Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil / Naturopathy

The evening primrose oil has now gained a great reputation as a herbal remedy. From the plants of the evening primrose, the seeds are used, which contain about twenty-four percent fat, extremely healthy oil. Evening primrose oil is used both externally, neat or as an ointment, as well as internally as a dietary supplement or in the kitchen.


The evening primrose
Production of evening primrose oil
Gamma-linolenic acid
linoleic acid
Effects of evening primrose oil
External application
Application internally
side effects
Evening primrose oil for animals

The evening primrose

The evening primrose, of which there are about one hundred and twenty different species, is native to North, Central and South America and was brought to Europe about four hundred years ago. It then spread to Europe. The evening primrose is a biennial plant that grows on dry, stony soils. Their growth form is, as their name suggests, like a candle. The flowers are yellow and open only at dusk. In the evening and at night, moths are attracted by their beguiling scent. The flowering time is very short, it lasts only until noon of the next day.

Evening primrose oil has been used for medical purposes for centuries. Image: H. Brauer / fotolia.com

Initially, the evening primrose was considered only a beautiful ornamental plant, but later it was appreciated as a vegetable and medicinal plant. Especially their healing effect became more and more important. The well-known evening primrose oil, which is won from the seed, is meanwhile from the naturopathy indispensable and is used internally both externally.

Production of evening primrose oil

Although the seeds of the evening primrose are tiny, they make an effective oil. The seeds must dry after being cleaned, as they must not contain more than nine percent water. The oil is obtained by cold pressing, without heat. As a result, all valuable fatty acids, colors, fragrances and flavors can be preserved. Unfortunately, today more and more cost and time reasons are being used to work on processes in which high temperatures and the addition of chemicals destroy healthy components and, in addition, make them toxic. Therefore, when buying a primrose oil should be paid very much to purity, controlled cultivation and production process.

The high quality evening primrose oil, when exposed to oxygen, quickly rancid. Opened bottles should always be kept well closed, cool, dry and dark. The shelf life of an opened bottle is a maximum of three months. Locked bottles last for about a year. Since a high-dose intake over a longer period is recommended, evening primrose oil in capsules is preferable to the liquid form.


The oil of the evening primrose is very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential, meaning the body can not produce them on their own, but they have to be fed through the diet. The proportion of essential fatty acids in evening primrose oil is about 80 percent. These are linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. Furthermore, the oil still contains amino acids, minerals and vitamin E. Essential fatty acids are important for the maintenance of the cell membrane, regulate the cholesterol metabolism and are used for the production of hormone-like substances. A healthy cell metabolism is a prerequisite for a healthy body. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also included in linseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and in all cereal germ oils.

Gamma-linolenic acid

Gamma-linolenic acid is produced in a healthy body of dietary cis-linoleic acid. For this process, the enzyme delta-6-desaturase and sufficient linoleic acid must be present. From the gamma-linolenic acid formed, prostaglandin E1 is subsequently produced by means of a complex process. This is a substance that has different functions in the body and that initiates metabolic processes. Prostaglandin E1 is involved in the breakdown of fat cells, lowers cholesterol levels, provides an intact immune system, controls brain function and supports hormonal balance. Above all, this counteracts inflammation of the skin. If the enzyme is missing for the conversion of linolenic acid or if too little linoleic acid is present, these processes are disturbed. Here is successfully administered evening primrose oil, which can catch this deficiency by its high content of gamma-linolenic acid and linolenic acid.

linoleic acid

Linoleic acid is one of the essential fatty acids. Essentially "essential", which refers here to the fact that these fatty acids can not be synthesized by the body itself, but are vital. Linoleic acid must therefore be supplied to the organism. To prevent a deficiency, about five to seven grams a day are needed here. Linoleic acid is included, for example, in safflower oil, soybean oil, hemp oil, sunflower oil and evening primrose oil.

Effects of evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil has a great influence on the inflammatory process in the body due to its very special composition. The pattern of messengers involved in an inflammatory event is altered by the polyunsaturated fatty acids present in the evening primrose oil.

The body needs essential fatty acids for its health, which it can not produce itself. Therefore, the linoleic acid must be absorbed through the diet. Evening primrose oil contains this linoleic acid. From this, the body produces the gamma-linolenic acid under the action of an enzyme, from which prostaglandin E1 is subsequently produced. This transformation process can be blocked by smoking, improper diets with too high levels of saturated fat, alcohol, too little exercise and stress. If the formation of prostaglandin E1 is hindered, the cellular immune system is disturbed and an inflammatory reaction, especially of the skin, is opened the door. Here, the intake of evening primrose oil intervenes helpful.

External application

The oil can be applied externally undiluted. The essential fatty acids they contain are building blocks for the formation of phospholipids from which the membranes of skin cells are produced. This contributes to the healing and regeneration of the skin. The skin becomes supple and the moisture content is strengthened. Especially with inflammatory skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, the evening primrose oil can be applied both internally, as well as externally helpful. It helps with itching, redness and scaling of the skin, improves cell metabolism, regulates sebum production and ensures a healthy balance of the skin. Especially mature skin responds very well to the treatment with evening primrose oil. It gains elasticity and moisture.

Application internally

Evening primrose oil is often used in naturopathic practice in atopic dermatitis, psoriasis (psoriasis), dry skin and itching. This is also recommended with success in polyarthritis (inflammatory disease of the joints), ankylosing spondylitis (chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease of the spine), high cholesterol, pollen allergy and premenstrual syndrome (symptoms three to four days before the period). In the menopause evening primrose oil supports the hormonal balance.

Evening primrose oil must be taken relatively high, over a longer period of at least eight weeks to be taken in order to achieve an effect. In naturopathic practice, this oil is also used to prevent pollen allergy. The patient starts taking evening primrose oil during non-allergenic periods, for example in November or December. This often improves the allergy frequency and / or intensity. Even in the acute allergy phase, evening primrose oil can improve the symptoms.

Externally, envelopes with evening primrose oil have been successfully used in skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

side effects

Very rare side effects of internal use are indigestion, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Pregnant women, nursing women and people suffering from epilepsy should consult their doctor before taking it. Even in children, the internal application should be clarified by a doctor before.

When applied externally, it should be noted that the application of evening primrose oil or an ointment or cream containing it should not take place before exposure to the sun. Here the application is recommended in the evening. For epileptics, the external application should be discussed with a doctor

Evening primrose oil for animals

Evening primrose oil is now also used in veterinary medicine. This is used both internally and externally. Supplementary feeds or supplements made especially for dogs and horses that contain evening primrose oil are available. The evening primrose oil is used for skin diseases, allergies, greasy, flaky or dry skin and hair loss. Beneficial for the animals is the application of evening primrose oil externally with inflammatory skin irritation by parasites. (Sw)