
fasting / Naturopathy
Therapeutic fasting is an ancient healing method that was formerly used for ethical and religious reasons rather than for healing purposes.

Fasting above all means a renunciation of solid foods and stimulants. Over a limited period of time, the focus is on inner retreat, adequate hydration and regular defecation. Walks in the fresh air, conscious rest periods and a cleansing of soul and mind can also be part of the healing fasting. Therapeutic fasting contributes to an increase in general well-being, but can also be used for the treatment of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, allergies and rheumatism, or can be used preventively. Even Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC) used in his treatments the power of healing fasting.

modes of action
Fasting Cure
When does fasting help
Fasting methods
Fasting in naturopathy

modes of action

The lack of solid food relieves the whole body, but especially the digestive organs. The body turns on the fasting after two days on the hunger metabolism, which means that the body feeds itself from the inside, in which he reactivates the easily retrievable food depots. The organism does not have to use as much force as if it were to perform normal digestion. Through this power, the body mobilizes its self-healing powers. This also corresponds to the term "fasting". The organism frees itself of metabolic end products, that is, it begins an internal purification process. To support this, an ample supply of still water and herbal tea is important.

Instead of solid food, vegetable broth is on the menu during the fasting process. Image: InPixCommunication /

Some basic rules must be followed during fasting in order not to diminish the success. This includes the prohibition to eat solid foods and the obligation to eat only water, tea, juices, vegetable stock or whey. A fasting cure also includes the renunciation of pleasure poisons (nicotine, alcohol) and sweets ... During the fasting is the physical "wishes", such as rest, exercise and the like to comply. Also important is the colon cleansing at the beginning of every fasting and possibly also during the cure.

Various processes take place in the body during the healing process. Digestive juices are again produced in normal quantities. The acidity of gastric juice is reduced. At the beginning of fasting, a little more bile juice is initially produced. This then slowly decreases during the course of the cure. The gallbladder can empty completely and release substances such as mucus, semolina and possibly even smaller gallstones.

The fasting begins with a provoked defecation. This makes it easier for the body to eliminate deposits, slags and the like and absorb nutrients. Cholesterol and proteins are released from the vessel walls, salts and uric acid from the tissue. Acid deposits in the connective tissue, which are felt as painful Gelosen (indurations in the subcutaneous and muscle tissue), can be solved by the fasting. Fasting makes the connective tissue firmer, relieves joints and intervertebral discs, and lowers blood levels. In addition, the heart and circulation are relieved, making breathing easier and the body can absorb more oxygen.

These various body processes also change the smell of sweat, urine and stool. In fasting, not only the body fasting and purifying, but also spirit and soul can feel relief. This can sometimes be represented by emotional ups and downs. Frequently, the fasting cure is associated with a weight loss, which should not be in the foreground. Therapeutic fasting is primarily used to cleanse the body, soul and spirit. Fasting is not a walk but requires discipline and perseverance to survive the fasting crises that occur. However, during prolonged fasting, the body releases endorphins, so-called happiness hormones, which in turn can contribute to a good body sensation and positive mood.

Fasting Cure

The duration of the fasting should be chosen individually. We recommend a timeframe of five days to two weeks. The fasting begins with at least two days of preparation, when little and consciously eaten. Fat and generous foods should be avoided. On stimulants should be dispensed already in this phase. In order to prepare the body for the time of feeding, the fasting begins with a defecation by Glauber's salt, F.X. Passage salt or with the help of an enema.

During the fasting diet, solid food is avoided and neither coffee, alcohol nor nicotine are added. A sufficient fluid intake of at least two and a half liters of still water and herbal tea is necessary so that the metabolic products can be eliminated. In some fasting diets a little vegetable broth, juices, whey and some honey are allowed. The feeling of hunger that spreads in the first few days is soon over and most people feel full of energy, up to a euphoric mood, which is caused by the resulting happiness hormones.

The strict fasting is now increasingly critical. For example, the release of various metabolic products can trigger an excess of uric acid, which results in a gout attack.

Gentler methods such as juice fasting or Buchinger's fasting with vegetable broth, juices and honey are more recommended, as these methods are not so stressful for the body.

For people who can not or do not want to fast for days, one-day fasting is recommended once a week. This happens of course without previous colon cleansing. In this special form of fasting, for example, only fruits are eaten, coffee and alcohol shunned and enough tea or water drunk.

When does fasting help

Therapeutic fasting is used in a wide variety of diseases. These are, for example, joint diseases, skin diseases, allergies, tendency to infection, indigestion, obesity, hypertension and circulatory disorders. But even to perform once or twice a year a kind of "spring cleaning" or "autumn plaster" for the organism, the fasting is suitable. Fasting without medical supervision requires absolute health. If there are any illnesses, the doctor should be consulted before the start of a fasting cure, possibly a therapeutically accompanied therapeutic fasting is necessary here.


Fasting is contraindicated in case of severe weakness, anemia, serious illness, tumors, thyroid disease, depression, psychosis, eating disorders, diabetes, gout, and severe illness. Likewise, pregnant women, children and adolescents should not fast. Generally, it has to be considered that fasting fasting can influence the effect of various medications. Again, a consultation with the attending physician is necessarily required.

Fasting methods

Buchinger fasting
The Buchinger fasting cure was named after the German physician Otto Buchinger (1878-1966). This is a gentle fasting cure, also known as drinking diet, in which the body gets about 250 kilocalories by supplying juices and vegetable broth. Likewise, vitamins and minerals are added to the organism, as well as dairy products if required. To aid the colon cleansing, enemas are used. The Buchinger method is a fasting method that protects the metabolism, but still gently cleanses the body and activates the self-healing powers. Often the Buchinger fasting cure is used in clinics.

Fasting to F. X.Mayr
The Franz Xaver Mary cure includes a milk-bread-diet. Crucial here is the extremely slow chewing and salivating the stale rolls. Each bite must be chewed for a minute or two, then a teaspoon of milk is added, which is sucked by the spoon. Then the whole thing is chewed again and eingespeichelt until the bread roll-bite finally swallowed. The slow and detailed chewing process empties the salivary glands and prepares the stomach for digestion, meaning that some digestion already takes place in the mouth.

whey fasting
As the name implies, whey fasting consumes no solid food, but a liter of whey, drunk throughout the day. There are also half a liter of fruit juice and three liters of still water. In the morning, a glass of sauerkraut or plum juice is drunk to aid the colon cleansing.

Tea fasting only allows tea and still water. This is the most extreme type of fasting and should only be practiced by absolutely healthy people or under medical supervision.

Therapeutic fasting after Hildegard von Bingen
The fasting cure according to Hildegrad von Bingen provides a gentle body cleansing. A large amount of fluid is supplied to the body. Every day a so-called "fasting soup" consisting of spelled and seasonal vegetables may be consumed. Only fennel tea is drunk. A few ginger biscuits, according to Hildegard von Bingen's recipe, are supposed to support body cleansing.

In juice fasting, only different fruit and vegetable juices are drunk, while fruit fasting, fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts fed. In order to compensate for the loss of protein during fasting, some fast foods also contain protein in the form of buttermilk or a protein concentrate.

Fasting in naturopathy

Therapeutic fasting is now part of the therapy in many naturopathic practices. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, many health practitioners recommend to detoxify, detoxify and deacidify. An individual treatment plan is created depending on the symptoms and initial situation of the patient. Thus, the healing fasting is accompanied by naturopathic means of phytotherapy, homeopathy or Schüssler salt therapy.

In the spring, for example, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver has its peak, which is why at this time supporting methods to detoxify the liver are particularly useful. This happens, for example, with dandelion, nettle and goldenrod. So here the fasting cure can be supported in conjunction with a tea blend. In autumn, the lungs need support. Herbs such as lungwort, coltsfoot and thyme are used to help. (Sw)

Picture 1: Rüdiger (Roger) Uwe Eichler