Crystal healing

Crystal healing / Naturopathy

Healing stones in the stone healing

Followers of stone healing are convinced that with the help of healing stones the mental and physical health is promoted. In this article, we provide information about the healing power of the stones is said and in which applications they find echo. Stone healing is a form of therapy that is used more and more frequently and can be used in both humans and animals.

Historical review
How stones work
Color effect of the healing stones
Vibration energy of the healing stones
Effect of minerals and trace elements
Effect on the body
Examples of application

Historical review

Rocks and rocks were the first "living things" on our planet. This includes the gems and crystals. These grow as well as plants and animals, but extremely slowly. And the slow growth is also the reason that man holds stones for "dead". For many hundreds of years humanity has valued gemstones and crystals. They were worn as a gift or lucky charm to the gods and appreciated as jewelery.

Thousands of years ago, the Chinese discovered the healing abilities of the stones and treated people by placing them on certain body parts. In Europe, for example, the well-known Benedictine Hildegard von Bingen in the eleventh century extensively dealt with the effect of the healing stones and applied them successfully. Unfortunately, in the age of industrialization, knowledge about the power of stones was forgotten. However, today people are more and more recollecting nature and giving space and time to this ancient healing method.

The crystal healing uses the positive effect of the stones for therapeutic purposes. Image: PhotoSG /

How stones work

All stones have a so-called crystal lattice, which is useful for their structure. Depending on the type of crystal structure, eight in number, the healing stones have different effects. In addition, there are the various mineral classes and trace elements that influence the healing effect. The mineral classes include natural elements, sulfides, halides, oxides, carbonates, sulfates, phosphates and silicates. What additionally influences the effect of the stone is its color. Each color has a specific vibration and thus has a different effect on the organism.

Color effect of the healing stones

Color is created by the action of light. Light and color create vibrations. Each color has an individual energetic vibration and thus achieves a wide variety of effects.

Red is the color of love, red represents temperament and energy. Red warms and heats. Determination and consistency are supported by red. However, in excess, red can lead to aggression. The color orange stands for balance. Orange provides relaxation and relieves blockages. Everything is flowing with yellow. It ensures serenity and sociability. Green is the color of hope. Green is important for every new beginning and ensures inner peace. Blue is a cool color and provides peace and relaxation. Blue stands for cleanliness, sobriety and defense. Golden stones support heart function and bring light to life. Pink stones promote self-love and awaken even in adults, a childlike happiness. The color Indigo consists of purple and dark blue. It has an intensive effect on all sensory organs and relieves pain. Violet is the color of spirituality and purification. Violet promotes sleep. White is not really a color, but white stones have their special effect. White means clarity, purity and helps with cramps. Black stones help against pain and resolve old traumas.

Vibration energy of the healing stones

Every matter emits vibrations, both positive, neutral, and negative. For example, hematology assumes that, for example, computers cause negative vibrations that can put a lot of strain on people. Healing stones, however, have powerful and positive vibrations that harmonize, stimulate, calm, protect and also have a healing effect. If the human being, which consists of body, soul and spirit, gets out of balance, then the right chosen healing stone can reconcile the whole structure and achieve a healing in this way.

Effect of minerals and trace elements

Healing stones consist of minerals and trace elements. Most of them are contained in the human and animal organism. Examples of minerals are calcium, magnesium and sodium. The trace elements include fluorine, zinc, chlorine and selenium. Minerals and trace elements are vital for humans and animals. Since also gemstones and semi-precious stones contain these substances it is easy to understand that the healing stones emanate a positive effect.

Effect on the body

The effect of stones on the body is made up of several factors. Once the vibration of color penetrates the body, which has a certain meaning and effect. Added to this is the composition of the stone. The content of minerals and trace elements, which are mostly contained in the organism, provides different effects. In many cases, it is necessary to use several stones to achieve the desired result.


In the field of stone healing there are many different applications. This includes wearing the chosen stone on the skin, in the form of a necklace, a bracelet or a drilled stone using a leather or silk ribbon. In addition, stones are often used in stone healing, especially in therapeutic treatment in practice. Thus, after a detailed anamnesis, the appropriate stones or the matching stone are determined and then placed on specific body areas. For example, in case of cramps in the abdomen, the application of a magnesite is extremely helpful. This is a white stone that contains magnesium and thus can help against spasmodic pain of the hollow organs.

The Massaging with stones belongs likewise to the stone healing. Suitable stones in the form of spheres, pencils or flat stones are used to massage areas of the body.

Also the internal intake is possible. For example, in the form of a gemstone water, where a certain stone is placed in clear, still water for several hours and then drunk.

The Taking in gemstone essences is being used more and more often. Similar to Bach flowers, the vibration of the stones was transferred to an alcoholic solution. Thus, the gemstone essence over a longer period and does not need to be mixed again daily, as is the case with the gemstone water.

Many proponents of crystal healing wear the Chosen stones as so-called flatterers in your pocket. These are stones that are shaped to be comfortable in the hand.

A meditation can be assisted by bringing in the right gemstone. This is held in the hand, as a chain umgehängt or placed in the form of several stones as a stone circle around itself. Rock crystals, rose quartz or amethyst are often used here.

Examples of application

Rose quartz
Rose quartz is chemically composed of SiO2 (silicon dioxide) and belongs to the quartz family. Rose Quartz is mined mainly in Namibia, Kenya, Brazil and Madagascar. It is the stone of love and the heart and has the most diverse healing effects on the body, both humans and animals. Rose Quartz has its main effect on heart, blood and circulation. It provides vitality and fertility. This pink shimmering stone reinforces the sense of the beautiful in the world and intensifies love, trust and love.

rock crystal
The rock crystal is also chemically SiO2 and belongs to the quartz. The main sites for the rock crystal are Brazil and the Alps. The rock crystal is one of the most famous healing stones and harbors healing properties for a variety of organs, as it has a strong cleansing effect. Rock crystal is used in stone healing especially combined with rose quartz for protection against computer rays.

The purple amethyst belongs to the family of quartz and is made of silica. He is mainly found in Brazil, Uruguay, Western Australia and Mexico. The amethyst is a very special protective stone and has a calming effect on the heart and nerves. Placed under the pillow he ensures a healthy sleep. Amethyst has a positive effect on creativity and provides the right view of true friends.

Cleansing of healing stones

All healing stones must be regularly cleaned so that they can release the recorded vibrations, which are sometimes quite negative, and thus be able to work again. Most stones are cleaned under running cold or lukewarm water and can then be charged in an Amethystdruse or near Bergkristall. Other stones in turn are discharged overnight on hematite stones or a bowl of salt. The nature of the purge should be inquired during the purchase, so that the structure of the stone is not destroyed by wrong cleaning. (Sw)