Rules therapy

Rules therapy / Naturopathy
There is no clearly valid definition of order therapy until today. It is a demand for a healthy lifestyle and thus the basis of all naturopathic therapies. Already Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC), the famous Greek physician of antiquity, already spoke of the importance of a healthy lifestyle for humans. Sebastian Kneipp (1821 - 1897) presented the order therapy as one of the five pillars of his therapy system. These include water, medicinal plants, exercise, nutrition and the order of life, also known as order therapy. Likewise, this form of therapy plays a major role in the physician Max Bircher-Benner (1867-1939). He described a healthy lifestyle essential for the success of any healing process.


  • The conscious lifestyle
  • Various authors comment
  • Bircher-Benner and the order therapy
  • The natural rhythms
  • The Mind Body Medicine
  • Summary

Already the abbess Hildegard von Bingen (1098 - 1179) was familiar with the concept of order therapy. She placed these on six columns. Each person should therefore pay attention to the following: natural needs, characteristics of the food, sufficient sleep, balance between exercise and rest, natural excretory mechanisms, balance of the mind.

The order therapy covers numerous areas and can describe life in harmony with body and mind. (Image: plumber /

The conscious lifestyle

For the therapies of Pastor Kneipp, but also for all other naturopathic therapies, a healthy lifestyle is the basis for health and well-being. This includes conscious experience of nature with all its rhythms such as the seasons, the moon and the daily routine, regular sleep and wakefulness, balance of work and leisure, regular food intake, responsible use of stimulants, healthy, balanced, moderate diet, lots of exercise the fresh air, active leisure activities and cultivating social contacts. All of these components are part of a conscious lifestyle or fall under the generic term of order therapy.

Important to mention are the relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, autogenic training, breathing exercises and Qi Gong, which are also part of the order therapy.

Various authors comment

On the subject of order therapy took place in the years 1980 to 2003, the most diverse authors position. Here are some examples:

Wolfgang Brüggeman quotes Kneipp, who described the order therapy as a "new way of life". Hans Dieter Henschel describes it as a regulatory relationship, both in physical and mental areas. Victor Harth defines this form of therapy as the return of man back to his order and calls it the basis of all natural remedies. For Robert M. Bachmann, order therapy is the umbrella term for relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation and respiratory therapy. In the Pschyrembel, the medical lexicon, the term is defined as follows: The order therapy includes suggestions and aids for an orderly lifestyle and this on the basis of naturopathic experiences. These include procedures for restoring mental order, such as logotherapy.

Bircher-Benner and the order therapy

Maximilian Bircher-Benner acted out of his own experience. He repeatedly suffered from sleep disturbances during his medical studies. For this reason, he divided his daily routine very structured, made a precise plan, for example, contained breathing exercises, which he always performed at a very specific time. At that time he was sure that this self-control, this rhythmical routine of the day, would bring back his sleep.

Bircher-Benner divided the order therapy into nine regulatory laws. The whole thing he called a "therapeutic order". These included the following laws: Organizational Law of Food, Equilibrium Law of Nutrition, Law of Economy, Oral Law (sufficient chewing), law of order of the skin organ, law of order of the lungs, order law of the relation to gravity, law of order of the rhythm of life and the law of order of psychic life. For Bircher Benner illness arose through a kind of disorder, a disturbance of periodicity in the context of body and soul. For him, the order of healing was extremely important. Bircher Benner opened a sanatorium where patients had to come to terms with a variety of rules. The environment of the sick, the staff involved - all this was important to him to cure patients. The order therapy was not a form of therapy, but a concept for a healthy lifestyle and at the same time already the expression of wholeness, the interaction of body, soul and spirit.

Today, however, this is different. The order therapy is still not a therapy in the sense of a healing method, but it is no longer considered to be superior, but is the basis of all naturopathic therapies dar. If the affected defend against any healthy lifestyle, then the natural therapies carried out little or no bring success.

The natural rhythms

Especially in today's stressful and sometimes chaotic time, the order therapy is more important than ever. The natural rhythms that most people have lost are becoming increasingly important. Man moves further and further away from his actual biological rhythm. Reasons for this are the increased work without daylight, the rapid change of different time zones - made possible by traveling in an airplane - and manipulating the natural menstrual rhythm by taking hormones.

Excessive stress, permanent overstimulation and emotional conflicts increasingly focus on the "outside", whereby the retreat, the relaxation, which is increasingly displaced after "going inside". This not only leads to ailments but also to illnesses. This is where the order therapy comes in, trying to bring life back into balance.

Many things can not be changed immediately or completely, but one or the other can be incorporated into one's own life and thus can improve one's health. In holistic medicine today the order therapy is the basis for the cure. However, the patient should be ready for this. It may be necessary to rethink life, to change the diet and to integrate various new, firm rhythms and rituals into everyday life.

The Mind Body Medicine

Slightly pimped out, with an English name provided, the Mind Body Medicine based on the findings of the "old" order therapy. Freely translated this can be called "mind-soul-body-medicine". This means taking your own health seriously, taking good care of yourself and your own body. If necessary, this must first be "cleaned up" in the head. Old habitual patterns of behavior are reconsidered, the diet is changed and affected people have to get involved in the changes, such as regular exercises in the morning or the daily evening walk.

These are the essential points of a healthy lifestyle, as they are also underlying the order therapy. (Image: Trueffelpix /

Integrative medicine combines conventional medicine and naturopathy. Mind Body Medicine has its place here: mindfulness, relaxation, awareness of one's own body and lifestyle changes. The inner attitude of perceiving oneself and listening to one's own belly is the beginning. Affected people are encouraged to avoid everything that makes them sick. This is followed by relaxation methods, moderate, individual movement concepts and a healthy diet. This modern order therapy sets itself the goal of integrating procedures into everyday life that reduce stress in order to develop a healthier lifestyle over time. In this way, the self-healing powers can act again, which is attributed a great importance, especially in naturopathy.

It has been known for a long time that long-term stress damages the body and results in a variety of illnesses. Many people are no longer able to really relax - they have forgotten this and are unable, both in their free time and on vacation, to unwind. These patients should definitely learn to plan and enjoy regular breaks.


The modern order therapy includes healthy nutrition, exercise, balance of tension and relaxation, coping with stress, cognitive reorientation, social support and help from naturopathy. In a nutshell, order therapy is important in rebalancing the mind, soul and body, which in turn is a prerequisite for the success of a holistic treatment. (Sw)