Pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht

Pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht / Naturopathy

The pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht (LnB) is a gentle treatment concept with which even chronic pain of many years can be massively reduced or completely eliminated. The basis for this pain therapy is based on the theory that ninety percent of the pain is not caused by damaged tissue, but is caused by muscle.


What causes pain
Pain types according to Liebscher and Bracht
Warning pain, congestion pain
injury pain
injury pain
disease pain
Pain treatment - expiration - four building blocks

What causes pain

It is usually thought that pain is due to damage. So it is quite clear that, for example, the herniated disc, the hip or knee osteoarthritis and the frozen shoulder are the causes of the pain, the lower sufferers affected.

However, the followers of the pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht see this completely different. Ninety percent of all pain is considered a warning pain. The body tells its "owner" to be careful that he should pay more attention to himself. In addition, these pains are considered to be from the muscles. Causes are too much pressure, over- and / or Fehlbelastungen, which lead to painful muscle tension.

Pain types according to Liebscher and Bracht

The classification into different types of pain is very clear at Liebscher and Bracht. There are five different types of pain here.

Warning pain, congestion pain

These account for ninety percent of the pain. Warning pains, as the name already suggests, warn those affected of damage to the musculoskeletal system. The pain should shake up and encourage the initiative to do something for the health. The warning pains arise at the transition from muscles to tendons. At the muscle attachment are so-called tension receptors, which are to protect the tendons from overstretching. If the muscle tension is too great, the signal "Attention" is sent out.

At the present time, people are moving less and less, which means that most joints use only about fifteen percent of their movement potential. The muscles are not stretched enough, they shorten and the body reacts with a reduction in connective tissue fibers. Normally, Beuger and Strecker always work in balance. However, if one of the two has more power, the tendons are stretched more than necessary and thus the warning pain arises at the muscle attachment.

Overload pain is noticeable by overloaded muscles. If these are very pronounced, it shows a "burning", which is quite reminiscent of inflammation. Both types of pain do not arise due to damaged tissue, but are caused by muscle.

injury pain

Damage pains actually arise from damage, which, however, the body has already pointed out some time before by warning pains. If these are disregarded, further damage eventually occurs, which is reflected in the damage pain. Damage pain also includes the warning pain, since the muscles are always affected in addition.

injury pain

Injuries are caused by acute injuries such as broken legs or bruises. Again, warning pains are present at the same time.

disease pain

Organic diseases cause so-called disease pain. Cancer, gastritis, otitis media, angina - all this is associated with disease pain. The disease pains are also accompanied by warning pains emanating from the organ-surrounding muscles.

Pain treatment - expiration - four building blocks

In the pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht, neither drugs nor any apparatus are used. Instead, after a detailed medical history, the indexed pain points are pressed. This is the first building block of pain therapy. In total, there are about seventy pressure points here.

One point is acupressed for about one and a half minutes and then it's the turn of the next one. With the Pressur of the selected places the pain receptors are to be reached, in order to achieve a kind of elimination. This pain point compress is an acute treatment to significantly reduce the pain. The body gets the impulse "relax muscle". The goal is to reduce or completely eliminate warning pains. During the treatment, those affected are asked to what extent the pain that was used prior to treatment at one hundred percent is reduced by the therapy. If the pain does not improve or if it returns within a short time, it may be necessary to clarify the cause of the pain with a differential diagnosis from a doctor.

After the pain point treatment, the second component, a so-called bottleneck extension, takes place. This consists of special movements in which the affected muscles are brought into massive strain, in order then to be able to relax maximum. The structures involved are also strengthened and the strain on the spine and joints is reduced. These bottleneck strains have nothing to do with "normal" stretching exercises known in the sport. Those affected receive training instructions, mostly in written form, to take home for about fifteen minutes a day. These exercises are very important in reprogramming the muscular deformities and firmly anchoring the new "attitudes". The average is between two and four times.

The third building block includes nutrition, detoxification and deacidification. A too acidic diet usually leads sooner or later to an over acidified body (see hyperacidity). These excess acids sometimes cause muscle hardening. To tackle this, a base-rich diet is set, in which above all the renunciation of animal in the foreground. Detoxification is appropriate when the body is loaded with excess slag and toxins. This is due to longer medication intake, stress, environmental toxins and much more. Depending on the patient, an individual detoxification plan should be created. This contains, for example, nutritional recommendations and tea recipes, supported by homeopathy, herbal medicine or the Schuessler salt therapy.

The fourth and final component is a movement training called LnB-Motion. This is offered in specialized movement schools. The exercises are mainly used for aftercare in order to achieve freedom from pain in the long term, but they can also contribute to prevention.


The following painful conditions are usually good to treat with the pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht. These include back pain, migraine, tennis elbow, tendonitis, sciatica, shoulder discomfort, arthrosis, heel spurs and much more. Pain caused by a tumor or injury can not be treated with this method. However, this already looks different after a healed fracture. The muscle pain caused by malposition is quite an indication for this form of pain therapy.


According to the theory of Liebscher and Bracht are pain to ninety percent so-called warning pain, triggered by muscular tension, but can be treated very well with the pain therapy. This treatment includes a concept of four building blocks: pain point compression, constriction, metabolism regulation and LnB motion.

The sooner the affected person introduces themselves to a therapist who works after the pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht, the faster the pain relief or freedom from pain can occur. If the muscles are not stretched for a long time, they shorten and thicken, which results in the muscles getting less and less oxygen and over acidifying. In addition, the pressure is getting bigger and thus also joints and spine can be damaged. Often, no freedom from pain can be achieved even at night.

All four components of pain therapy are important for achieving long-term success. Humans are encouraged to take their illness into their own hands and tackle it with their own strength, perseverance and regularity under the guidance of trained therapists. (Sw)