Sweet herb - application, effects and recipes

Sweet herb - application, effects and recipes / Naturopathy
The sweet herb, or Aztec sweet herb (Lippia dulcis), is still relatively unknown to us as a medicinal herb. In its American homeland of Mexico, however, it has been part of traditional folk medicine for centuries, if not millennia. Characteristic of the sweet-scented plant is not only a high sugar content, but also a considerable content of camphor, which makes the plant a highly appreciated in Mexico remedy for respiratory diseases and painful inflammation. What Lippia dulcis can do and how the plant is best used as a medicinal herb is revealed in our post below.

Caution, danger of confusion! Not to be confused is Lippia dulcis with stevia, also known as sweet herb. Although both plants are so-called sweetener plants, but the Aztec sweet herb can not be used as a sweetener due to its high camphor content.


  • Wanted poster for sweet herb
  • herbs portrait
  • Ingredients and effect
  • Application and dosage
  • side effects

Wanted poster for sweet herb

plant genusPhotos: Sweet herbs (Lippia)
plant family: Vervain Family (Verbenaceae)
Folk name: Tzopelic Xihuitl, sweet lemon shrub, Mexican Lippi herb, sweet oregano
Occurrence: Central America, Mexico
application areas:

  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  • cold
  • flu infections
  • to cough
  • Gastrointestinal disease
  • indigestion

Used plant parts: Leaves, flowers, roots

The sweet herb, or Aztec sweet herb (Lippia dulcis), is still relatively unknown to us as a medicinal herb. In his native Mexico, however, it has been part of traditional folk medicine for centuries. (Image: Melica / fotolia.com)

herbs portrait

Together with lemon verbena belongs Aztekisches sweet herb to the so-called vervain plants (Verbenaceae). Special flavors are in these plants so in the family. And also the high ornamental value in the garden is relatively common among the Verbenaceae. In Lippia dulcis this consists on the one hand of the delicately toothed, ovate leaves, which have a greenish-red color play during flowering. On the other hand, also the heady inflorescences of the sweet herb look very ornate. Like the leaves of the plant, they exude a sweetish fragrance that magically attracts not only human gardeners but also a number of beneficial organisms.

tip: The up to 60 centimeters tall plant has a creeping growth and is therefore wonderful as ground cover. It does not need excessive care, but it should be noted that the exotic greenhouse does not tolerate frost and must therefore be wintered indoors in our house.

In Europe, sweet herb became known only in the 16th century, after the Spanish physician Francisco Hernández the plant 1578 first described in his work "Rerum Medicarum Histora". However, in the Aztecs of Central America Lippia dulcis was known much earlier, but here under the name Tzonpelic Xihuitl. The Native Americans used the herb as a panacea for respiratory diseases and colic. In modernity, the medical use of sweet herb has expanded significantly and now includes the following health complaints:

  • Respiratory complaints (e.g., asthma, dyspnea, bronchitis, cold and cough);
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (e.g., diarrhea, colic, gastrointestinal flu or constipation);
  • other health complaints (eg menstrual disorders or circulatory disorders).

Ingredients and effect

As far as the sweetish taste, as well as the healing effect of Aztekish sweet herb is concerned, the plant-specific essential oils are decisive. They contain a number of well-known drugs in the medical field, whose health value is largely proven.


Its extreme sweetness is due to the sesquiterpen hernandulcin. It was named after the first describer of the plant, Francisco Hernández, and is about 300 times sweeter than Stevia and 500 to 1000 times sweeter than sugar. In addition, since it hardly has any calories, researchers have already proposed terpene as a natural sweetener. However, there is some caution here, because sweet herb contains besides hernandulcine other terpenes, the dosage of which must not be done without measure. An example of this is the high content of camphor in Lippia dulcis. The monoterpen is indeed for his

  • antimicrobial,
  • antirheumatic,
  • respiratory liberating,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • cardiovascular-strengthening,
  • antispasmodic as well
  • muscle and nerve calming

Effect known, but it can easily lead to overdose of the drug to eye and respiratory irritation, as well as nausea and perception problems. This is due to the keenly burning qualities of the camper. Well dosed, they are able to liberate mucous airways and are therefore highly valued, especially for colds. In excess, however, outweighs the aggressive aspect of Kampferschärfe, which causes irritation and nerve disorders. Thymol has a much milder effect on sweet herb. Like camphor it has one

  • expectorant,
  • disinfecting,
  • antibacterial
  • and antifungal

Effect, but is much gentler to the organism. Especially the antifungal property of thymol predestines the active ingredient for the disinfection of skin and mucous membranes. In addition, the terpene is often used as an additive for antimicrobial mouthwash and toothpaste. The fresh taste of thymol in combination with its respiratory-clearing effect is also a positive side effect in respiratory diseases.

Thymol, one of the active ingredients in sweet herb, is often used as an additive for antimicrobial mouthwash and toothpaste. The freshness of taste is also a positive side effect in respiratory diseases. (Image: Fumie / fotolia.com)


One last important ingredient in sweet herb is quercetin. The yellow natural dye is one of the flavonoids commonly known for its

  • antioxidant,
  • promoting blood circulation,
  • vascular protective,
  • Cardiovascular stimulating
  • and sometimes also cancer-inhibiting

Effects are known. The quercetin in Lippia dulcis is affected by all these healing effects, which explains the beneficial effect of the herb on menstrual and circulatory disorders.

by the way: The anti-spasmolytic effect of sweet herb, ie its healing power in convulsions in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and abdomen, has now been scientifically proven. The herb was therefore recommended by the responsible researchers, especially for the treatment of bronchospasm.

Application and dosage

The harvest of sweet herb can be done year-round. When cooking, sweet herb can be used especially for sweet fruit salads, fruit juices, smoothies, cold or quark dishes. Medicinally, in addition to the aromatic leaves, the flowers and the rhizome of the plant can be used. You can either chew or process the herb fresh or dry it for later use. However, it is recommended to use sweet herb primarily fresh, as in particular the healing hernandulcin volatilises rapidly during the drying process.

Cold extract of sweet herb

The most traditional form of application, for example, for the treatment of colds or cough, is in addition to the chewing of fresh plant parts in the case of sweet herb, the presentation as a cold extract (macerate). For this purpose, the fresh root or leaf herbs are placed in lukewarm water and the extract is allowed to stand for about two to three hours. After sieving the herbs, the maceration can then be drunk in small sips.

Süßkraut tea

Alternatively to the cold extract also the preparation of a tea is possible. Thanks to its warmth, it also has a relaxing and invigorating effect on the body. However, the tea should not be brewed too hot, since extreme heat supply will destroy the ingredients of the plant just as fast as drying. For tea, it is best to cool it slightly and let it simmer for about ten minutes before eating it.

Sweet herb tea also has a relaxing and invigorating effect on the body thanks to its warmth. However, the tea should not be brewed too hot, as extreme heat loss destroys the ingredients of the plant. (Image: Heike Rau / fotolia.com)

tip: The malty-sweet taste of Lippia dulcis, as well as the disinfectant properties of the herb, predestine it for use in the field of oral hygiene. Cold extracts and suds can also be used wonderfully for mouthwashes.

Tincture of sweet herb

Finished tinctures of sweet herb are unfortunately very rare to find. However, you can also produce a corresponding tincture easily, provided you have some patience. Simply add some clear alcohol (for example, vodka, brandy or brandy) and put the sweet herb in it for about four weeks. The extract should be allowed to ripen in sunlight in a clear glass container during this time before the herbs are sifted and the tincture is filled for storage in a dark bottle.

side effects

It should again be noted that Lippia dulcis may not be used without restriction as a substitute for sugar. An overdose of medical drugs could lead to skin and mucous membrane irritation especially with regard to camphor. Furthermore, nausea, anxiety, shortness of breath and confusion in a camphor overdose are not uncommon. In the worst case, even memory loss (amnesia), apathy and epileptic seizures may occur.