarrhea

Gluing is not a panacea

The application of elastic cotton tapes is not a panacea, but can be used to support many diseases. However, if the energy flow in the body is blocked for whatever reason, a so-called regulatory rigidity arises, which can cause the therapies used so far, including the adhesive tape, to have no positive effect.

The term regulation stiffness is known in natural medicine and states that, for example, an unhealthy diet causes the metabolism to be so adversely affected that a blockage prevails in the affected area. Here, these must first be resolved, with most of the measures for detoxification and / or deacidification are applied.

Appearance, texture and application of Kinesio tape

The tape consists of a high quality elastic cotton fabric that is stretchable up to 160 percent. On its underside, a skin-friendly acrylic adhesive is applied in wave form. The tape is latex free.

The body heat keeps the band even better and can stay on the skin for up to seven days. Showers and sauna are not a problem as the band can not store water. The exception is salt water or heavily chlorinated water, which both helps to dissolve the tape faster. Sweating, on the other hand, does not hurt.

After showering, the tape should not be rubbed dry with a towel, but only dabbed. A waiting period of at least thirty minutes must be kept between sticking the tape and a sporting activity, because during this time the band must first really connect with the skin. This "sealing time" is important in order to develop sufficient effectiveness.

The different colors of the tapes are related to different physical and emotional effects. (Image: mdbildes / fotolia.com)

Importance of colors in taping

The tapes are all the same in nature, but still available in different colors. The main colors are red and blue, next to which are e.g. Green, black, yellow and beige bands available. Many users assume that these are based on the Chinese color theory and therefore each color has a specific effect on the body. Whether there is actually a connection here, however, is not proven and disputed among experts.

In practice, the colors of the tapes are often attributed the following meanings or modes of action:

  • Blue: Has a cooling, soothing and relaxing effect. Therefore, frequent use e.g. with bruises, swelling and acute pain.
  • Red / Pink: Activating, warming, stabilizing, releasing blockages and promoting blood circulation.
  • Yellow: Generally has a positive and mood-enhancing effect, increases well-being and stimulates the metabolism.
  • Orange: Strengthening and stimulating effect on the affected body area.
  • Beige / Skin Color: These tapes are neutral and are therefore often used for the face, neck and other visible areas.
  • Green: Balancing and harmonizing effect, promotes inner peace and balance, supports the healing process.
  • Black: Signals strength and power, acts neutral and is therefore often used by athletes. Often in combination with other tapes to support their effect.

In some practices, patients may choose the color they prefer. If the affected people reject the color, the effect may also be lost.


Taping should not be used on everyone, contraindications also exist here. Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life, and it is important to consult her before using the gynecologist. In the case of existing diseases that have not yet been clarified by conventional medicine, the doctor must be consulted before using the tape.

Caution should be exercised when taking blood-thinning medications. Also in the field of mental illness taping should not just be used lightly, but it should be sought in advance medical advice. The method should also not be used on diseased skin and in allergies as well as in the area of ​​a fracture or rupture.

Caution should be exercised when taking certain medications and should always be consulted with the therapist first. (Image: grafikplusfoto / fotolia.com)

Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction to the tape is rare. This is most likely to happen in patients who have very sensitive skin. If itching and / or redness occurs, the tape can easily be removed to help the skin recover. The glued tape is moistened with water or oil and then slowly and carefully detached from the skin.

Precautions to be taken

Some precautions have to be taken before taping. The skin to be glued on must be free of grease, clean and dry. Often it is first cleaned with a damp cloth or with a disinfectant solution and then dried well.

If a strong body hair is present at the area to be treated, the hair is shortened before bonding. If these are completely removed by depilation, the application of the adhesive strips should be maintained for at least one day, as it does not treat skin irritations. The ends of the bands are always rounded off with a pair of scissors before sticking so that they do not come off the skin so quickly.

Where is glued

The main pain site is the first area where the strip is used. The therapist may choose another place to tap on. The tape lingers there for between five and seven days and is renewed several times, depending on the symptoms.

The right attachment of the tapes

Depending on the area of ​​application, taping distinguishes between different investment techniques.

So is the tape in the so-called muscle conditioning glued on beginning of a muscle and in the direction of its origin or vice versa. This helps against muscle cramps, increased muscle tension (hypertension) or low or weak muscle tone (hypotension).

Another technique is the Ligament conditioning. The possible uses are, for example, the relief and support of joints.

In the Faszienanlage The stripes are not centered on the scene, but attached laterally. The indications here are malpositions and malpositions.

The nervous system For example, compressions of the nerves or sciatica are used to slightly stretch and improve the gliding ability of the nerve.

Another option is the Lymphanlage, in which the tapes are glued in strips to improve the lymphatic flow. This is especially useful after surgery or other injuries to relieve swelling and aid the healing process.

Applying a lymphatic tape can be very helpful for a swollen knee or leg to promote the removal of jammed fluids. (Image: sunlight19 / fotolia.com)

Based on Chinese medicine, is the so-called Energy Technology to mention. Here, the Qi (Chinese term for life energy) is stimulated or reduced by taping on certain meridians. For pain therapy, grid plasters are often applied to the affected area. The wallpaper is also used to quench scars, allowing the energy to flow again.

Important: All mentioned plant techniques are to be carried out by trained therapists.

Training necessary

Taping is a form of therapy that can be applied properly to support healing and relief in a variety of areas. Sticking different colored tapes is a method that definitely requires a sound education. The possibilities of this form of therapy are constantly evolving. Kinesio taping, aku-taping, emotional taping, medi-taping and sticking of grid patches already exist.

Difference Aku-Taping - kinesiological taping

The Kinesio Taping is applied to anatomical knowledge directly on the painful area. The aku-taping, a further development of this, combines the anatomical laws with the knowledge of Chinese medicine and is therefore more versatile. However, the effect remains controversial. For both methods, these should only be used by professionals.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a more than 3,000-year-old holistic, harmonious healing system that has its origins in China. TCM includes acupuncture, dietetics, massage, tuina, kinematics and much more. Body, soul and spirit are inseparable in Chinese medicine. Health means harmony of yin and yang, which exist as opposing poles in every human being.

In TCM, there are five elements that accompany the rhythms of nature. For example, people, their organs, illnesses, but also characteristics, such as anger, fears or anger are assigned to these rhythms. An example of this is the liver. Anger or anger is its negative quality, and wood is its element.

Acupuncture, also part of TCM, has become established and is gaining more and more recognition. According to the mindset of Chinese medicine, the body goes through various energy channels, on which the acupuncture points are arranged.

The knowledge of TCM, especially acupuncture, is included in the therapy form of the Aku-Taping. For example, tapes are glued to meridians (energy channels) to increase the flow here. (Sw, nr, last updated on 22.3.2018)